Hot Spell. Michelle Rowen

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Hot Spell - Michelle  Rowen

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as he worked his own personal kind of magic. A magic he liked to call natural charm. “She already has the details of your case, but I think it would be best if we hear it from you in your own words.”

      His attention returned to Ms. Davis, whose expression had changed to a very pleased one. She liked him. A smile, a few complimentary words, and he was in.

      Between the two women in his current company, Ms. Davis wouldn’t be his first choice, but he did like that glow he’d set into her cheeks. He’d rather see that glow on Amanda’s face when she looked at him, but knew that was going to happen exactly…never.

      Ms. Davis turned to the old, stone-faced house with ivy crawling up the front. To Jacob it looked creepy, but he supposed some might find a certain charm in it.

      “My house is infested with evil spirits,” she stated. “And I want them gone.”

      “Evil spirits?” Jacob repeated.

      Amanda shuffled through her papers. “It says here that last night you heard noises and had the sensation of being pushed out of certain rooms. I’m not sure that counts as a supernatural infestation.”

      Ms. Davis’s eyes narrowed. “Are you doubting what I said is true?”

      “Of course not, I’m just saying—”

      Jacob held up his hand. “We’ll check it out. Don’t worry, Ms. Davis…may I call you Sheila?”

      Her sour expression turned into a smile. “You may.”

      “Please tell me more about the evil spirits, Sheila.”

      She ran a hand through her red curls as if grooming herself for inspection. “My uncle left me this house but I want to get rid of it. One can’t very well have an open house for potential buyers if there are evil forces at work. Haunted houses are curious tourist attractions, but ghosts are not exactly something that raises one’s property value.”

      “I totally and completely agree.” Jacob glanced at Amanda who rolled her eyes. “We will handle this, I personally promise you that.”

      She beamed at him. “I’ll be staying at the Marriott. I expect a full report first thing in the morning.”

      “And you’ll have it.”

      “Very good.” Sheila eyed Amanda. “You’re very lucky to have a boss like Jacob taking the lead. I can tell he knows what to do.”

      Her blue eyes widened. “But he’s not my—”

      Jacob interrupted. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Sheila. And you can expect my call bright and early. Sleep well, now.”

      He opened her car door for her and Sheila got inside.

      “Be careful in there,” she told him.

      “I’ll do my best.”

      Jacob eased the door shut and after another moment, Sheila drove off down the driveway leaving the two of them alone.

      “She thought you were my boss,” Amanda said.

      “It must be my air of authority.”

      “I don’t think it was necessary to flirt with her.”

      “You don’t think so?” He raised an eyebrow. “What can I say? It comes so naturally. There are very few women who can resist me.”

      Amanda looked as if she wanted to smile at that, but restrained herself. “Right. Well, let’s get this over with.”

      Without another word, she turned away and marched up to the front door of Sheila Davis’s allegedly haunted house.


      THE HOUSE was definitely haunted. No doubt about it. Amanda felt the presence as soon as she stepped inside.

      “Grab the lights,” she told Jacob. He complied and flicked on the nearest overhead light and the front foyer was bathed in a warm, golden glow.

      The house was gorgeous. It reminded Amanda of her grandfather’s house—the man she’d never got to see again after her father abandoned them. She used to play in that house as a kid and, in fact, it was where she’d encountered her first ghost.

      She stroked her hand along the smooth wall. There was definitely a spirit here. Amanda frowned. No. She could sense more than one spirit haunting this house. But she wasn’t able to tell yet if they were going to be a problem or not.

      “You okay?” Jacob asked.

      She was surprised by the concern that edged his words. It made her realize that she’d closed her eyes and pressed both her hands flat up against the wall. A thin sheen of perspiration glazed her forehead from concentrating.

      Yeah, that must have looked really normal.

      Amanda the Strange rides again.

      She self-consciously wiped a hand across her brow. “I’m fine.”

      “What were you doing?”

      Since they hadn’t worked together before, Jacob hadn’t witnessed the weird trance she tended to go into when she tapped fully into her abilities. It was one of the many reasons she preferred office work. She hated how using her “powers” made her lose control of herself, even if only a little.

      She waved a hand dismissively. “Just…you know. I was sensing if there was any ghostly activity.”


      She eyed him. “You’re psychic, too.”

      “Yeah, but empaths are different. I get my glimpses through touching somebody alive, like little Miss Attitude outside. I don’t normally get sent on these kinds of assignments. Obviously Patrick was really stuck tonight. You’re the only ghost whisperer here.”

      “I do sense something.”

      “Yeah?” His eyebrows went up. “So fast? What is it?”

      “There are a couple of ghosts here.”

      He glanced around the immediate surroundings. “Can you see them?”

      “No. Not yet. But they’re here.” She drew in a sharp breath. “A male and a female. They were—” she paused, sinking deeper into her strange ability so she could get a better sense of the place “—involved in some way romantically. Not husband and wife, but lovers, I think.”

      “You can tell that just from touching the wall?”

      She pulled her hand back and cleared her throat. “Well, it’s just the vibe I’m getting. Maybe I’m wrong.”

      After a moment when he didn’t say anything, she glanced at him cautiously. “What?”

      He shook his head. “It’s just kind of amazing to me. I’ve been on assignment with lots of other agents, but you’re different from them,

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