To Woo A Wife. Carole Mortimer

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To Woo A Wife - Carole  Mortimer

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tried to think back to the strange conversation she’d had with Jarrett outside the hotel, something about ‘he obviously has money’, and that he—Jarrett—was ‘worth more’, and the night was going to be ‘a lot later’ for her, and she didn’t actually enjoy it—

      Good God, Jarrett Hunter thought she was a—! Abbie began to laugh. He did! Jarrett thought she had been making an assignation with Tony, an assignation for which she was going to be paid!

      Tony gave her a quizzical look as she continued to laugh, totally confused as to the reason for it. And, in the circumstances, Abbie wasn’t about to explain them, either!

      Tony worked for her; he was part minder—which was why he had been in the restaurant at all this evening—and part personal assistant. He had worked for her for two years now, and never, ever had he even tried to step over their employee-employer relationship and into intimacy.

      Abbie had never wanted him to, either. Oh, Tony was certainly good-looking enough, and at thirty he was close to her own age of twenty-seven, but, as she had stated only too clearly earlier, she didn’t have a sweet tooth!

      Her husband had died two years ago, and since that time there had been no man in her life, not even on such a casual basis as the odd dinner. And that was the way she liked it, the way it was going to remain.

      Although Jarrett Hunter obviously had her marked down as something else completely...!

      She sobered slowly, shaking her head as Tony still looked at her questioningly. ‘It was just something that happened earlier,’ she said as she took off her coat and threw it over the back of a chair. ‘Did you get that information I asked for?’ she asked briskly.

      ‘It’s here.’ He picked up the file from the top of the table which he had been working on. ‘It isn’t complete yet, but the rest should come through some time tomorrow. But what we already have makes interesting reading,’ he informed her pointedly.

      She nodded, taking the file when he held it out to her. ‘I’ll take it to bed with me.’

      Tony grinned. ‘I’ve always admired the way you can be up half the night working, and then still emerge the next morning looking fresh as a daisy!’

      Abbie grimaced. ‘Remind me of that tomorrow night after I’ve been skiing with Charlie all day!’

      She left Tony chuckling to himself as she went down the hallway to check on Charlie before going to her own bedroom.

      Charlie was fast asleep in her bed, a miniature version of Abbie, her long dark hair fanned out across the pillow, her tiny face angelic in the moonlight, one of her arms wrapped about the teddy-bear she always took to bed with her—Abbie forgot to pack that teddy at her peril! It had been mislaid when they’d been unpacking after a business trip a few months ago, and Charlie had been inconsolable until it was found again.

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