The Husband She'd Never Met. Barbara Hannay

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The Husband She'd Never Met - Barbara Hannay

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‘My headache’s just about gone. But I have to go to Townsville for more tests.’

      ‘Oh, dear.’

      Carrie sent a sideways glance to Max. Clearly her husband wasn’t in her mother’s good books and she wished she knew why. Was it something he’d done? Or was it merely because he lived in the Outback? She wondered if he’d guessed her parent’s negative response.

      ‘Are you in an ambulance?’ her mother asked next.

      ‘No.’ Carrie felt cautious now as she explained, ‘I’m with Max. He’s driving me to Townsville.’


      Carrie didn’t like the sound of that. Oh. It reinforced all the fears and doubts she’d been battling ever since Max had walked into her hospital room. Now she’d virtually handed herself over to a complete stranger, who was also apparently her life partner, her lover.

      In the car park he’d given his word. ‘Carrie, you can trust me, I promise. You’ll be OK.’

      She wanted to trust Max. All evidence pointed to the fact that he truly was her husband, so she needed to trust him. And as far as she could judge he had a very direct and honest face, although right now he shot her a sharp, frowning glance, almost as if he’d guessed the tenor of her mother’s message...

      ‘I suppose Max hasn’t said anything about—?’ Frustratingly, her mum stopped in mid-sentence.

      Carrie frowned. ‘Said anything about what?’

      ‘Oh... I—I—I’m sorry. Don’t worry, dear. I—I spoke without thinking.’

      Mum, for heaven’s sake.

      Beside Carrie, Max was very still, his eyes focused on the road ahead, his strong tanned hands steady on the steering wheel.

      ‘Is there’s something I should know, Mum? Just tell me.’

      ‘No, no, darling. Not now. You shouldn’t be stressed at a time like this. You should be trying to relax. Ring me again after you’re safely in Townsville. After you’ve finished with the tests.’

      Carrie hated being fobbed off. Her mum had been on the brink of telling her something important. ‘But what did you mean? What don’t I know?’

      Her mother, however, would not be coerced.

      ‘I’ll say goodbye for now. Take care, Carrie. I’ll be thinking of you and sending my love.’

      Then silence. She’d disconnected.

      Carrie gave a soft groan, dropped the phone back into her lap, and felt her uneasiness tighten another notch.

      * * *

      Here we go, thought Max. The Dragon has fired her first flare.

      He kept the thought to himself, clenching his teeth to hold back a comment. Carrie had enough to deal with right now.

      Beside him, she sighed. ‘Am I right in thinking that I often feel angry or frustrated after a phone conversation with my mother?’

      He sent her a sympathetic smile, but she looked so tired and confused he wanted to do a hell of a lot more than smile. His instincts urged him to pull over to the side of the road and take her in his arms. He wanted to ease that furrow between her fine brows, press a gentle kiss to her forehead, then another on the tip of her neat pointy nose, before finally settling on her sweet lush lips.

      Yeah, right. Like that would solve anything.

      Instead, he gave a shrug. ‘I guess you realise I’m not Sylvia’s dream son-in-law?’

      ‘Mum claims she warned me about life in the bush.’

      Max nodded. ‘That started from the moment we met.’ He’d never meant to think of his mother-in-law as The Dragon, but three years of poorly veiled hostility could stuff with a man’s good intentions.

      Carrie’s eyes were wide. ‘So my mum was against it, but I married you anyway?’

      He chanced a quick grin. ‘You were stubborn.’

      Then he quickly sobered. He’d only told Carrie half the story, of course. Right now she innocently assumed that all was rosy in Max-and-Carrie Land—the nickname they’d given their marriage in happier times. And this morning he’d assured her she could trust him. Which was true, but her accident had left him walking a fine line between the truth and the way he wished things could be. The way they should be.

      Now, as he drove on over wide rolling grasslands, he wondered how much he should tell Carrie. It would be weird to try to explain that she’d walked out on their marriage. He didn’t want to confuse her. Given her memory loss, it was hard to gauge how much she could take in.

      And yet they had two hours of driving before they reached the coast... Two hours of tiptoeing through a conversational minefield.

      ‘How did we meet?’ Carrie asked suddenly.

      Max swallowed to ease the sudden brick in his throat. This was the last question he’d expected. It was hard to accept that she remembered nothing of an occasion that was enshrined in his mind for ever and lit up with flashing neon lights.

      He told her the simple truth. ‘We met at a wedding.’

      Carrie’s lovely chocolate-brown eyes widened. ‘Really? Was the wedding in Sydney?’

      ‘Yes. A work colleague of yours—Cleo Marsh—married one of my mates.’

      ‘Gosh, I remember Cleo. She was great fun. Quite a party girl. And she married a cattleman?’

      Max nodded. ‘Grant grew up on a cattle property, but he studied medicine and now he’s a rural GP based in Longreach. He met Cleo when they were both holidaying on Hayman Island.’

      ‘How romantic.’

      ‘Quite,’ he said softly.

      ‘I—I wish—’ Carrie began to chew at her thumbnail. After a bit, she said, ‘I wish I could remember meeting you.’

      The question slugged him like a physical blow. Perhaps he should just tell her the truth and stop this conversation now.

      ‘How did it happen, Max? Did our eyes meet across a crowded room? Or did you chase me?’ Carrie dropped her gaze to the gnawed thumbnail. ‘Did I flirt with you?’

      Against his better judgement Max allowed himself to relive the amazing chemistry of that night, the glittering, harbourside venue and that first, heart-zapping moment of eye contact with Carrie. Her shining dark eyes and dazzling bright smile, the electric shock of their bodies touching the first time they danced...

      Quietly, he said, ‘I reckon we could safely claim all of the above.’

      ‘Wow,’ she said, but she didn’t sound very happy.

      She let out a heavy sigh, gave a toss of her long brown hair and flopped back in her seat, with her arms crossed over her

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