The Essence of Buddhism. Unknown

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The Essence of Buddhism - Unknown

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      Had sense of Buddha's vast embracing love,

      And took the promise of his piteous speech.

—Sir Edwin Arnold.

      He cherished the feeling of affection for all beings as if they were his only son.—Lalita Vistara.

      Closely as cause and effect are bound together,

      So do two loving hearts entwine and live—

      Such is the power of love to join in one.


      That thou mayst know—

      What others will not—that I love thee most

      Because I loved so well all living souls.

—Sir Edwin Arnold.

      Always give in charity to people of good conduct.—Jatakamala.

      With every desire to do good, the ignorant and foolish only succeed in doing harm.... 'Tis knowledge crowns endeavor with success.—Jataka.

      There is no sweet companion like pure charity.—Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.

      Almsgiving, it is said, constitutes the value of riches.—Jatakamala.

      Good is restraint in all things.—Dhammapada.

      Unselfishness, true, and self-control.—Jataka.

      The religious mendicant, wisely reflecting, is patient under cold and heat, under hunger and thirst, … under bodily sufferings, under pains however sharp.—Sabbasava-sutta.

      Though a man conquer a thousand thousand men in battle, a greater conqueror still is he who conquers himself.—Udanavarga.

      Root out the love of self.—Jataka.

      The man of honor should minister to his friends … by liberality, courtesy, benevolence, and by doing to them as he would be done by.—Sigalovada-sutta.

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