His Blackmailed Bride. Sandra Marton

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His Blackmailed Bride - Sandra Marton

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won’t do that,’ Paige whispered. ‘Let me go—please.’

      His eyes burned into hers. ‘Only if you swear you’ll come back to me.’

      Paige shook her head. ‘No, no, I can’t. I…’

      ‘… are you?’ came her mother’s voice.

      ‘She’s going to come down here,’ Paige said in a desperate whisper. ‘Let go of me, I beg you.’

      His hands bound her to him. ‘Tell me you’ll come back,’ he said fiercely.

      ‘I can’t. I…’ Paige looked up. Her mother stood silhouetted at the head of the path that led down to the beach. ‘All right,’ she said breathlessly. ‘All right, I’ll come back.’

      His hands clasped her shoulders, biting into her flesh until she winced. ‘Swear it,’ he said in an urgent whisper. ‘Swear it, or I’ll come with you now. I’ll tell your mother and your Romeo that you’re mine tonight.’

      ‘I’m not. I…’

      His mouth took hers in a hard, swift kiss that stole her breath away. ‘Don’t lie to yourself, Juliet. I don’t understand it, either, but I know sure as hell that something’s happened. And I’m damned if I’m going to let you walk out of my life until I figure it out. Do you understand?’

      Paige’s heart tumbled crazily. ‘Yes,’ she whispered, and an overwhelming sense of joy filled her. ‘Yes,’ she said again, and then she heard her mother’s footsteps on the gravel. She touched the man’s cheek and then stepped swiftly on to the path. ‘I’m here, Mother,’ she called.

      ‘For heaven’s sake, dear,’ her mother said, taking a step towards her. ‘We were worried half to death. Where have you been?’

      Paige hurried up the last few yards and looped her arm through her mother’s, drawing her back towards the gardens and the brightly lit clubhouse.

      ‘I was… I was walking on the beach, Mother. I’m sorry if I worried you.’

      ’Well, not just me, Paige,’ Janet Gardiner said as they moved across the flagstones. ‘We were all upset. Your father, Alan—whatever got into you? Were you out here all by yourself?’

      Paige glanced over her shoulder. There was only darkness behind her. ‘Yes, of course. I’m really sorry. I just… I just needed some time to myself, I guess.’

      Her mother’s footsteps slowed. ‘Are you sure you’re all right, dear? There’s something about you this evening…’

      ‘Mother, where’s Alan?’

      ‘Looking for you, of course. He…’

      ‘I have to talk to him,’ Paige said in a rush. ‘I have to tell him that this…’

      Her mother put her arm around Paige’s waist. ‘Alan understands,’ she said soothingly. ‘He knows it’s just last-minute nerves.’

      ‘Mother, please…’

      ‘All brides feel that way. You’ll be fine the day of the wedding. Once you see your bridesmaids and the ushers, the flowers, the guests smiling at you, and Alan waiting at the altar—you’ll see. All the jitters will vanish.’

      It was a litany designed to comfort, but it was also a reminder of reality and responsibility. Paige came to an abrupt halt.

      ‘Will they?’ she asked in a whisper.

      Janet Gardiner smiled. ‘Of course,’ she said, and then, looking into Paige’s eyes, her smile turned to a worried frown. ‘Unless you have real reservations, Paige. Do you? If you’re not sure…’

      Paige caught her lower lip between her teeth. ‘Yes. No. God, Mother, I… I don’t feel… I don’t feel the way I should about Alan, do you know what I mean? I… I just don’t feel that way…’

      Her mother’s eyebrows rose. ‘The way you felt about that man in New York, you mean.’ Her voice was stiff with distaste. ‘Is that what you’re saying?’

      Paige took a breath. ‘I’m not comparing the two situations, Mother. I…’

      ‘I should hope not. Alan will never hurt you, Paige. You should be happy.’

      ‘I am happy. I mean, I thought I was. But…’

      The door ahead of them swung open suddenly, and the noise and smoky warmth of the ballroom spilled over them. Alan gave a sigh of relief as he stepped on to the terrace.

      ‘There you are,’ he said. ‘What happened to you, sweetheart?’

      ‘I was… I was walking, Alan. I…’

      He put his arm around her shoulders. ‘Are you OK?’

      Paige nodded. ‘Fine.’

      ‘I looked everywhere for you. In the cloakroom, in the car…’

      ‘You didn’t look on the beach,’ Janet Gardiner said. ‘That’s where she was, Alan. Walking off a bad set of nerves.’

      Paige flushed. ‘Mother, for heaven’s sake…’

      Alan grinned. ‘Terrific. I’m the one who’s supposed to be jittery, remember? That’s the bridegroom’s prerogative.’

      Paige drew in her breath. ‘Are you?’ she whispered.

      Alan put his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. ‘We’re going to be happy,’ he said softly. ‘I promise.’

      Paige stared at her fiancé. They would be happy, she thought. Of course they would. What she’d felt a few moments ago, in the arms of a stranger, wasn’t happiness. She knew that as well as anyone. Better, perhaps…

      ‘Mr and Mrs Fowler have asked us to their house for coffee, dear,’ her mother said. ‘I’ll just get your father and we’ll meet you out front.’

      Alan smiled as Paige’s mother bustled away. ‘You’re going to get coffee and cake and the whole Fowler clan,’ he said teasingly. ‘Aunt Dorothy wants to meet you. And Uncle Sam. And what looks like an endless line of cousins.’ He bent and kissed her. ‘I’m glad your mother found you, sweetheart. We don’t want to disappoint them, do we?’

      ‘No, of course not.’

      She gave him a quick smile as he clasped her hand in his and led her through the clubhouse to the front portico. How long would the man on the beach wait for her? she wondered. Five minutes? Ten? Would he be disappointed or angry or…

      ‘Here we are, children. Alan, why don’t you ask the attendant to get the car?’ Her mother took her aside as Alan and her father stepped towards the kerb. ‘Stop worrying,’ she whispered. ‘It’s just last-minute nerves, that’s all. Three days from now, when you’re Mrs Alan Fowler, you’ll remember how you felt tonight and you’ll laugh.’


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