Classics fantasy – 9. A. Belyaev

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Classics fantasy – 9 - A. Belyaev

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many at you tractors are not repaired?

      The master Sharokov looked at Valkirny and answered cheerfully:

      – Six, Kondrat Semenych. By then, as the earth will thaw, all will be in serviceability.

      – Means, sixty six. All right.

      From this day Valkirny recovered.

      Became talkative, active still. As though the weight off the shoulders at it fell down or it resolved a difficult task. And when snow and cheerful streams of a zazhurchala on slopes descended, Kondrat Semenych brought together board and addressed it with such speech:

      – Here that, children. I received paper from Kamyshin. Will dam Volga on the first of May, and it will begin to flow to our steppes. One of streams will go directly to “Red dawns”, but only will touch with an edge. Not to postpone “Dawns” to the new place, it is enough to make to us a small dam in two hundred fifty meters of length and more than a meter of height, and water will bypass us and will begin to flow on the South.

      – And suddenly will flood?

      – Will not flood. I measured all. Water at us will be only on sixty centimeters above the level of “Dawns”, and we will make a dam in meter, well, even in one and a half meters.

      – And to make as? – Grachev asked.

      – And it is very simple. Tractors are, we will make in our workshops ploughshares more, we will launch our “tanks” – and they in a trice otvorotit the necessary layer of the earth. Merekayete?

      Someone else did not merekat, and Valkirny, as always, patiently and in details explained.

      Work began to boil. Grachev was “a bit an inventor” and with great feeling undertook design of “the trench car”. Made not really accurate, but sensible drawing. Valkirny approved, smiths were accepted to production of ploughshares, tractor operators put cars in order.

      – So, so, children. Fry so that hot became the sky that sparks flew – Kondrat encouraged. He felt as again at the front. It was animated, mobile, cheerful, ate for three and worked for ten.

      The tractors turned into trench cars left in the field soon and, according to Valkirny’s instructions, began to turn off layer behind layer.

      The sun warmed more and stronger. The spring was amicable.

      The dam was stretched already more than half when there was one incident.

      Valkirny ordered “tanks” on fields as suddenly confused Grachev ran up to him. He held paper in hand.

      – You that? – Valkirny asked, having pricked up the ears.

      – Kondrat Semenych, what is it?. How it so?. – there began Grachev. – Here paper came from “Piping” … write here…

      Valkirny did not listen to the end. Snatched out paper from Grachev’s hands and, having tapped of him on the shoulder so that that donkey on one side, told strictly:

      – We follow me … – And they departed from a tractor column that it was not heard their conversation””.

      – Well, what is the matter? Speak.

      – Yes here, “Piping” asks how we have a work on transfer of “Red dawns” on the new place. And whether we will finish work by May first. How it so, Kondrat Semenych?

      Valkirny annoyancely grunted.

      – And here so. Hit into my head. I will not allow. To arrange a dam rather and cheaper, than to transfer the whole settlement. You understand? When they see how all this simply was arranged, will thank. And will expel me – the hell with them. If only to defend “Dawns”.

      – Well… And if someone from them, from “Piping”, arrives yes here all this will open?

      – Will not arrive. Now at them there is a lot of del. All visited. And will arrive, will see that we did not begin to move “Dawns” yet, will be abused and will leave on – мо – to it. I so believe… Unless will throw out me from “Dawns”. Well. You before ohm will be… What the nose on a fifth hung up?

      – I anything…

      Grachev trudged for Valkirny and now looked with new eyes at the built dam. Bewilderment and fear were reflected in his face.

      And Valkirny shows no sign. Orders indifferently. Strong person.


      Rain expected to fall. Under beams of the spring sun wet rails, roofs of station buildings, the brand new engine began to shine. It puffs, gains strength – now will go to carry all over the world different people with their different destiny.

      From a roof of the prisoner car drops, brilliant as mercury drip. The barred window is opened, and in a window, as from a frame – the old man’s head. Gloomy watch dark eyes from under ragged eyebrows. Greedy pull in widely opened nostrils damp spring air. Stuffy in the car, and Gleb Kalganov got used to an open air of the sea and Volga. Watches Kalgan at station vanity and as if does not see. Retired a thought into oneself.

      And suddenly his look recovered, was poured by rage. Kalgan saw Kuzma Sysoyev, wanted to hide, depart from a window – late. A prickly eye of Kuzma already stuck into his dark eyes, holds, does not release…

      This meeting is casual or is not casual?. Perhaps, as it is not casual. Kuzma was the main prosecution witness in court.

      Came! With own eyes wants to see that the pike toothy did not escape from networks… It is torn through crowd, keeping the eyes glued from Kalgan. To a window stuck, eyes as if bloodsuckers, stuck into the face of Kalgan, hold… Kalgan is silent.

      – You sit? – Kuzma asks. – At, a snake!.

      The engine hooted, cars started.

      Gleb hard fell by a bench and looked at hefty sons, sitting opposite. And near it fishermen from its artel gloomy frowned.

      – Went! – deafly told Kalgan.

      – To the devil’s grandmother on a visit – the fisherman, the neighbor of Kalgan grumbled. – All on your favor!

      – In a whirlpool the head and us there! – picked up another. – “Let’s not give Volga mother!” Here also did not give. Believed an old dog.

      Kalgan is silent. “Here – thought – Mikheyev to all the reason. To be the death of Vostronosy, to break through a dam – and Volga is saved. Thought so, and left differently. The dam broke, and Volga will be locked after all tomorrow. In what the reason?. Vot and Kuzma – undersized, puny, a claw you will press down. And removed the head from Gleb’s shoulders. Why? Because it with what is built?” Gleb heaves a deep sigh.


      Orchestras died down, ceased speeches of speakers. The celebration is finished. Wide Volga waters are taken prisoner.


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