Hilary Mantel Collection: Six of Her Best Novels. Hilary Mantel

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Hilary Mantel Collection: Six of Her Best Novels - Hilary  Mantel

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will say the same.’

      ‘She does,’ the king admits. ‘She says we should no longer bow to Rome.’

      ‘And should your father appear to you in a dream, take it just as you take this one. That he has come to strengthen your hand. No father wishes to see his son less powerful than himself.’

      Henry slowly smiles. From the dream, from the night, from the night of shrouded terrors, from maggots and worms, he seems to uncurl, and stretch himself. He stands up. His face shines. The fire stripes his robe with light, and in its deep folds flicker ochre and fawn, colours of earth, of clay. ‘Very well,’ he says. ‘I see. I understand it all now. I knew who to send for. I always know.’ He turns and speaks into the darkness. ‘Harry Norris? What time is it? Is it four o'clock? Have my chaplain robe for Mass.’

      ‘Perhaps I could say Mass for you,’ Dr Cranmer suggests, but Henry says, ‘No, you are tired. I've kept you from your beds, gentlemen.’

      It is as easy as that, as peremptory. They find themselves turned out. They pass the guards. They walk in silence, back to their people, the man Brereton shadowing them. At last, Dr Cranmer says, ‘Neat work.’

      He turns. Now he wants to laugh but he dare not laugh.

      ‘A deft touch, “and should your father appear to you …” I take it you don't like to be roused too often in the small hours.’

      ‘My household was alarmed.’

      The doctor looks sorry then, as if he might have been frivolous. ‘Of course,’ he murmurs. ‘Because I am not a married man, I do not think of these things.’

      ‘I am not a married man, either.’

      ‘No. I forgot.’

      ‘You object to what I said?’

      ‘It was perfect in every way. As if you had thought of it in advance.’

      ‘How could I?’

      ‘Indeed. You are a man of vigorous invention. Still … for the gospel, you know …’

      ‘For the gospel, I count it a good night's work.’

      ‘But I wonder,’ Cranmer says, almost to himself. ‘I wonder what you think the gospel is. Do you think it is a book of blank sheets on which Thomas Cromwell imprints his desires?’

      He stops. He puts a hand on his arm and says, ‘Dr Cranmer, look at me. Believe me. I am sincere. I cannot help it if God has given me a sinner's aspect. He must mean something by it.’

      ‘I dare say.’ Cranmer smiles. ‘He has arranged your face on purpose to disconcert our enemies. And that hand of yours, to take a grip on circumstance – when you took the king's arm in your grasp, I winced myself. And Henry, he felt it.’ He nods. ‘You are a person of great force of will.’

      Clerics can do this: speak about your character. Give verdicts: this one seems favourable, though the doctor, like a fortuneteller, has told him no more than he already knew. ‘Come,’ Cranmer says, ‘your boys will be fretting to see you safe.’

      Rafe, Gregory, Richard, cluster round him: what's happened? ‘The king had a dream.’

      ‘A dream?’ Rafe is shocked. ‘He got us out of bed for a dream?’

      ‘Believe me,’ Brereton says, ‘he gets one out of bed for less than that.’

      ‘Dr Cranmer and I agree that a king's dreams are not as other men's dreams.’

      Gregory asks, ‘Was it a bad dream?’

      ‘Initially. He thought it was. It isn't now.’

      They look at him, not understanding, but Gregory understands. ‘When I was small I dreamed of demons. I thought they were under my bed, but you said, it can't be so, you don't get demons our side of the river, the guards won't let them over London Bridge.’

      ‘So are you terrified,’ Richard says, ‘if you cross the river to Southwark?’

      Gregory says, ‘Southwark? What is Southwark?’

      ‘Do you know,’ Rafe says, in a schoolmaster's tone, ‘there are times when I see a spark of something in Gregory. Not a blaze, to be sure. Just a spark.’

      ‘That you should mock! With a beard like that.’

      ‘Is that a beard?’ Richard says. ‘Those scant red bristles? I thought there was some negligence by the barber.’

      They are hugging each other, wild with relief. Gregory says, ‘We thought the king had committed him to some dungeon.’

      Cranmer nods, tolerant, amused. ‘Your children love you.’

      Richard says, ‘We cannot do without the man in charge.’

      It will be many hours till dawn. It is like the lightless morning on which the cardinal died. There is a smell of snow in the air.

      ‘I suspect he will want us again,’ Cranmer says. ‘When he has thought about what you have said to him and, shall we say, followed where his thoughts lead him?’

      ‘Still, I shall go back to the city and show my face.’ Change my clothes, he thinks, and wait for the next thing. To Brereton he says, ‘You know where to find me. William.’

      A nod, and he walks away. ‘Dr Cranmer, tell the Lady we did a good night's work for her.’ He throws his arm around his son's shoulder, whispers, ‘Gregory, those Merlin stories you read – we are going to write some more.’

      Gregory says, ‘Oh, I didn't finish them. The sun came out.’

      Later that day he walks back into a panelled chamber at Greenwich. It is the last day of 1530. He eases off his gloves, kidskin scented with amber. The fingers of his right hand touch the turquoise ring, settling it in place.

      ‘The council is waiting,’ the king says. He is laughing, as if at some personal triumph. ‘Go and join them. They will give you your oath.’

      Dr Cranmer is with the king; very pale, very silent. The doctor nods, to acknowledge him; and then, surprisingly, a smile floods his face, lighting up the whole afternoon.

      An air of improvisation hangs over the next hour. The king does not want to wait and it is a matter of which councillors can be found at short notice. The dukes are in their own countries, holding their Christmas courts. Old Warham is with us, Archbishop of Canterbury. It is fifteen years since Wolsey kicked him out of his post as Lord Chancellor; or, as the cardinal always put it, relieved him of worldly office, so allowing him the opportunity, in his last years, to embrace a life of prayer. ‘Well, Cromwell,’ he says. ‘You a councillor! What the world comes to!’ His face is seamed, his eyes are dead-fish eyes. His hands shake a little as he proffers the holy book.

      Thomas Boleyn is with us, Earl of Wiltshire, Lord Privy Seal. The Lord Chancellor is here; he thinks in irritation, why can More never get a proper shave? Can't he make time, shorten his whipping schedule? As More moves into the light, he sees that he is more dishevelled than usual, his face gaunt, plum-coloured stains under his eyes.

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