Sean Dillon 3-Book Collection 2: Angel of Death, Drink With the Devil, The President’s Daughter. Jack Higgins

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Sean Dillon 3-Book Collection 2: Angel of Death, Drink With the Devil, The President’s Daughter - Jack  Higgins

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was already wearing a black nylon diving suit and cowl. He opened the dive bag and took out a Browning Hi-Power. There was a Carswell silencer which he screwed on the end and a twenty-round clip.

      ‘You’re going to war again,’ Hannah said.

      ‘That’s right.’ He took a block of Semtex from the bag and two pencil timers. ‘Three minutes?’ he asked Cohen.

      ‘Yes,’ the Major said. ‘That’s what you asked for and that’s what I’ve done, but I think you’re crazy.’

      ‘I usually am.’

      ‘You’re sure you’ll recognize them?’ Hannah demanded.

      ‘Jesus, girl, I saw those fax pictures the Brigadier brought, didn’t I?’

      Ferguson, who had been a silent observer, said, ‘Let him get on with it, Chief Inspector.’

      ‘And save the free world?’ Dillon laughed. ‘Isn’t it interesting that it’s always sods like me that have to do it, Brigadier?’ He turned to Cohen, who had finished loading the large inflatable that was tied to the dock. ‘You and me, Major,’ Dillon said and climbed down.

      Levy untied the line securing them to the dock, and at that moment, Hannah stepped down.

      ‘Chief Inspector,’ Ferguson said. ‘What are you doing?’

      ‘I’m going along for the ride, sir, just for once. I’m tired of being a bystander.’

      Dillon laughed out loud and she nodded to Cohen. He started the twin outboard motors and they slipped away from the dock into the darkness.

      All the security lights were on view as they coasted in towards the Alexandrine. Cohen cut the engines about a hundred yards out and they came to a halt and just floated, virtually motionless. The Israeli produced a night sight and had a look towards the general harbour.

      ‘Something coming. A motorboat.’

      It appeared from the shadows into the pool of light surrounding the Alexandrine and coasted in to the ship’s ladder. Two men clambered over and started climbing up.

      ‘That’s them, Bikov and Rassi.’ He passed the sight to Dillon. ‘See for yourself.’

      Dillon had only seconds to catch them before they reached the deck. He nodded. ‘Looks like them to me. Let’s do it.’

      He passed the sight to Cohen, went and put on a weight belt, then clamped a tank to his inflatable and pulled it on, fastening the velcro tabs across his chest. He hooked the diving bag at his waist. He took out the Hi-Power, and slipped the weapon inside his jacket.

      ‘I don’t like it, this diving,’ Hannah whispered. ‘It’s not natural.’

      ‘The only danger is from going deep,’ he said. ‘The air we breathe is part oxygen and part nitrogen. The deeper I go the more nitrogen is absorbed and that’s when the trouble starts, only I’m not going deep. I’ll cross to the Alexandrine at fifteen or twenty feet. No sweat.’ He pulled on his mask. ‘Do you still love me?’

      ‘Go to hell, Dillon!’ she said.

      ‘I’ve been doing that for a long time now, dear girl,’ he said and fell back into the water.

      Dillon’s approach took only a few moments. He surfaced by the platform at the bottom of the steel stairway at the side of the ship. He eased out of the inflatable and tank and clipped them to the rail beside the platform, then clambered up on to the platform. He opened his jacket and took out the Browning and cocked it. At that very moment, an Arab seaman holding an AK47 appeared at the top of the stairs and started down. He saw Dillon and tried to bring the gun to bear, but Dillon shot him instantly, the silenced weapon making a dull thud as it hit the Arab in the chest and knocked him over the rail into the water.

      Dillon started up the stairway and a voice called in Arabic, ‘Achmed, where are you?’

      Dillon paused. Another Arab appeared, also armed with an AK47. He stood there quite unconcerned and Dillon took careful aim and shot him in the head. The man dropped his rifle, and went over the rail into the water.

      A hundred yards away in the darkness Hannah Bernstein, looking through the night sight, shuddered. ‘My God, there were guards, two of them.’

      ‘What did he do?’ Cohen asked.

      ‘He shot them both.’

      ‘Well, he would, wouldn’t he?’ and he took the night sight from her gently.

      Dillon moved along the deck, keeping to the shadows. He heard laughter, peered through a porthole and found half-a-dozen sailors playing cards, smoking and drinking.

      ‘And merciful Allah wouldn’t be too pleased about that,’ he said softly and moved on.

      He came to some sort of salon, glanced in through a square window and found Selim Rassi and Daniel Quinn sitting on either side of a table. There was a small briefcase between them. There was no sign of the Russian.

      Dillon opened the salon door and stepped inside. Quinn had his back to him but the Arab saw him at once and reached inside his jacket. Dillon shot him twice in the heart, sending him backwards in his chair.

      Quinn turned, his own chair going over, and Dillon said, ‘Easy, Danny boy, easy.’

      ‘Who in the hell are you?’ Quinn demanded.

      ‘Oh, we go back a long way, you and me – Derry in the old days. Sean Dillon, Danny, your worst nightmare.’

      ‘Dillon.’ Quinn’s face was pale. ‘You fucking bastard. Working for the Brits now.’

      ‘But I thought that was your side, Danny? Make your mind up. Now, open the case.’

      ‘You go to hell.’

      Dillon’s hand came up, he fired and part of Quinn’s right ear disintegrated. He lurched against the table, a hand to his ear.

      ‘Open it!’ Dillon snapped.

      Quinn unclipped the briefcase. Inside were two objects resembling thermos flasks. Dillon picked one up and slipped it into his dive bag. He did the same with the other.

      ‘What have I got here?’

      ‘Plutonium 239. Three hundred grammes.’

      ‘That could take out half of Dublin.’

      ‘For God’s sake, Dillon, you’re not with the IRA any more. We can show the fucking Fenians we mean business.’

      ‘It’s finished, Danny,’ Dillon said. ‘Peace is coming whether you like it or not. We’ve got Callaghan. He’ll sing like a bird. I killed Daley in Belfast and five of your foot soldiers. You’re finished, me ould son.’

      The door opened behind him. He turned, dropping to one knee, and found Bikov there. Dillon fired twice, knocking him out to the deck. Behind him, Quinn dropped behind the desk, drew a pistol and

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