Needed: Her Mr Right. Barbara Hannay

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Needed: Her Mr Right - Barbara Hannay

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Nausea rose from the pit of her stomach.

      She had to get a grip, had to think like an editor, not a panicking victim. It was time to think in terms of crisis management.

      As calmly as she could, she said, “Tell me one thing, Mr Tanner. We’re not on air, are we?”

      “Of course not. There’s no need to panic. I only work with print media.”

      A huff of relief escaped her. “OK…RyanTanner…I’m trying to remember if I’ve seen your byline.”

      “Used to be with The Sydney Chronicle, but I’ve been in London for the last year and a half.”

      “And you believe you have something that belongs to me?”

      “You must know what I’m talking about, Simone. Your diary.”

      Thinking fast now, she realised she had to play for time, needed space to think, to work out a suitable response.

      “Mr Tanner—uh—Ryan, I have people queuing up in the office here. I’ll have to call you back. Say in fifteen minutes?”

      “OK, no problem.” He gave her his number.

      “This is your private number?”

      “Mine and only mine.”

      Dropping the receiver, she sank back into her chair, cowered with shock for a second or two, then jumped to her feet and began to pace the office, her mind racing at a hundred miles an hour. What could she do? How on earth was she going to handle this nightmare?

      There was only one answer: very carefully.

      She wished she knew how her diary had ended up in Ryan Tanner’s hands. Had someone sold it to him? How many people had read it?

      Fighting panic, she tried to unscramble her thoughts. She had committed the sordid details of her secret to paper and she’d exposed Belle and Claire too. And she’d recorded the pact she’d made with Belle and Claire—their commitments to find important people from their past, to right past wrongs.

      How could she have been so thoughtless? So careless?

      Oh, help.

      Oh, hell!

      Keep calm, girl.

      Yes, she had to stay calm. If she kept her head, she might be able to find a way to deflect Ryan Tanner, to wriggle out of this. But she had to handle things very carefully, had to get him answering her questions, not the other way round.

      She waited twenty-seven minutes, twenty-seven nerve-racking, nail-biting, agonising minutes before she rang him back.

      “Hello, Mr Tanner.”

      Her heart thumped so loudly it filled her ears and she could hardly hear his reply.

      “Simone, thanks for calling back.”

      “I’m rather busy, so I can’t speak for long, but I do appreciate your willingness to return my lost property.” Cringe. She sounded way too prim and uptight. She tried again, more casually. “Perhaps you could drop the book off at our front desk? Any time that’s convenient would be fine.”


      She did her best to ignore the totally annoying coiling sensation deep inside her when he said her name, warming it with his dark midnight voice.

      “There are a couple of things I’d like to speak to you about.”

      “I’m sorry, Mr Tanner. I’m not interested in talking to you. Certainly not before I verify that this book is mine.”

      “It’s yours, Simone.”

      She clenched the receiver so tightly it should have snapped in two.

      Ryan Tanner could be planning anything—even blackmail.

      “How—” Her voice came out squeaky and scared. She paused, tried again. “How did the diary come into your possession?”

      “Rainy day. Sydney Airport. Lovely girl waiting for a taxi. A backpack with a side pocket. Any of that ring a bell?”

      Simone stifled a cry. This guy had been there? He’d been watching her at the airport?

      Her frantic fingers twisted the phone cord. Was he stalking her?

      She thought of the hot-looking guy she’d caught checking her out. Surely he wasn’t Tanner? He hadn’t looked like a stalker.

      “So…so what are you saying, Mr Tanner—Ryan? You want to meet?”

      “Why not? What about lunch?”

      She needed more time, needed to find out as much as she could about this guy. “I—I’m busy today. How about tomorrow? Can we meet somewhere tomorrow?”

      “Why wait? Couldn’t you make time today?”

      She sighed. Perhaps it would be better to meet him; otherwise he might track her to her home. Best to get this over, to be rid of him.

      Her throat was dry and she swallowed. “All right. Where do you want to meet?”

      “How about the Jade Dragon restaurant in Chinatown? Unless you’re tired of Chinese?”

      “I’ll be there at one.”


      RYAN felt unusually on edge as he headed for Chinatown.

      Had Simone Gray cast a spell on him?

      How else could he explain why he’d invited her to lunch rather than taking the simple option of sticking her diary in the post or dropping it off at City Girl’s front desk?

      How else could he explain his need to see her, to check again exactly why she’d stood out from the thousands of travellers at the airport?

      In the photo in City Girl, her pretty eyes were sparkling, her mouth curved with laughter. He’d been entranced. Seeing a picture of her was like hearing a teasing scrap of enchanting music. He wanted to hear the whole song.

      Under other circumstances, he might have gone out of his way to impress her at this meeting. Flashiest restaurant in town. Top wines. Waiter primed to fuss over her.

      But she was already in panic mode and Ryan suspected that kind of carry-on would only make her more suspicious. Besides, it wasn’t really his style.

      As he passed through the traditional paifang gate into Sydney’s busy, bustling Chinatown, he caught the tempting aromas of lemon grass, ginger and chilli rising from woks and he felt strangely nervous about this meeting—almost first date nervous.

      Crazy, given his age and his track record with women, and the fact that, as far as she was concerned, this was so not a date.

      He reached

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