Splendid Passion. Gabrielle Queen

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Splendid Passion - Gabrielle Queen

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it. Do you think though that you will find time to rehearse with me? You will have to study the role, to inform youserlf, to see how Lorelei is and understand her character…Do you think you will find time for that? And you will have to get used with me too. It is too much pressure for you?

      Now he was provoking her. And he was doing it well.

       It depends…Selena said. My program is really full, if they’re going to ask me additional rehearsals I don’t know how I’m going to do that…I could just in the late afternoon and not until late or during weekends…

       And during night, right? Selena blocked.

       Oh..no. I sleep during the night or I’ll be a mess.

       We will see! He said. We will decide the program soon.

      Selena didn’t want to think about it. Her free time will be soon zero…This man would have tiring her so much and she wasn’t even able to think clear because she was feeling like a doll in his hands.

      Meanwhile she saw again Mircea. He was still giving a class about television. He congratulate with her with enthusiasm:

       Good job, Sel, you are super! I didn’t expect you to obtain a role so soon, but you’re very talented and I always knew it.

      Selena blushed. She didn’t expect that but she knew that he was being friendly and nice, nothing else. But he warned her:

       But be careful, Sel. Be yourself, always. Even if you get the role, you could find difficulties on your way, this job it’s not easy, you know? If you’ll ever need something don’t hesitate to search me.

      She thanked him. She felt her heart melting about his kindness, she admired him so much and she was very happy with his words.

      The problem now was Lorelei’s role and…Mr Superstar. Rehearsals started the next day. He wanted her to be ready for filming.

       Even if you’re not going to get the role, I want this to be high quality, he said without a shade of a smile. He sees me like an object, she thought.

      They started with some relaxing games. In the room they were alone, but she was feeling more stressed than being in front of all her colleagues. Probably because she knew they would have played together and she didn’t feel comfortable about it.

       Selena, what moment of the day you feel the best? Mihai asked.

       Best moment…mmmm

       Yes, when do you feel more relaxed? For me it’s the morning. When I wake up, I go on the balcony. I breathe the fresh air and I plan my day. I drink my coffee; I read the newspaper and my emails. I just pass time with myself. That is a quiet moment. Do you have something like that?

      She thought about it but no. She didn’t have something like that.

       Maybe the night, she said. Before I go to sleep….I think what I did during the day and what I’m going to next day…

       Perfect, Mihai said. Imagine that it’s that time of the day. You finished everything you had to do, you can relax.

      The rehearsals continued. Selena was reading the script. Her character intrigued her. But mostly, he was intrigued by another character: Mihai’s one. Since they had to spend a lot of time together, she was fascinated by him. His authorial attitude disappeared and at his place there was a relaxed young man with a hot sense of humor. Selena didn’t know what to think anymore. He let her to take breaks all the time. A lot of time they talked about arguments that hadn’t any connection with the movie. They talked a lot about anything like childhood, dreams and about how she always wanted to play in a movie. He encouraged her so much. They they laughed a lot about her clumsiness at work. Selena almost forgot sometimes where she was. It felt like at a picnic in a nice park looking at the sky. She started to think that he was playing a game.

      So, one night, before bed she had an idea.

      IV Nocturnal Adventures

      She watched an action movie about some thieves that entered in the house of a rich guy. In the movie they showed how they get away with alarms and bodyguards until the room where they have stolen values objects and no one saw them.

      What if she would have tried that?

      She was aware of the crazy idea, but during her childhood she felt in love with an older guy. He was living next door. He was very mysterious, he didn’t talk to anyone, nobody knew anything about him, he just smiled sometimes to her. She decided then that she wanted to know him better, to see how was he in private, how his home was. In her child mind, enter in his house meant discovering his mystery… she didn’t had difficulties to go up until the window of the mysterious neighbour. The window was open…she went in without making any noise. She admired him sleeping and she let him a letter where she confessed her love and she sign: your neighbour.

      The next morning she was waiting with impatience for him but he never came. She learned later that the neighbours moved. The young guy left, his very first love. She tried to inform about the letter but she never found anything. She learned in that moment that love it’s not just nice things and pinky heart, but it’s also pain.

      Inspired by these childhood memories, Selena decided that also now the feelings for Mihai wasn’t love…she didn’t feel butterflies in her stomach when she was thinking about him. It was mostly curiosity; she needed to know more about the man she was spending time daily. She didn’t know so many things about him, just that he was cold and bossy, a good actor and also a good friend to pass time with. She felt that seeing his house, she would have discovered his dirty secrets that media would have paid a lot to have. Like that she would have had him in his hands.

      She found easily his address; she looked in Emilian’s office where he was keeping the dossier of each teacher.

      Mihai’s house was in city center…it wouldn’t be easy. She was wondering if his house was a huge expensive one or a classic and simple one. She wasn’t far from the truth; it was a one floor house, modern and simple. He had a huge garden though full of grass, flowers and trees. Selena thought it was a perfect place for children and a dog. She was thinking that should have been nice to live in a house with garden. Mostly in city center, next to everything.

      Pretending that she was looking for an address, she did a couple of tours around the house. At that time of the day there was no one. She just was a little old man around that probably was the concierge of the house. She also saw the balcony that Mihai was talking about…it was very beautiful. That would have been the point of her mission.

      She decided to do it that same night.

      It wasn’t easy. She needed all the courage in the world.

      Dressed like a ninja or like a secret agent in special mission, in the middle of the night she was in front of his house. The backyard of the house was less illuminated so she decided she would have entered by there. She didn’t see anyone. Selena tried to stay in the shadow succeeding on passing unobserved.


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