Tex Times Ten. Tina Leonard

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Tex Times Ten - Tina  Leonard

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he watched her, wondering what her next move would be. Another slap? Ire?

      He was totally unprepared when Cissy threw herself into his arms and hugged him tight. It was good, it was real good. He liked it, but he had a feeling it was about to get taken away from him. “Uh, Cissy, I meant Hawk.”

      She gazed up at him. “Hawk?”

      “Yeah. He’s experienced in tracking.”

      Slowly, she detached herself from him. “Oh.” And then she looked delightfully embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I should have listened before I leaped.”

      “It’s fine,” he said hurriedly. “Leap anytime you like.”

      “Hawk,” she repeated slowly. “He found me when I tried to leave town and get away from Marvella. Maybe he could find my family. Or at least find out what happened to them.” She looked back up at him. “You know, that’s a good idea, if you think he would.”

      “Why not? He’s a hired tracker. Money talks.”

      She sighed. “Of course, I don’t have the kind of money.”

      Tex nodded. “Well, it’s something for us to look into. We could ask about the cost.”

      “The cost of flying to South America alone would be prohibitive. Not to mention the bribes you’d need to get information out of the locals.”

      “I thought about all that.” He tapped her nose. “Don’t give up. We can think of something.”

      She looked at him. “We? That’s the second time you said ‘we.”’

      “Well, hell. You rescue me, I’ll rescue you.” He grinned at her. “I bet you couldn’t resist sleeping with that cake under your pillow last night, could you?”

      Her expression was coy. “None of your business, cowboy.”

      “You did. And you dreamed about someone, didn’t you?”

      She shook her head. “I slept like a log.”

      “Sleep on it again tonight. I bet you dream of me. I’m starting to get under your skin.”

      She laughed at him, and he was glad to hear the sound. “Remind me to spray myself with repellant the next time you fly around.”

      And then she walked away. Her hips switched tantalizingly, and he had to admit, that was a well-packaged woman. There were moments when he wanted to unwrap that package again.

      “She’s a good girl,” he reminded himself.

      Though there was definitely something going on between the two of them.

      He just wasn’t certain what it was.


      Cissy turned around, and she saw Tex do the same. Marvella traveled the extra fifteen feet, hauling the new cowboy with her. “Cissy, this is Ant Dilworth. Ant, meet my best girl, Cissy Kisserton.”

      Cissy noticed Tex had drawn within listening distance. Shame on him for being so nosy!

      “Howdy, Miss Cissy,” Ant said. “Kisserton’s the perfect name for you. I’d kiss a gal like you a ton, if you was mine.”

      Marvella laughed. “Kiss her tons. I get it. Ant, you’re a very smart cowboy. I like brains in a man.”

      Ant looked full of himself. Tex glowered. Cissy smiled.

      “And this is Tex Jefferson, a local cowboy who’s been kind enough to ride for our salon in the past.”

      The men shook hands. “Ah, yeah. You’re the one she bid on first, but then decided was too tore up. Too bad, man.”

      Cissy tried not to giggle. But Tex’s expression was priceless.

      “Hey, why don’t the two of you show Ant around Mayfest?” Marvella asked. “We want him to have a good time before the rodeo.”

      Cissy and Tex looked at each other. Ant drew himself up to his full five-foot-six height.

      “All right, Marvella,” Cissy said reluctantly. “Tex?”

      “Well, I wouldn’t dream of leaving this young man without friends,” Tex said, his dark gaze on Cissy.

      “Wonderful!” Marvella exclaimed. “But you have him back in good shape and on time, Cissy.”

      “Oh, we will.” She frowned at Tex, and he raised a brow.

      “Here’s some spending money for my guest,” Marvella said, opening her black bag. “We’re good to our riders here.”

      “I can see that!” Ant said happily. “Getting invited to that raffle was the best thing that ever happened to me!”

      “That’s exactly what Tex said,” Cissy fibbed, just to watch the flames explode from Tex’s head. “He loves the fact that ten women won him.”

      “I would, too! If you decide you’re too worn out to deal with ten women, you just call me,” Ant told Tex. “I’ll be happy to help you out, old hoss.”

      “Yep,” Tex said to Cissy, “I can see this is going to be as much fun as I can stand.”

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