The Moravians in Labrador. Unknown

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The Moravians in Labrador - Unknown

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"you and we and the Greenlanders are also as one family." "Yes," returned the old men, "we are friends and brethren." "Then, dear men, when you speak thus, do you in your hearts really think so?" "Yes! yes! you may firmly believe that." The brethren then proceeded from tent to tent, and distributed gifts, and obtained the marks of the old men, to the number of sixty-seven, to an agreement similar to that which they had made with the other Esquimaux, and the land from Monenguak to Kangerlack being marked out with four great stones, was given to the brethren for a possession. The ceremony being concluded, Drachart addressed them thus: "These signatures will shew to your children, and your children's children, that you have received us as friends and countrymen, and have given us the piece of land marked out by these stones, and then your children, and your children's children, will remember this transaction after your death, as if you spoke to them, and said, We, your fathers and grandfathers, called the brethren here for our sakes, and your sakes, and they have built a good house to meet daily with you, in that you may hear of the Lord in heaven. Do not forget that we your parents have given this piece of land for an inheritance to our brethren that came to us from the east of Greenland; and when you are converted to Jesus, you must live near the meeting house, love your teachers, and follow them as the Greenlanders do. Will you," continued he, "tell your families what you have now heard, as well as what you have now said? that your wives and children may know." They answered, "That we will,—and we have already begun to spread it through our country, and shall continue to do so." The missionary proceeded:—"The Lord, your and our Saviour, is over all. He is truly here with us—I feel his presence in my heart; he knoweth all things, and hath heard your words and mine; he is calling for your hearts—will you now give them to him? And will you keep to the words you have now said to me?" "Yes!" cried all the men, and gave him their hands, and some kissed him.

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      The difference of aspect between a spot in summer, for a few weeks, and during winter, is altogether extreme.


      Vide "Moravians in Greenland."


      Pitt's Bay and St. Louis Bay are creeks quite in the neighbourhood of Chateau Bay, or York's Harbour.


      Silla in Greenlandish, sig


The difference of aspect between a spot in summer, for a few weeks, and during winter, is altogether extreme.


Vide "Moravians in Greenland."


Pitt's Bay and St. Louis Bay are creeks quite in the neighbourhood of Chateau Bay, or York's Harbour.


Silla in Greenlandish, signifies sometimes the air, sometimes the understanding, and sometimes the world, or the πνευμα, the soul of the world.


A poetical expression for pistols and muskets.

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