Outback Wife and Mother. Barbara Hannay

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Outback Wife and Mother - Barbara Hannay

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      ‘But you took time out for the important business of eating.’

      Fletcher grinned and reached out to take her hand. ‘I’m rather glad Lucette harangued me into coming to your show.’ He looked down at her hand, which seemed so small and white in his sun-tanned grasp. ‘No rings,’ he said and then added with a lift of one dark eyebrow, ‘Does that also mean no strings?’

      ‘My work pulls me in all kinds of directions,’ Ally admitted. ‘But no strings of the personal variety. I’ve been rather single-minded about focusing on my career.’

      ‘I can’t believe there haven’t been numerous attempts to sidetrack you.’

      She tasted the crisp, white wine Fletcher had chosen while she considered his comment.

      ‘A girl has to be careful.’ She looked straight into his bright blue eyes. ‘There have been plenty of wolves in the forest, but I always thought Little Red Riding Hood was far too easily led. I’ve mostly ignored them and just kept on going, heading straight for Granny’s house.’

      ‘In this case, Granny’s house being the Quintessential label?’

      ‘Yes.’ She smiled.

      ‘So, after the resounding success of this evening’s show, perhaps you’ve earned yourself a little diversion,’ he said.


      But, just remember, a warning voice sounded in her head, that is all this man who lives three states away can possibly be—a temporary diversion. A pleasant—an extremely pleasant—dinner companion.

      The meal was superb. A delicious soup of seafood simmered in coconut milk, ginger and coriander was followed by special Thai curries—a green beef curry for Fletcher and a red chicken version for Ally. Both dishes were accompanied by aromatic spoonfuls of fluffy, jasmine rice.

      For Ally, the meal, the wine and the accompanying conversation were highly charged. While no one else had ever made her feel so comfortable, her bubbling emotions continually kept her on edge—incredibly excited and happier than she could ever remember, but nervous, too, wondering what on earth she would do when this meal was over and it was time for them to go their separate ways.

      They talked and laughed together and she found herself telling Fletcher more about her love for fashion and her ambitions, and he listened intently, making her feel that she was a fascinating conversationalist. He talked a little about the conference that had brought him to Melbourne and very briefly about Wallaroo Downs.

      Throughout the meal, his eyes were watching her. They seemed to travel restlessly from her face and throat to her arms and back again and she knew he was as sensitive as she was to something intensely strong and powerful filling the space between them. It was a heady, almost suffocating tension. This must be what they call sexual chemistry, Ally thought with bewildered fascination. Until now men had only ever induced in her a kind of bemused, gentle stirring of her senses. But Fletcher’s compelling masculinity triggered an elemental need that startled her.

      So that when they left the restaurant and stepped out onto the street, Ally found herself turning to Fletcher and saying a trifle nervously, ‘My apartment’s only two blocks away. We could walk there if you like—for coffee.’

      ‘Great idea,’ he said with an easy smile and took her hand as they set off.

      You’ve only just met the man, Ally kept reminding herself as they passed late-night coffee shops and silent, darkened office buildings. So, your hormones have come out of hibernation, but just remember you never, ever sleep with anyone on a first date.

      ‘How long are you in town for?’ she surprised herself by asking. It was a question she’d avoided all evening.

      ‘Three days.’

      Only three days! ‘Oh.’ Ally bit down hard on her lip, but it was too late to stifle the cry of disappointment.

      Perhaps Fletcher shared her reaction, for he paused and, drawing her into the shadows of a shopfront, gathered her closer to him.

      ‘And that reminds me...’ he murmured.

      ‘Reminds you?’ Ally’s voice trembled, her breath snatched away by his proximity. Up so close, she could feel his warm breath on her cheek, sense the strong muscles beneath his suit jacket and smell the spicy tang of his aftershave. In the scant light thrown by a street lamp some distance away, she could see his delicious smile. His eyes held hers and as she looked into the blue depths, she knew she had never wanted to be kissed more than she did now.

      If only he needed to kiss her as much as she needed to taste his beautiful, sensuous mouth. Her ears buzzed, her heart had surely stopped beating. Was she breathing? Everything seemed to have stopped.

      ‘I’m reminded,’ he whispered, ‘that it’s time to start kissing you now. We really don’t have time to waste, do we?’ His hand cradled her cheek. ‘I’ve been wanting to kiss you all evening,’ he said. Then he lowered his lips to hers, to take her mouth gently in a kiss so tender, so tempting, that it only served to fire a desperate longing for more. Her lips parted eagerly as his mouth met hers again, to kiss her more deeply, more urgently, his arms binding her hard against him.

      Ally hardly knew how to cope with the jolt of wild sensations that surged through her.

      ‘O-oh,’ she moaned softly, wondering if her feet still touched the ground, knowing at once that she belonged in this man’s arms. Not wanting his mouth to ever leave hers. Nothing had ever felt so right.

      He broke away as footsteps approached.

      ‘We need somewhere private where I can kiss you very thoroughly.’

      ‘We’ve nearly reached my place. It’s just around the corner,’ Ally replied, ignoring with reckless ease the alarm bells rung by her well-exercised conscience.

      They walked quickly. The lift shot up to her apartment, and once inside, Ally switched on the low table lamps. In the warm pool of light, Fletcher looked at her, holding out his arms with a smile that banished any lingering inhibitions. And she walked into them, as eagerly and gladly as if it were what she was born to do. He threaded his fingers through her dark hair.

      ‘You know, Ally, I don’t consider myself a wolf. It’s not usually my policy to rush these things.’

      She felt a ridiculous stab of dismay at the note of caution in his voice.

      ‘Well, to be honest, I like to get to know a man before I let him...kiss me,’ she forced herself to admit.

      ‘It’s a bit reckless, can be dangerous in fact.’

      ‘It certainly can be,’ she muttered, burying her head into his chest and breathing in the mixture of cotton and silk of his clothes combined with the cleanly masculine scent of his skin. Hearing the pounding of his heart.

      ‘So perhaps I should leave now?’ he breathed against her cheek, as his fingers gently stroked the nape of her neck.

      ‘Do you really want to know what I think?’ she asked, closing her eyes and arching her curves closer into his strength.

      ‘Uh-huh,’ he murmured, while

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