Cry of the Hunter. Jack Higgins

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Cry of the Hunter - Jack  Higgins

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jumped up and said angrily, ‘What’s so funny, Mr Fallon?’

      ‘The fact that the Organization can bloody well do without me,’ Fallon said. ‘That’s what’s so funny.’

      Doolan swore savagely and turned to O’Hara. ‘Is this the great Martin Fallon? Swilling his guts with whisky and rotting in a back-country pigsty?’

      Fallon moved so quickly that Doolan didn’t stand a chance. A fist caught him high on the right cheek and he stumbled, tripped over a loose rug and fell heavily to the floor. Fallon hauled him to his feet and pushed him down into a chair. ‘Listen to me,’ he said, and his voice was ice-cold. ‘When I was a schoolboy I lived and breathed the I.R.A. I joined when I was seventeen. When I was twenty-two I was the leader of the Organization in Ulster. I was a name in the land. I’m forty years of age and I’ve spent nine of them in prison. I’ve done my share for Ireland.’

      ‘Now then, Martin,’ O’Hara said soothingly. ‘No one is denying what you’ve suffered but it should only strengthen your resolve to fight until the whole of Ireland is free again.’

      Fallon threw back his head and laughed savagely. ‘For God’s sake, are you still handing out that kind of clap-trap? The country is as free as it wants to be. If they ever want to change things north of the border they’ll do it through the government and through law. Guns and bombs will only serve to make them realize how well off they are without us.’

      Doolan groaned and shook his head several times and Fallon handed him a glass of whisky which the small man swallowed at a gulp. After a while he fingered his face gingerly and said with a wry smile. ‘That’s a hell of a wallop you’ve got, Mr Fallon, and no mistake.’

      Fallon grinned and sat down. ‘I’m sorry I lost my temper,’ he said, ‘but you touched me on a raw spot.’

      ‘It’s a thing I wouldn’t advise any man to do,’ Doolan said feelingly.

      O’Hara coughed and spat into the fire. ‘We wouldn’t have come to you if there was anyone else, Martin. It’s desperate work and you’re the only man for it, and that’s a fact.’

      ‘You’re wasting your time,’ Fallon told him.

      Doolan moved uneasily and there was puzzlement in his voice. ‘Do you mean to tell me you won’t help us, Mr Fallon?’

      Fallon took out a cigarette and lit it. ‘That’s about the size of it.’ Doolan turned helplessly to O’Hara and Fallon went on. ‘That old spider there knew damned well that I wouldn’t stir a finger. He’d no right to bring you here.’

      O’Hara raised his eyes piously to the ceiling and Doolan said, ‘But why now? You were the greatest of them all. You were worshipped throughout the length and breadth of Ireland.’

      Fallon nodded and said lightly, ‘If only I’d got myself killed. It would have been even better. Another martyr to the cause.’ Doolan made a sudden exclamation of disgust and turned away and Fallon said seriously, ‘How old are you, lad? How many times have you been over the border? I’ve spent more than a lifetime over there. I’ve spent eternity many times over. I’ve been chased throughout the length and breadth of Ulster, and England, too. Five years ago I escaped from Dartmoor Prison. For three weeks I was hunted like an animal before I reached this country again. Oh, I was the great hero until I told them at Headquarters that I was through. O’Hara was there. He knows what happened.’

      ‘You were a sick man, Martin,’ O’Hara said smoothly. ‘You weren’t in your right mind.’

      Fallon laughed grimly. ‘I was right in my mind for the first time in my life,’ he said. ‘I’d had plenty of time to think it over.’

      ‘But you can’t leave the Organization,’ Doolan said. ‘Once you’re a member, it’s for life. There’s only one way out.’

      ‘I know,’ Fallon said. ‘Feet first, but that’s where I had them, you see. You can’t court-martial and shoot the greatest living hero you’ve got. That wouldn’t do at all because the rot might set in. People might begin to think there was something wrong. No, you just put up with him and heave a sigh of relief when he buries himself in the wilds. And who knows – if you’re really lucky he might even drink himself into the grave.’

      Doolan stared helplessly at him and O’Hara said, calmly, ‘What a one for the words you always were, Martin. What a one. But we still haven’t got down to business.’

      Fallon shook his head and, despite himself, a reluctant smile came to his lips. ‘You’re wasting your time, O’Hara,’ he said. ‘I’m safe here. Four strong walls and a roof to keep out the rain, my typewriter to pay the bills and plenty of booze.’

      ‘Just so,’ the old man replied. ‘The whisky to try and fill the emptiness in you.’ He cackled suddenly. ‘Why man, the Irish Sea itself couldn’t fill that hole inside you.’

      For a brief moment Fallon’s face slipped and a terrible expression came into his eyes and then he regained control and smiled lightly.

      ‘It’s you that should be writing the books and not me,’ he said.

      O’Hara leaned back, a satisfied smile on his face. ‘Are you ready to hear why we’ve come, then?’

      For a moment Fallon hesitated and then curiosity got the better of him. He shrugged. ‘All right. I’m listening. It can’t do any harm.’

      O’Hara nodded and Doolan leaned forward and lowered his voice. ‘Have you heard of Patrick Rogan, Mr Fallon?’

      Fallon frowned. ‘I knew him well. A mad, hair-brained fanatic. He was shot dead in a running fight with the police on the Belfast Docks.’

      ‘He had a son,’ O’Hara said, quietly.

      ‘Yes, he had a son,’ Fallon said. ‘Shamus they called him. He was killed in nineteen-forty-five in a raid on a police barracks in County Down. I’ve forgotten the name of the place.’

      ‘There was another son,’ Doolan said. ‘Did you know that? Only a nipper when his father was killed. Don’t you read the papers here, Mr Fallon?’

      ‘I’m careful not to,’ Fallon said.

      Doolan smiled briefly and went on. ‘Two years ago there was a clean sweep made in Belfast and the polis lifted most of the leaders. Patrick Rogan was only twenty and he hadn’t been over there long but he rose to the occasion and proved himself his father’s son. He took over leadership of the Organization and was so successful we left him in charge.’

      Fallon raised his eyebrows. ‘He must be quite a boy.’

      ‘He is indeed, Mr Fallon,’ Doolan said, ‘and one we can’t do without. He’s walked the path of danger these two years, a hero and a legend to his people.’ He paused and the only sound in the room was the crackling of the logs in the fire and the drumming of the rain against the window. O’Hara coughed asthmatically and Doolan said, heavily, ‘He was taken the day before yesterday.’

      There was another short silence and then Fallon said, ‘Well, it comes to us all in the end. He lost, that’s all.’

      ‘We must have him out,’ O’Hara said suddenly.

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