Don't Tempt Me. Lori Foster

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Don't Tempt Me - Lori Foster

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that, I’m a fashion buyer for a boutique. If you ever want to step up your game, I could make some suggestions. And maybe Honor could update your hairstyle. You have the potential to be almost as hot as your brother.”

      Hogan’s eyes flared, then narrowed.

      “Lighten up.” Jason clapped him on the shoulder. “And, Lexie, thanks, but honestly Hogan already has more dates than he can handle.”

      “Now, that is fascinating,” Lexie said.

      “He does both,” Colt cut in, clearly not anxious to talk about his father being out on the market. “Uncle Jason, I mean. You asked about the truck?”

      Lexie gave Colt a genuine smile. “So I did.”

      “He does body and engine work. But this time Uncle Jason’s just tricking it out some.”

      Honor watched the back-and-forth conversation, noting the indulgent way Jason looked at his nephew, while also feeling the growing tension from Hogan. But why?

      The quiet smothered her, especially with the palpable acrimony now flowing between Hogan and Lexie. After clearing her throat, Honor asked, “Is that what we interrupted? You were working on the truck?”

      Jason shook his head. “Tractor.” He nodded toward the side of the garage. “The owner of the truck is making up his mind between two options I gave him. Today I was repairing the tractor, but it needs a part I won’t have until tomorrow. I’m at a standstill on both projects, so you didn’t really interrupt. I was already done for the day.”

      Hogan ran a hand over his face, popped his neck and finally worked up a smile. “He built the garage a few years back.”

      “You helped,” Jason reminded him.

      “By help, he means I followed directions. No idea where Jason got the knack, because our dad wasn’t the handy sort. But if there’s an upside to us staying with him right now, it’s that he’s teaching Colt.”

      “And Colt does appear to have the knack,” Jason added.

      Both she and Lexie looked at the garage with new eyes. Wow.

      Honor said, “It’s unlike any garage I’ve ever seen.”

      “You should see the shed he did for Sullivan,” Colt bragged. “And the gazebo for Nathan.”

      “Sullivan and Nathan?” Lexie perked up with interest.

      “Other neighbors,” Honor said before Lexie could get started. She pushed to her feet while saying, “This was really wonderful. Thank you again, all of you.”

      When she started to pick up their paper plates, Colt took over. “I got it.”

      Unbelievable. She’d never known such a polite young man. “Are you sure?”

      He grinned, looking like a younger version of his uncle. “Positive. It all just goes to the can.” He gathered up everything and walked off.

      Honor turned to Hogan. “You did an amazing job with him.”

      “Thanks. He’s always been an easy kid. Smart, friendly and self-motivated.”

      Again, Honor wondered about Colt’s mother. Had she taken a hand in molding such an impressive young man?

      Hogan said, “I need to take off now, too.”

      “Big date?” The way Lexie asked that, it was clear to one and all she didn’t expect it to be.

      “Actually,” Hogan said, “yes.”

      In an effort to stem new hostilities, Honor stepped in front of her friend. “I hope we didn’t hold you up.”

      “Nope. I have a few minutes yet.” His frown moved past Honor to Lexie. “Guess I need to go change, though.”

      Laughing, Lexie asked, “Need help?”

      His dark expression morphed into a reluctant grin. “I think I’ve got it covered.”

      She nodded while yawning. “I need to get going, too.”

      “Gotta catch up on your beauty sleep?”

      Honor almost groaned...until Lexie laughed again.

      “Good one,” she said, and then she held up her palm, leaving Hogan no choice but to high-five her. To Jason, she teased, “The differences aren’t just in looks, I take it.”

      Jason lifted a brow. “No, they aren’t.”

      Without comment, Hogan headed off for the house.

      “Well.” Honor watched everyone depart. Hogan went into the house from the back door. Lexie headed off to the rental truck. And Cody hadn’t returned from taking away their trash.

      She and Jason were alone and with every fiber of her being, she felt it. Hoping not to be too obvious, she took a step back, then another. “I should get going, too. I need to drop off the truck tonight so I can get my car back. After I run Lexie home, I need to stop at the grocery. It’s going to take me a few hours to get back here, and I still have to get things set up for the morning.”

      “What kind of things?”

      “Alarm clock, coffee and I have to unpack enough clothes to get ready for work in the morning.”

      He had been looking down at the ground as they walked to the curb, but now his head lifted and he stared at her. “You have to work tomorrow?”

      “Yes.” But it wasn’t a matter of having to. “I’ll be taking all the hours I can get for a while. There are so many things I want to do to the house, but it all takes funds.” Funds she didn’t have. What money she’d saved would go to dire necessities, so overtime helped to pay for the extras she wanted.

      “You have to be tired.”

      “A little.” She rolled her aching shoulders, but resisted the long stretch. “I’m both excited and exhausted and I don’t know if I’d be able to sleep in anyway.”


      There were a hundred different reasons for her excitement, and one of those reasons was standing before her. Jason Guthrie was about the sexiest man she’d ever met. His careless hair, strong features, dark eyes and that body... Yup. The body definitely factored in.

      But she also liked his intense focus, the way he smiled with pleasure at his nephew and his up-front honesty. That honesty had stung a little, since he clearly felt she was out of her league. Then again, he’d pitched in and done what he could to make her move-in easier.

      How could she not admire him?

      Naturally she wouldn’t say any of that to him, so instead she shared other thoughts that would hopefully reaffirm for him that she was here to stay. “The move, the house—now that it’s officially mine and I’m here, there are a million things running through my mind. What to do first, how much money I’ll need,

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