Trip To India. Renzo Samaritani

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Trip To India - Renzo Samaritani

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actually crazy, but those two were so serious and calm, reasonable and kind, which made me dismiss the assumption that they were crazy. And, after all, us four came to India to follow an idea that would have seemed at least strange to many people.

      â€œAlright,” I said with a sigh. “That passenger on the plane was a Reptilian in disguise?”

      Unexpectedly the doctor and his friend laughed. “No. The Reptilians on Earth are very few and they keep well hidden. There are many hybrids that exist, that have quite a human look if you look at them from a distance and generally they are in a position of great power in our society, so they don't need to mix with common people or travel in economy class.”

      Giuliano got up. “I think this discussion needs some more drinks. I will go and order them at the bar. I shall leave you in the capable hands of Riccardo, who for many years and full time takes care of these things. I'll be back soon.”

      He took mental note of our preferences and went quickly away. All eyes were turned to his friend. He smiled calmly and continued to talk.

      â€œThe passenger with the tattoo on his wrist was a 'familiar', that is a human enslaved to the Reptilians. The small differences in the points and lines of design identify the Reptilian or hybrid for which he works or, better still, of whom he belongs - the tattoo is a kind of tag for the livestock...”

      I was horrified. “Could you better explain what a 'familiar' means?”

      â€œIn European folklore tradition that was created around the belief of the existence of witches, the familiars were minor demons that act as the witches' servants and they could take the shape of an animal... from this idea came superstitious fear and contempt that some people have for black cats and owls, but also for crows and magpies and ferrets. They believed that those familiars were bought or inherited, or received as a gift. In the Middle Age there was real slaughter of cats, which brought to the uncontrolled multiplication of rats and, as a consequence, to the Black Plague.”

      Riccardo realized this information was both new and shocking to us and smiled before continuing. “The Christian superstition didn't take root everywhere in the same way and in some areas, especially in Germany where the Antic Religion was still respected, familiars where considered benevolent genies who protected villages, forests and listened to the requests of wiser and powerful humans, showing up when they were evoked and even accepting to live in everyday objects, like stones, rings, vases or things like them. They often answered questions, diagnosing illness, warning of dangers and enemies.”

      Giuliano arrived with a waiter; we suspended the discussion until the waiter finished putting down our glasses and went away.

      Nirvanananda came closer and held my hand, physically outstretched with interest toward our guests. He seemed hypnotized. Josè and Maximilian seemed skeptical, but were willing to listen.

      â€œThat man that you saw on the airplane... we've been observing for months. We were almost sure that he was the familiar of a powerful Reptilian that lived in Rome and we know that he was organizing a meeting in Nepal. In Rome we have a small team that keeps an eye on the ones we know, especially those who hang around the government.”

      Giuliano stepped in. Giuliano stepped in: “As you might know, in various areas they talk about the New Moral Order, an occult force that is manipulating and controlling more and more governments and human beings in general. When Riccardo and his group knew that the familiar was leaving, we organized and found two places on the same flight, hoping that this casual closeness would allow us to finally obtain the proof we've been waiting for a long time.”

      â€œAnd in fact so it was,” Riccardo said with a big smile. “It isn't easy for a stranger to come so close to a familiar to see his nude wrist, because they always dress formally and they pay attention to the social relationships. They don't have any connections out of their cluster; even sexually they choose a partner who belongs to the same Reptilian master. But I hoped that in the right circumstances we could catch him with his guard down or, in this case, his cuff unfastened...”

      He allowed himself a clever smile and the doctor copied him. I was still astonished, but the story started to make sense.

      â€œI still don't understand why you're telling us all of this,” Max commented. “I can believe you've done some research on Stefi, but what about the rest of us? We could be not worthy of all this trust... I seem to understand that your job is extremely risky and just a little indiscretion could put you in danger.”

      Riccardo and Giuliano exchanged a look. It was clear that they had their answer ready.

      â€œIt's true,” the doctor said. “But if you want to obtain something in life you have to accept some risk. In our case, meeting you on the plane and finding out that you're going to Nepal to meet your friend the monk Kathmandu seemed too much of a good chance not to take advantage of it.”

      â€œYes,” said Riccardo. “To us it could be helpful to come to Nepal with you... It would mislead any eventual suspect that the familiar could have after our meeting on the plane.”

      I looked around. Everyone nodded. “That's no problem,” Maximilian said.

      Nirva seemed still anxious. I encouraged him to speak.

      â€œSee,” he said, after throwing back a sip of his drink, “I have read many things about Reptilians and aliens that could be in contact with the inhabitants of Earth.”

      Giuliano and his friend looked at him carefully.

      â€œThey're very dangerous,” Nirvanananda spoke again. “They belong to another dimension, but can also perfectly live in this as long as they feed on negative vibes, suffering, fear, and despair of the living beings that they love to dominate.”

      â€œTrue,” Riccardo commented. The doctor just nodded.

      â€œRecently I read a very interesting article, which connected the various ufological current to the European folklore stories and in particular to Indian tradition...”

      Everyone was really careful. Nirva drank another sip and kept talking.

      â€œAccording to this last one, there are various humanoid bloodlines that are genetically more powerful than human beings, which throughout history have created outposts and settlements on our planet. The three most famous races are called Rakshasa, Naga e Yaksha. All three of them are biologically compatible with humans and can generate hybrids, which inherit the powers even if on a smaller scale.

      While Naga and Yaksha have limited powers and can be quite benevolent with humans, Rakshasa have terrifying faculties with which they're capable of modifying matter only with their thought and they gladly use it to dominate humans. One of the most common examples is the fact that they're able to change their body's aspect. They're called Shapeshifters.”

      â€œYes! I heard about those Shapeshifters a few weeks ago on the show X-Files!” Josè said. And he nodded to Nirvanananda to continue.

      â€œThe ploy comes better when there's less light, so all these groups prefer to take action at night, even though the most powerful ones are perfectly capable of doing this in full daylight. The look that adapts best to their nature and can be considered their true form is terrifying - because what the Rakshasa like the most, more than the physical taste of human or animal flesh, is the emotional energy their preys' emit. Fear, horror,

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