IT’S ME или IT IS I? Английские местоимения для начинающих. Арцун Акопян

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IT’S ME или IT IS I? Английские местоимения для начинающих - Арцун Акопян

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      young men – молодые мужчины

      women – женщины

      young women – молодые женщины

      Переведите примеры:

      We are men.

      We are young men.

      We are not old men.

      We are women.

      We are young women.

      We are not old women.

      6. You are

      Запомните слова:

      you – вы

      boys – мальчики

      girls – девочки

      children – дети

      and – и

      Переведите примеры:

      You are boys.

      You are girls.

      You are boys and girls.

      You are children.

      You are not men and women.

      7. They are

      Запомните слова:

      they – они

      people – люди

      Переведите примеры:

      They are people.

      They are young and old.

      They are young and old people.

      They are men, women and children.

      Повторение: разделы 1—7

      Заполните пробелы в предложениях.

      1. I ____ a man.

      2. She ____ a woman.

      3. She ____ an old woman.

      4. I ____ a woman.

      5. It ____ milk.

      6. They ______ people.

      7. You ______ children.

      8. He ____ an old man.

      9. ______ are a boy.

      10. ____ is a bottle.

      11. You ______ girls.

      12. It ____ a baby.

      13. They ______ young and old.

      14. He ____ not a boy.

      15. ______ are not a man.

      16. You ______ a child.

      17. You ______ not men and women.

      18. We ______ young women.

      19. It ____ a milk bottle.

      20. ______ are a girl.

      21. She ____ not a girl.

      22. We ______ young men.

      23. You ______ boys.

      24. It ____ a cat.

      25. You ______ not a woman.

      26. He ____ not a child.

      27. You ______ boys and girls.

      28. We ______ not old men.

      29. She ____ not a child.

      30. They ______ young and old people.

      31. We ______ not old women.

      32. They ______ men, women and children.



      1. I am a man.

      2. She is a woman.

      3. She is an old woman.

      4. I am a woman.

      5. It is milk.

      6. They are people.

      7. You are children.

      8. He is an old man.

      9. You are a boy.

      10. It is a bottle.

      11. You are girls.

      12. It is a baby.

      13. They are young and old.

      14. He is not a boy.

      15. You are not a man.

      16. You are a child.

      17. You are not men and women.

      18. We are young women.

      19. It is a milk bottle.

      20. You are a girl.

      21. She is not a girl.

      22. We are young men.

      23. You are boys.

      24. It is a cat.

      25. You are not a woman.

      26. He is not a child.

      27. You are boys and girls.

      28. We are not old men.

      29. She is not a child.

      30. They are young and old people.

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