Bird Brain: Over 2,400 Questions to Test Your Bird Knowledge. Литагент HarperCollins USD

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Bird Brain: Over 2,400 Questions to Test Your Bird Knowledge - Литагент HarperCollins USD

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Which Critically Endangered species has Swarowski championed as part of BirdLife International’s Guardians and Champions project?

      12  What is Scotch woodcock?

      13  Name one of the three or four Critically Endangered species with a population thought to be greater than 30,000 individuals.

      14  What colour is the iris of an Osprey?

      15  Is the Stanley Bustard named after the 19th century British Prime Minister, Edward Stanley?

      16  What name does the International Ornithological Congress recommend that we now use for Rock Dove / Rock Pigeon /Feral Pigeon/Columba livia?

      17  Name one country, outside Africa, where Lesser Flamingo has bred in historical times?

      18  Who illustrated both T. A. Coward’s Birds of the British Isles and their Eggs and Miss S. Vere Benson’s Observer’s Book of British Birds?

      19  What was the commonest non-natural (human-related) cause of death among Spanish Imperial Eagles between 1989 and 2004?

      20  What is the Red Sea Warbler more commonly called?

       2008 C

      Paul Stancliffe – BTO

       Answers: see here

      1  Which project will be supported by Birdfair next year?

      2  Where else is an Azure-winged Magpie azure apart from the wings?

      3  Which species of bird caused the greatest loss of human life in an air strike when 62 people were killed when birds brought down an Eastern Airlines Lockheed Electra in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1960?

      4  Is Wilson’s Warbler named after Woodrow Wilson, the former US president?

      5  In which country was the world’s largest Arctic Tern colony of over 50,000 pairs in 1950, which had been completely exterminated by 2000 due to egg-collecting?

      6  Which Old World warbler breeds in the New World?

      7  What species of bird has learned to peck around the tail of brooding Nazca Boobies in the Galapagos in order to drink the blood thereby produced?

      8  What is urohidrosis?

      9  What Critically Endangered species from Africa was depicted on last year’s Birdfair poster?

      10  Which of the following does not exist: Golden-crowned Emerald, Sapphire-spangled Emerald, Ruby-necklaced Emerald, Coppery-headed Emerald?

      11  In 1930 what happened when the last remaining female Laysan Duck had her eggs destroyed by a Bristle-thighed Curlew?

      12  Which Critically Endangered species has Birdwatch magazine championed as part of BirdLife International’s Guardians and Champions project?

      13  What was the ornithological-sounding surname of the New Zealand winner of the silver medal in the 5,000 metres in the 1976 Olympic Games?

      14  What object attached to a White Stork shot in Mecklenburg in Germany in 1822 gave a clue that storks wintered in Central Africa?

      15  What colour is the iris of the Stock Dove?

      16  Which country is home to the most species of Critically Endangered hummingbird?

      17  Who was Roger Tory Peterson’s companion on a 25,000 mile tour of North America in 1953, resulting in the book Wild America?

      18  What happened to the first captive-bred Philippine Eagle to be released in the Philippines?

      19  What name does the International Ornithological Congress (IOC) recommend that we now use for (Common) Crossbill Loxia curvirostra?

      20  In what year did the Cattle Egret colonise South America? Give the decade.

       2008 D

      Pete Leonard – ABC

       Answers: see here

      1  How many Critically Endangered species are there?

      2  The dark markings on the throat of the male Common Quail are usually compared with what nautical object?

      3  What bird did American hunters call the ‘dough bird’, on account of the soft dough-like texture of its fat on its autumn migration, when millions were slaughtered?

      4  Is the Bushtit named after the American president?

      5  Which race of Peregrine breeds in the British Isles?

      6  On 17th August 1768 (240 years ago tomorrow), Gilbert White described three species, previously considered to be one species, in a letter to Thomas Pennant. What were they?

      7  In 1941 what American passerines did Vera Lynn predict would be over the White Cliffs of Dover?

      8  What Critically Endangered species from Asia was depicted on last year’s Birdfair poster?

      9  When Konrad von Gesner published a drawing and description of a now Critically Endangered bird in 1555, the general response was that it was a hoax. What was this outlandish bird?

      10  In Navarra in north-east Spain, what species was most frequently killed by 271 wind-turbines between 2000 and 2002?

      11  Which of the following does not exist: Thrush Nightingale, Nightingale Finch, Nightingale Wren, Nightingale Bunting?

      12  What species has most recently been classified as Critically Endangered?

      13  Name one of the four genera with the dubious honour of having four Critically Endangered species.

      14  Which Critically Endangered species has Wildsounds championed as part of BirdLife International’s Guardians and Champions project?

      15  In which European country does approximately half the world population of Red Kite breed?

      16  By what name was Cyanistes caeruleus more familiarly known?

      17  What colour is the iris of a Common Kestrel?

      18  What is a ‘faeder’ when applied to Ruff?

      19  In what year did the Cattle Egret colonise North America (Florida)? Give the decade.

      20  What killed 17 of the 18 young Whooping Cranes in the migratory eastern population of Whooping Cranes in Florida in 2007?

       2009 A

      Jez Bird – OBC

       Answers: see here


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