Awakening the Mind, Lightening the Heart. Литагент HarperCollins USD

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Awakening the Mind, Lightening the Heart - Литагент HarperCollins USD

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of China—an enormous power. That is why I sometimes joke with people that if the Dalai Lama did not have some understanding of the Dharma to fall back on, he would be taking sleeping pills by now. But I do fine without them. Even though I do not have any spiritual realization, some understanding of the teachings greatly helps in times of despair. The Buddha taught that as long as you conceive of true existence and as long as you are dominated by self-centeredness, you will have no peace or happiness. These fundamental teachings help you relax when things go wrong and equip you to face hard times. The oppression and persecution the Tibetans have suffered and continue to suffer under Chinese rule is one of the greatest human tragedies. But just being negative about the situation is not constructive, and losing heart does not help us solve problems. So, in the light of the Buddha’s teachings, we should develop courage.

      The Buddha has taught that all sentient beings have been kind to us at some time during our past lives. Even our enemies give us the best training in patience. When we reflect on these holy instructions, in a way we should feel grateful to the Chinese. If we were still living in the same old system, I very much doubt that the Dalai Lama could have become so closely acquainted with worldly reality. I used to live in a very sheltered environment, but now that we are in exile, there is no stigma attached to facing reality. In our own country, we could pretend that everything was in order because it was shrouded under a cloak of pomp and show. I had to sit on a high throne assuming the attitude of being the Dalai Lama. Some of the older officials will recall that in Lhasa our government officials were more concerned about elaborate functions and their rich clothes than the nation’s welfare. They felt they could afford to pretend that everything was fine even when disaster was looming on the horizon. It is quite possible that. I could have become narrow-minded, but because of the Chinese threats and humiliations, I have become a real person. So what happened in Tibet can be seen as a blessing in disguise.

      Our contact with the outside world is another positive effect. If it were not for the Chinese invasion, we might still be sunk in our old system. The old Tibet was very conservative, and there was hardly any room for new developments and reforms. But the rapidly changing world has had some influence. Now our religion and culture are recognized as part of the world’s valued heritage. Tibetans have become known around the world and have gained some recognition.

      I, too, have had good contact with many people of other faiths. Through exchanging ideas I have gained many friends around the world. Such contacts provide moral support so we no longer feel lonely. After I received the Nobel Peace Prize, people refer to me as a promoter or champion of world peace. At times it is embarrassing; I have done nothing for world peace. I try to generate compassion and meditate on equalizing and exchanging self with others. These practices are for my spiritual development. Thinking about and meditating on nonviolence is also part of my spiritual practice. So what have I done for world peace? I received the title of Nobel Laureate and some money without having to do anything for it.

      One thing that is certain is that these mind training teachings have greatly benefited me. When I meet different people and exchange ideas, my understanding of them becomes more obvious. The practice of developing a kind heart and an altruistic attitude gives great inspiration and helps us relax and broaden our perspective in times of despair. We must see the mind training teachings in this light. The instruction to transform adversity into a favorable situation is exceptionally valuable.

      In this age of degeneration, sentient beings cannot bear their own sufferings and rejoice when their enemies are afflicted. However, putting into practice this instruction for transforming adversity into favorable conditions for achieving enlightenment will be very powerful and effective. In our modern world there has been great material development and far-reaching intellectual achievement, but anxiety remains. Generally, when we meet with adverse circumstances, they cause us to lose our tempers, our powers of judgment fail, and we become discouraged and depressed. But for a practitioner of mind training, these adverse circumstances provide favorable conditions, just as poison can sometimes be transformed into something beneficial like medicine. When the very circumstances that cause ordinary persons to create disturbing emotions can be transformed into favorable conditions, it is really marvelous. A practitioner who can do this is called a person of great intelligence, a person of great capacity.

      Although I do not claim any high realization in the practice of mind training, I have sincere admiration for and faith in this instruction. So when I hear things being said against me and when I meet with adverse circumstances, I try to apply the instructions outlined here. A practitioner who can transform adverse circumstances into favorable conditions will be affected by nothing. Whether that person is traveling or staying in one place, eating or doing anything else, he or she will be constantly aware of working for other sentient beings. Deep down, such a person is calm and free of anxiety. The body becomes a realm of joy, because no external circumstances can disturb that person’s presence of mind. The body could also be called a conflict-free zone, because for that person, there is no inner conflict and no external circumstances can upset him or her.

      Adverse circumstances can actually serve as a stimulus of progress in our practice. What is being taught here is a method to decrease the grip of self-centeredness and increase the wish to ensure the welfare of others. Even in this world we see that kindheartedness, an altruistic attitude, is the root for securing peace in the world, whereas a harmful selfish attitude is the source of conflict and unhappiness. So, regardless of the question of life after death, even within this life the mind training instructions yield great benefits. Of course, an altruistic attitude should be reinforced by wisdom. This union of wisdom and compassion is very important. Altruism by itself is not very powerful. So the altruistic attitude that is the target of this instruction is reinforced by wisdom, which is something truly marvelous.


      The reason we need to acquire understanding of the Dharma and put it into practice is very simple. Everyone wants to have happiness and to avoid misery. Happiness and misery arise primarily due to our way of thinking. Of course, external factors and material resources also play a role. But because the mind is the source of happiness and suffering, Buddhist teachings include exhaustive means and methods for transforming our thoughts. If we train our minds to be virtuous and positive, our conduct will automatically become more pleasant and wholesome.

      However, many of us know from experience that generating a wholesome mental attitude is not a simple task. It is like rolling a boulder up the hill or pushing a car that has run out of fuel. On the other hand, negativities arise spontaneously and as easily as water flowing downhill. What this makes clear is that we have to make a deliberate effort to cultivate positive thoughts and avoid negative ones.

      This is the context in which the Buddha taught the Four Noble Truths. These are the truth of suffering, the true cause of suffering, the true cessation of suffering, and the true path to that cessation. Since we dislike suffering, we need to think about suffering and what gives rise to it. Unless there is some possibility of gaining complete relief and release from suffering and its causes, then thinking about suffering will be like a headache, only adding to our problems. So it is also of utmost importance that we are aware of the true path and true cessation. These are not just dry philosophical topics; they have a direct bearing on everyday life.

      Achieving happiness and overcoming misery is like any other of life’s tasks. To be successful we need to gather conducive factors and eliminate obstacles. If we want to achieve social status, fame, and wealth, we have to apply ourselves to create the necessary conditions. In order to become wealthy, we need to be well educated, which in turn depends on material wealth. The health of the mind depends on physical health and vice versa. As I have mentioned before, the mind has primacy over the body, and thus human behavior is determined by the mind. When the mind is not properly disciplined or controlled, all kinds of problems arise.

      The root cause of suffering

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