The Story of Jesus The Christ. Helen Braun Hojt

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The Story of Jesus The Christ - Helen Braun Hojt

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the other nations around them and have a king whom they

      could see, and who could go before their army when it went to war.



      The first king was not a good raler; but after he died a young

      man named David came to the throne, and David was a good

      king. He tried to do as well as he could himself, and tried to

      teach the people to obey the laws of their God.

      David belonged to the tribe of Judah, and was born in Beth¬

      lehem. He was only a shepherd boy when he was chosen to be

      king, and for that reason he is often called the Shepherd King.

      Although he left his country home and went to Jerusalem to live

      when he was quite a young man, he never forgot the lessons he

      learned in the fields of Bethlehem. He wrote beautiful songs that

      show that while he stayed with the sheep, hour after hour, his

      thoughts were about God and his goodness. It was thousands of

      years ago that David lived, yet ever since that time people have

      read and sung these songs, and we can read them now in that

      part of the Bible called the Psalms. One of them begins, u The

      Lord is my shepherd.» Perhaps you know it.

      After David died, his son Solomon became king. He was very

      rich, and knew so much that he has been called the wisest man

      that ever lived. He built for the people a beautiful temple where

      they could meet to worship God. When this temple was built

      the people promised to always love and obey the God who had

      been so good to them and to their fathers. If they had remem¬

      bered this promise, and kept it, they would have been a strong

      nation even now; but very soon they began to break God’s laws.

      Some of them even began to pray to idols.

      After King Solomon died things grew worse and worse, until

      at last the Jews were conquered by other nations, their cities de¬

      stroyed, and the people carried away to other countries. After a

      time some were allowed to go back to Palestine to live, but there

      has never been a real Jewish nation since that time, and that was

      a great many years ago.

      But the Jews kept up their courage; for their prophets had



      told them that they should have a king who should rule the

      whole world, and who should reign for ever and ever. Prophets

      are men who tell what is going to happen long before it does

      come; they foretell things. We have men whom we call

      weather-prophets. By studying the sky, the clouds, and the

      winds, they can tell what sort of weather we are likely to have.

      But these Jewish prophets talked with God, and he told them

      what to foretell, so they never made any mistakes.

      These prophets did not all live at one time; nor did they all

      tell the same things about the king. One said he was to be born

      in Bethlehem, and was to belong to David’s family. Another

      said when he should be born; and others told something else

      about his life. Still another said that before he came God would

      send a great prophet, who would teach the people how to get

      ready for the Christ, their king.

      At the time of our story there had been no prophet for four

      hundred years; but the Jews, remembering and believing what

      the prophets had promised so long ago, were looking for their king.

      For, if the prophets had spoken truly, it was almost time for him

      to come. They had forgotten that some of the prophets had said

      that the king was to be poor, and a man of sorrows. They ex¬

      pected him to come in great power, and make them a strong free

      nation again.

      Although many Jews were now living in Palestine, they were

      under the rule of the Homan Emperor. The Emperor had so

      large a country that he could not look after it all himself; but

      divided it into what were called provinces and appointed rulers

      to take charge of them for him. The Jews did not like to obey

      the Roman Emperor, they did not like the rulers who were sent

      to them, and they did so long for their own strong king.

      Herod, one of the Roman rulers, who was called a king, was

      very much disliked, and he began to be afraid that he would lose



      his throne. So to please the Jews he built them a temple, even

      more beautiful than the one which Solomon had built for them.

      That one had been destroyed when the’ Jews were driven out of

      their country, and the one which had been built when they had

      returned was now so old that it was falling to pieces.

      The temple was not much like our churches, nor was the ser¬


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