Whatever the Price. Jules Bennett

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Whatever the Price - Jules Bennett

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money will buy happiness … mainly mine.”

      “You seemed happy for a long time, Charlotte. I honestly don’t know what changed and why you distanced yourself.” His eyes roamed over her face, to her lips then back to her eyes. “Besides, that money is what has helped you with your children’s charity.”

      So he had no clue why she’d started distancing herself. That proved all the more how self-absorbed he’d been.

      “My charity was built up with donations, fundraisers and a lot of hard work,” she retorted.

      “Yes, but it was the Price name that got you where you are.”

      Fury bubbled within her. “Are you insinuating that I couldn’t have done this on my own?”

      Anthony tucked his hands in his pockets. “Not at all. I’m merely telling you that your name and status in this town drew a different crowd.”

      No way was she letting him take credit for the good work she had done over the years. “I don’t care who donated. I’m just thankful to get enough money for the new children’s wing they’re adding to the hospital.”

      The thought that another unit was needed to aid sick kids made everything else in her life pale in comparison. There were so many ill children and here she was feeling sorry for herself for moving back into her Hollywood Hills mansion. Something was definitely wrong with this picture.

      “You’re going to have to slow down, you know.”

      Charlotte focused back on Anthony. She braced her hands on her hips, tilting her head. “Slow down with what?”

      “Your volunteer work. With having Lily, your time is going to be limited. I’ll have to cut back, as well.”

      Charlotte laughed. “I’m not handicapped, Anthony. Millions of women work and care for their family. I’m certainly not cutting back when I’ve worked so hard to see this wing built. The dedication is in a few months and I plan on seeing this through.”

      “And once it’s done, then what?” he asked, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “I know this is important to you, but—”

      “But nothing.” A helpless laugh escaped her. “I will take care of Lily just fine. I want her to grow up learning to help others and that not everything needs to be done in order to get a paycheck.”

      “That paycheck has given you a home, a life that you never would’ve had otherwise.”

      Charlotte turned her back, unable to look him in the eye. “I never asked for any of this, Anthony. Never. All I wanted was a happy marriage, a family.”

      “I’m giving you a family now,” he said, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing gently. His familiar crisp scent surrounded her. “I know how much children mean to you. I know I wasn’t putting you first. But I’m ready now.”

      How many times had she longed to hear him say that? To know that her needs and wants matched his. If only they’d discussed these big milestones before saying “I do,” but they’d been young and in love and at the time, that’s all that mattered. He was offering security and a home of love … two things she’d never had.

      She turned back to face him. Years of heartache and lack of communication settled between them. “I don’t want a family out of guilt or obligation. I wanted a family out of love. I will take care of Lily like she’s my own, but know that we won’t be raising her together.”

      “Don’t shut me out,” he whispered. “Don’t. You supported me once, even enjoyed my work. I know we’ve changed over the years, but I never stopped loving you. Surely the lies from the tabloids …”

      Charlotte shook her head. “No, I know you’d never cheat on me. You never could find time for me, let alone someone else. That was the problem, Anthony. You’re so self-absorbed, you can’t see I would’ve done anything for you. And for years … I did.”

      His eyes bored into her, the muscle in his jaw clenched. “I won’t lose you. I won’t.”

      His mouth came down on hers, and the force of his hold trapped her hands between their bodies. Charlotte clutched his shirt, whether to shove him back or hold on for stability she had no clue. No one could make her nerves and hormones spike like Anthony. No one could match his passion and intensity.

      And no one else could elicit both love and hate in her at the exact same time.

      But she couldn’t afford to let sex cloud her view of reality, and the reality was that Anthony would never put anything or anyone above his star-studded career.

      Charlotte pulled back, staring into his mesmerizing eyes, knowing how fast and easy she could lose herself in them. “Don’t. Don’t touch me like you have the right. I’ve said it before, but obviously it bears repeating. Nothing’s changed.”

      Anthony’s hand cupped her cheek. “Everything’s changed, Charlie, and the sooner you realize I’m not giving up, the easier this transition will go.”

      Anthony sat in his study looking over his sister’s will. What in the hell had she been thinking not telling him about the guardianship in the event of her death?

      Probably what most people thought when making a will—they wouldn’t die young so there was no need to worry.

      But damn, this was something he needed to know in advance, instead of being dealt another blow so soon after her death.

      Rachel’s death.

      Those two words had been bouncing around his head and his heart for days. His beautiful, vibrant sister was gone. He’d never see her smile again unless he looked at old pictures. Baby Lily would never see just how much her mother loved her. So much so that she’d been artificially inseminated because she hadn’t been looking for a relationship and had wanted a child.

      How could fate be this cruel to have his sister taken away, his wife on the verge of divorcing him and the discovery that he was the biological son of Hollywood’s most recognized star all in the span of a year? His life had taken a dramatic twist, and he honest-to-God didn’t know which way was up anymore.

      This time last year his world had upended when he’d discovered he had been given up for adoption at birth by the Hollywood icon Olivia Dane. Not only that, he’d discovered his most hated rival, Bronson Dane, was his half brother. Unfortunately, with Bronson as Hollywood’s top producer and Anthony one of the top directors, their paths crossed.

      Since the truth had come out, tabloids had exploited the family’s forty-year-old secret. The four of them—his biological mother and siblings Bronson and Victoria—had all put up a united front and issued a press release, but no public appearances had been made together. Anthony hadn’t had time to take a break between work and fielding media inquiries. His assistant deserved a raise for all the calls and emails she’d had to answer.

      Anthony’s eyes drifted back down to the document stating that he and Charlotte were guardians of Lily. A knot formed in his stomach. His knowledge of babies was very limited. All he knew, as of this moment, was that Charlotte had no problem putting Lily to sleep and all his niece did when he held her was scream and cry.

      He had no clue how to make a bottle, though he’d winged it

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