Temporary Girlfriend. Jessica Steele

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Temporary Girlfriend - Jessica  Steele

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Elyss, I’m so sorry,’ she apologised fretfully once more, before Elyss could so much as wish her, Good morning.

      Nikki had a little more colour in her face now, Elyss was glad to note, but she still had that anxious, haunted look about her. ‘Try not to worry,’ Elyss smiled, while trying hard to keep her own worries down. ‘The insurance companies will settle both claims, and I can travel by bus until—’ She broke off. Nikki had gone ashen again. ‘Wh—?’

      ‘Oh, Elyss. I really am so sorry,’ Nikki apologised yet again, only this time she put her hand in her dressing gown pocket and handed her an envelope—and started to cry.

      ‘Don’t cry...’ was as far as Elyss got before glancing down at the envelope; she recognised her own writing. It was the envelope she had addressed to her insurance company a couple of months ago!

      A feeling of dread shot through her. Even while part of her brain was denying what Nikki’s tears and the sealed envelope might possibly mean, Elyss began to experience panic.

      Quickly she slit open the envelope. At speed she took out its contents. Oh, no! It couldn’t be! But—it was. There, in her hand, along with her letter and details, was the cheque she had written to the insurance company. ‘You didn’t...’ she choked hoarsely.

      ‘I forgot,’ Nikki agonised, her distress quite desperate.

      ‘It was only when—in between worrying about Dave and your poor car, but thinking how your c-car insurance would pay for everything—I suddenly realised that I’d never handed the cheque in. I know it’s no excuse, but I put that envelope in a separate compartment in my bag so it wouldn’t get all crumpled. Only, as the hours and minutes ticked by and that job interview got nearer and nearer, I got so jittery—that everything else went out of my head.’

      ‘And you didn’t think about it afterwards!’ Elyss gasped, belatedly realising she had been remiss herself in not following up when no certificate of motor insurance had come through the post. When it hadn’t arrived she had just assumed it had gone to her old address by mistake and would catch up with her. She supposed she should blame pressure of work, staying late reorganising, for making her forget all about it. But, oh, grief, she had been happily driving around these past two months without motor insurance. Oh, heavens, she was uninsured!

      So much for thinking that there must be some clause in her insurance that allowed Nikki to drive her car. Neither of them was insured. Oh, my sainted aunt, to have moved that car so much as an inch on the highway had been a criminal act!

      ‘Oh, don’t be cross with me! Please don’t be cross with me, Elyss,’ Nikki begged, fresh tears falling. ‘Everything’s going so terribly wrong for me just now.’

      ‘Oh, Nikki!’ Elyss answered helplessly, again aware of how very distracted Nikki was. She was starting to feel much the same way herself as it very quickly dawned on her that there would be no money forthcoming to replace her written-off car. But, worse than that, there would be no money from her insurance company to pay for the repairs to the car which Nikki had crashed into either! Criminal! If she couldn’t find the money out of her own pocket, she could be sued in the courts for it!

      She pulled herself away from her own worries as she became aware that Nikki was getting herself into something of a state again. ‘It’s all right!’ she tried to soothe. All right? Thanks to Nikki she could end up with a criminal record! Ye gods! It didn’t bear thinking about. Yet she just couldn’t ignore it and hope that it would go away. ‘Sit down, Nikki,’ she instructed, and as Nikki complied, dabbing at her eyes, Elyss found it impossible to sit down herself. ‘I’ll make a pot of tea,’ she said as kindly as she was able—and got busy, her mind shooting off at a tangent.

      She didn’t have any money to pay for repairs! She could end up with a criminal record! Calm down. So, okay, she had been in complete ignorance about the fact that she wasn’t insured. She had given her cheque to someone else to pay the insurance for her—oh, that was certain to go down well in court! Heavens—her parents! They’d be thunderstruck that, within months of leaving them, she had landed herself in this mess.

      But it wasn’t her mess, it was Nikki’s. Oh, Lord. Elyss could just imagine Nikki’s reaction if she so much as mentioned court. She sighed, realising full well just then that it might be Nikki’s mess, but she was the one who was going to have to clear it up.

      She poured some tea and felt wretched when, as she handed Nikki a cup, she saw that Nikki’s hands were shaking so much she could barely hold it.

      ‘Come on, Nikki,’ she said bracingly, sounding far more confident than she felt, though her initial shock was starting to wear off. ‘Nothing’s as bad as that.’

      ‘You reckon!’ Plainly Nikki didn’t believe it, and Elyss wasn’t convinced herself, but nothing was going to be achieved by both of them breaking down in floods of tears.

      She tried hard to be objective. Perhaps, as she’d told Nikki, nothing was so bad. Perhaps, if the damage to the other car was only slight, she might be able to settle. If she asked Howard Butler for an advance on her salary—though that would mean letting him know she lived from pay-day to pay-day, of course, and it would bruise her pride. Oh, grief, she couldn’t do that! He’d wonder why she couldn’t ask her parents for help—and no way was he, or anyone else, going to know that her parents were as hard put to stretch their resources as she was.

      ‘Er—was there very much damage to the other car?’ she asked Nikki with seeming casualness, glad to see that, for all her eyes were red and puffy, Nikki had stopped crying.

      ‘I s-sort of caught him semi-sideways on. I think he’ll need a new door—at least,’ Nikki answered.

      Elyss inwardly paled. A new door—that would cost hundreds. ‘What sort of car was it?’ she followed on, praying for something small: a mini would suit, but even that wouldn’t come cheap.

      Nikki swallowed. ‘A Ferrari, I think.’

      A Ferrari! Elyss’s legs went weak—forget hundreds, she needed to think thousands. Great! The way her luck was going Nikki had most likely crashed into some judge, or, at the very least, some chief constable. ‘You exchanged names?’ She sat down—this was a nightmare!

      Nikki put her hand into her other dressing gown pocket and withdrew a small card which she passed over. Elyss took it. It was a business card. Saul Pendleton was neither a judge nor a top policeman, Elyss saw. She registered the fact that Saul Pendleton worked for a firm called Oak International. His card gave both his home and office address, and he had a flat in a very plush area of London. Suddenly she became aware that Nikki was looking at her as if she had something on her mind.

      ‘What is it?’ Elyss asked quietly, having heard enough to be going on with, and not certain that she wanted to hear any more.

      ‘I was a bit—er—shaken up last night,’ Nikki confessed.

      ‘Yes?’ Elyss encouraged.

      ‘I wasn’t thinking clearly.’

      Elyss didn’t like the sound of this. ‘I—don’t suppose you were,’ she answered apprehensively.

      ‘He—Mr Pendleton, he was a bit—blunt.’ Well, she had banged into his Ferrari! ‘He—um—asked my name, and...’



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