Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

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Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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style="font-size:15px;">      millions. But what these millions will cost tomorrow? Tomorrow you can

      to wake up the poor, and you will intercept the retreat all,

      to flight, rescue…”

      Whether will be much such which will refuse our offer? To

      to example, lady Hinton. Quite ripened fruit. Two-three more already close

      political crash, and from this rich person fall down in our hands

      pounds sterling without account. We will build “Noah’s Ark”. We will be

      to build a starprobe vehicle, tens of starprobe vehicles, without caring for that at all,

      they will depart or not. We will be at the head of business and to move huge

      means. Conspiracy simplifies the reporting. It is necessary at all not

      to have commercial intuition not to estimate all advantage of it

      enterprises. I hope, now you quite understood what means to open

      placer on the Thames?

      Marshal de Terlonzh for nervousness long puffed, sniffed and, at last

      squeezed out from itself:

      – E-e-e., ffva are absolutely right!

      So new was born in foggy London evening in darkness of a limousine

      the joint-stock company fastened with short strong handshake.

      Chapter 3


      Hans Finger was by the cabin window. His curling fair hair and face

      burned in the sun. He whistled a cheerful march, beating time and a leg and

      hand. Finger experienced delight of the first flight on the stratoplena.

      “Life – devilishly interesting movie when time and events fly as

      this стратоплан…” Hans all accelerated a march. If it was possible

      to start up the movie of life even quicker! To strike time in a nape so that all

      hour hands were started turning quicker second, detachable leaves

      calendars fell down as autumn leaves during a storm, and the sun a comet

      would rush on a sky…

      Hans suddenly reeled, hit the head against a wall and screamed. Or it

      also, like a certain utopian hero, received a gift to work wonders?.

      The sun as soccerball, described an arch in the sky and was behind a frame


      Hans rubbed a nape, took seat in an easy chair and laughed.

      “Well of course, it стратоплан the abrupt bend made. Yes, changing time

      on the third speed, it is necessary to keep more strong”.

      Hans thought.

      Elections, strikes, street demonstrations. Hans kept up everywhere:

      scattered illegal leaves from a roof, filled with them abonent books in

      boxes of payphones, managed “Mohicans” near by to do, as well as

      hundreds of his companions, antigovernmental inscriptions on walls of houses and on

      the passing vans, collected the chronicle for underground newspapers, let

      children’s spheres with leaflets, set up at night red banners on spikes

      churches, sold theatrical programs, putting in them leaflets,

      invented tens of ways of propaganda, ran away from prosecution, disappeared,

      changed clothes; even it zagrimirovyvatsya and again threw out such pieces, from

      which enemies turned green, workers laughed and political raged


      Vinkler’s call. Organization of escape of Zander. A smart suit “under

      Englishman”. Soft compartment. To the Swiss border – on a car. Boundary

      strip. Night, storm… Searches of companions to which at Vinkler was

      letter. Wandering… A crossing through the river. Alarm. Firefight…

      Switzerland. Mountains in the neighborhood of the Alps. The small house – a chalet – among

      unction, larches, Alpine cedars. Snow. Tasty mountain frosty

      the air which is given to drink by a needles smell. Work in a workshop. Production of model

      starprobe vehicle according to drawings. Study. War with integrals and differentials. In

      leisure hours – skis, excursions on the mountains… Blotton’s arrival with big

      news. Order of a big passenger starprobe vehicle. Blotton’s departure,

      Zander and Vinkler in some unknown Stormer-city…

      New duties are assigned to Hans: purchase and reception

      high-quality staly Europe in the different cities and America.

      Continuous trips. It is interesting. But… “purchasing agent” – such

      work not in Hans’s taste. It sends desperate letters to Vinkler. At last

      Vinkler “took pity” on him. Arrived to Europe personally to make

      some purchases and to capture with itself Hans. And now they fly in

      this mysterious Stormer-city. Also Blotton flies. He will make the first

      rise in a stratosphere on the single rocket. He did not want this honor

      to concede to nobody.

      Hans looks out of the window. The sky at this height of gray and flaky color. Sun

      it is dazzling is white.

      And what becomes below? Concave dark blue board of the ocean. On it

      it is dazzling a bright circle – reflection of a solar disk.

      Magnificent, wonderful flight! Terrible jump! From west banks

      Europe on the southwest,

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