Just Pretending. Myrna Mackenzie

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Just Pretending - Myrna Mackenzie

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was all the way back to the car and seated before she turned to David. “Thank you for saying all that, even if it was a little embarrassing and absolutely untrue.”

      He turned to her and smiled that melting smile. She was almost getting used to the way her breath came too hard and fast by now.

      “It was the least I could do for my partner,” he said quietly, brushing aside her gratitude.

      “I did feel like I had a partner back there,” she admitted.

      “You do.”

      “Yes, I guess I do,” she said, starting the car and pulling out into traffic. “And, Gretchen?”

      “Yes, David?” She kept her eyes on the road and the contented smile on her lips.

      “For the record, I meant what I said back there about you not letting other people influence what you do. You’re a strong, independent woman and you know your own mind and what you feel is best for you.”

      “Thank you, David. I’d say you’re rather strong and independent, too.”

      She could almost feel his grin. “That’s been said about me. Yes, it has,” he agreed. “And Gretchen?”

      She took her eyes off the road and turned to him just for a second. His eyes were narrowed, intent on her own eyes…and lips. Especially on her lips. She took a deep breath and grasped the wheel harder as she looked away.

      “I meant every other word I said, too,” he repeated. “Any man who spends any time with you and doesn’t imagine you naked in his arms at night is lying.”

      His words made her voice freeze in her throat. She should remind him that they were working together on a case, that he was assisting her. She should tell him that what he was saying was in appropriate for the situation.

      “And any woman who looks into those bedroom eyes of yours and doesn’t see a bed at her back would be less than truthful, too,” she heard herself saying instead. But when she turned and saw the lazy intent in those very same eyes, she shook her head. “But now that we’ve both admitted that we’re attracted, David, I think we’d better also both agree that it would be all wrong for us to act on our desires. We do have to work together, after all, and I’m sure you’ve got plenty of women waiting for you back in Atlanta. You want to get this case solved, after all, don’t you?”

      His smile was slow when it came, laced with sex appeal and the danger that was an inherent part of his life. “You’re a very wise and perceptive lady, Gretchen Neal. I do want to solve this case.”

      “Then let’s do it,” she agreed, wishing her words hadn’t been so shaky. Because for all that she knew she was right and staying away from David Hannon’s body was the only way they could operate together, there was a part of her that had been unleashed today. She wondered how long it would take her to banish the vision that had formed in her mind, of David braced above her as he lowered himself and joined his body to hers.

      “This is where Raven Hunter’s remains were found,” Gretchen said, carefully skirting the yellow police tape that protected the area from further contamination. “They had spent two weeks clearing the land when his bones were discovered. Until then no one had known exactly what had happened to him. Even now, with a bullet in his ribs, we can’t be sure whether he was killed on this site or whether his body was brought here after his death. With Storm away, we don’t know much about what happened in the last few hours he was alive.”

      “But we do know that he and Jeremiah had not been on good terms. Jeremiah had tried to pay him to leave town and desert my aunt Blanche. Everyone had assumed that he’d left town right after that.”

      “That part of the story is pretty well documented, yes.”

      “And no other evidence was found other than the bullet wedged into the rib. No weapon. No other clues that we could use.”

      “There were rocks found over the skeleton. More than there were on the rest of the site. Possibly intentionally placed there. But then, you know that already. You’ve read the file. The area’s been thoroughly searched.”

      “I know. I’m just wondering what might have been damaged or missed in those first few days when the digging was going on, if there were any clues that might have been lost that could still be recovered.”

      She shrugged her agreement. “We’ll keep trying. In the meantime, all we can do is wait for Storm to show up so we can inter view him.”

      “How about the other site? What do you know about the Peter Cook case?”

      “At this point we don’t suspect foul play. The evidence indicates that the man died in a fall at a site where he had every reason to be. And there were no witnesses that we’ve been able to locate.”

      She stopped, but apparently she hadn’t stopped soon enough. David’s brows rose.

      “You don’t suspect foul play, but you’re not completely sure this is a case you can close without nosing around a bit?”

      She shook her head as David waited for her answer. “It’s nothing, really. Absolutely nothing that would ever matter in a legal sense. Just a strange feeling. Peter Cook was an experienced out doors man.”

      Nodding, David acknowledged her doubts. “Not the kind to slip under normal circumstances?”

      She shrugged. “Everyone has accidents now and then. Still, I do have a disturbing feeling about all of this.”

      “Who wouldn’t? There have been a number of strange events taking place in White horn in the past few years,” David conceded. “Murders. Kidnappings. Far too many for a town this size. I thought all that was done, that all the pieces had been tied up tight, but now here we have it. A thirty-year-old murder and another death, both on Kincaid land. More trouble on the home front.”

      “I’m sorry your family has gone through so much,” Gretchen said gently, and David was sure she meant what she said.

      He shook his head. “Don’t feel sorry for us, Gretchen. We’re a happy bunch, for the most part. But this has got to affect Summer to some extent. She lost her mother a few weeks after she was born and thought that her father deserted her. Now there are questions about Raven to be answered and all the upheaval of reliving the antagonism between her father and her uncle, but Summer’s very happy now that she’s married Gavin. He’ll help her deal with this. It’s Aunt Celeste I’m worried about. She’s just not well. This is taking too much of a toll on her.”

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