My Soul Cries. Lisa Masoni

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My Soul Cries - Lisa Masoni

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almost everything. That girl had done some real miracles. The first was when she organized that amazing party for surprise for the 16-year-old Simone. They had just celebrated their first anniversary and Emily was not content. So, being a good programmer, she was already preparing the surprise party he liked so much to Simone.

      She was just ripping off a smile behind her and seeing her boyfriend smile was for her really the best.

      After calling all the friends, Emily met at 18:00 at Simone's home where everything was ready and ready. To help her, of course, there was Elena who, after the hard times and the death of her dad, had come to see her happy son.

      Meanwhile, as the guests slowly arrived, Emily came out with Simone and took her to the sea, the place she loved most of all. They talked to fool the time, but after a while, the girl made a small mistake. As she walked away for a moment to make a phone call with Simone's phone, as her was unleashed, she let it go hand his. That Simone was curious was not a novelty, so he picked up the cellphone and at that exact time came Alessandra's message: "I am at Simone!"

      The young man made calculations in mind, and despite having two in maths, he knew that Emily was organizing something behind him, maybe a nice surprise party.

      When Emily came back she said she was leaving, it was time to get back to bed. Simone already knew but did not want to ruin what someone had never done before in his life, that is to make him really happy.

      So they came home, waited a while, and when Emily gave the signal up the voice, all his friends came out of the room and shouted "SURPRISEEEEEE".

      Simone was really impressed with how his mother had decorated the room and how Emily had cared for every detail. She had done her best to see him smile, and she had succeeded in great.

      The days began to run faster than Usain Bolt and you did not know how to stop or deceive him. The fate however this time wanted to test Simone: after being impressed by Emily, the girl did more and planned a very special meeting.

      Emily at school that morning suggested that Simone go with her to see the Pescara ball game.

      Simone naturally accepted but wondered if they were just the two of them.

      "Love, let's go with my family and some friends. My dad told me he wants to meet you, the ticket paid you him, "Emily smiled.

      Simone was embarrassed, he knew that only a saint would help him, and in his mind he repeated that he would not like Emily's family and that he would be misled all the time.

      The afternoon came. Simone was agitated, it was almost a piece of ice, full of fear in the body.

      Emily tried to dissolve him, to calm him but he could not, and when the driveway was over, Simone saw people with flags and scarves. There was above all he, Benito the boss, his wife, some friends, the little dog Alì and finally Eleonora.

      Simone, awkward and with Emily next to him, approached him, shook his hand firmly and he presented. He thought that an important step had already been made and the man answered all proudly by presenting himself.

      When the presentations were over, he left to get to the stadium. There was harmony in the car and Benito was driving his Fiat Stilo station wagon, with its darkened windows and a screaming system to envy every vulgar in the area. Inside, they were listening to dance pieces from 80s, but above all he could not miss the compilation of Barry White, he loved it.

      They were chatting in the middle of the smoke. Benito and his wife smoked two packs of cigarettes each day and if they did harm to them or to the people around them.

      Meanwhile, Simone had already melted enough and, when he came to the stadium, he had a great time to see Benito inside the stadium, teasing to the last saint, smoking and celebrating with his family and friends. The boy was happy, there was in the middle of him and being in the graces of a father for him was really the best, since he did not have one.

      At the end of the game everyone came back to their own homes and Simone came to resume from her mother. As she greeted Emily's family, she realized how the girl was really excited about what he had done for her. She was really proud of Simone.

      Things were always going to swell and sail. Problems could not arise at that age, the real problems always come when it grows because when you are young you make it believe that life is a fun carousel that never ends. But in the end you have to go down and give up on the fact that you grew up and that carousel no longer matters to you.

      Despite all this, Emily and Simone were a wonderful carousel, one of those in the city, decorated with beautiful lights and fairy tale music. Their fable continued and nobody could stop them, maybe only Simone himself could destroy this couple with his fears. He still had to defeat them, but it takes time, a long time.

      On a Sunday morning, the two guys met. It was a hot day and they decided to shelter themselves in the park, where they were covered by the trees and were embraced by the light wind and the song of the birds.

      At that almost enchanted place Emily, looking at the hour, offered Simone to eat at home. Simone became ice, even the strong heat could not dissolve him but in his insecurity he still had the strength to accept the invitation. She tried to call her mother to tell her she would not have lunch at home.

      "Daddy, can Simone stay with us?" Meanwhile Emily alerted her father.

      "Okay, but do you eat that fish?" Benito asked.

      Simone hated fish since childhood since he had swallowed a plug. Since then he had been afraid of the fish in general and completely stopped eating it.

      "Mmmm, no ..." Emily said, knowing Simone's tastes.

      "But what fucking boy is he does not eat the fish? All right, we think about it! "the girl's father giggled. And there the call ended.

      They arrived at Emily's house and Simone could not help but admire the vast lands and the smell of the countryside that reminded him of his home. And then how did you do not love that beautiful puppy who was Alì! The two became so great friends right away, they did not stop for a minute.

      When he finished playing with Alì, the boy came into the house and he was struck by the great cleansing and the gentle order that was reigning, and by that scanty smell of fish coming from the kitchen.

      Benito was in front of the PC to play, after spending a long morning in the fields, and greeted the boys.

      "Hello chest, today fish can be left without food!" Benito joked.

      "Well, you see that I'm not, so I do not get fat," Simone said, not to remain in complete silence, as every time he did not know what to say laughs.

      His wife reassured the boy, revealing to him that she had cooked the excellent meat from animals reared in their stables.

      Emily encouraged the young man to tell him that his father was just joking and Benito smoked his twentieth cigarette, a smile that made him run away.

      In the afternoon Emily, Simone and Eleonora decided to go out together and make a leap into the centre. Before leaving the boy he apologized for not having eaten the fish with them and thanked for the welcome.

      The day was about to end, and after that good morning and an afternoon in company, he did not really feel what life was giving him.

      The carousel revolves, rotates, and no one

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