Classics fantasy – 5. A. Belyaev

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Classics fantasy – 5 - A. Belyaev

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with destiny of group Leonid. Accuracy of my calculations is challenged by my respectable colleague Zauyer…

      Gilbert exchanged glances with Carlson. Whether they deal with the maniac?

      This eye was caught by Lesley, and, with irritation having pulled a neck, it ended the speech, having sent the round points to a ceiling as if calibrating the thoughts to the sky:

      – I am sick… the last stage of tuberculosis.

      – But you at the wrong door addressed, dear professor! – Carlson told.

      – To the address! All right – with to listen to the end. I am sick and I will die soon. And the next emergence Leonid in the field of our sight can be expected only in one thousand nine hundred thirty third. I will not live up to this time. Meanwhile I can prove the case to the scientific world only as a result of additional observations. And here I ask you to subject me to anabiosis and to return to life in one thousand nine hundred thirty third, then to ship in anabiosis again, awakening in one thousand nine hundred sixty fifth, then in one thousand nine hundred ninety eighth and, at last, in two thousand twenty first. It is clear? – And Lesley filled the eyepieces on interlocutors.

      – Absolutely it is clear! – Gilbert answered. – But, dear professor, by then your scientific opponent can die and you will have nobody to prove your case!

      – We, astronomers, live in eternity! – with pride Lesley answered.

      – All this is very entertaining – Carlson told. – I see that anabiosis – very good thing for astronomers. You, for example, can ask to wake you when the Sun goes out to check fidelity of your calculations. But we – not astronomers – are interested closer future. Now we need only experience as proof of the fact that anabiosis is absolutely harmless and safe for life. Therefore we stipulate that stay in anabiosis did not last more than a month. Second condition: processes of immersion in anabiosis and returns to life have to happen publicly.

      – I agree to it. But month does not suit me at all! – And the upset Lesley began to tie a scarf around the long neck.

      – Allow – Gilbert stopped it. – We could make so: we «awaken» you in a month, and then we immerse you in anabiosis on any to you time again!

      – Perfectly! – the pleased Lesley exclaimed. – I am ready!

      – You have to sign a number of obligations and statements that you of own will subject yourself to anabiosis and you have no claims to us in case of a failure. It only for formality, but nevertheless…

      – He agrees, agrees to everything! Here to you my hand! Report when I am necessary to you! – And the pleased Lesley quickly left office…

      – Well? Pecked? – Carlson repeated the favourite expression when Lesley left, and tapped of Gilbert on the shoulder. Gilbert frowned from this familiarity.

      – Not absolutely the fact that it is necessary for us. Here if to steam of workers who would trumpet then in mines.

      – There will be also workers! Patience, my young friend as this astronomer speaks!

      – It is possible to enter? – At a door of office the shaggy head was pushed.

      – Please, I ask you!

      The office included the young man in a yellow checkered suit. Having made theatrical gesture a wide-brimmed hat, the stranger was introduced:

      – Мерэ. Frenchman. Poet.

      And, without expecting a reciprocal greeting, it drawlingly began:

      Was tired of torment of expectation,

      Was tired to chase a dream,

      Was tired of happiness and suffering,

      I was tired to be oneself.

      To fall asleep and sleep, without wakening,

      That to forget about itself

      And, the last sinking into a sleep,

      Not to know, not to feel, not to live.

      Freeze! Gotov.

      Let hot I get down

      My corpse cold will recover!

      – You give money now or after awakening?

      – Later!

      – He does not agree! The devil only knows, whether you revive me. Money for a barrel. To Kutn last time, and there do that want!

      Gilbert was interested in this funny shaggy poet.

      – I can give you in the advance payment five pounds sterling. It will suit you?

      At the poet of an eye sparkled hungry gloss. Five pounds! Пяггь good English pounds! To the person who ate sonnets and triolets!

      – Of course! Sold soul to the devil and it is ready to sign with blood the contract!

      When the poet left, Carlson snatched on Gilbert:

      – You reproach me that I ruin you, and throw money down the drain. Why you gave advance payment? You do not see what the bird is? I bet for five pounds that it will not return!

      – I accept! Let’s look! However today happy day! Look, still someone!

      The office included gracefully dressed young man.

      – May I introduce myself: Lesley!

      – One more Lesley! Really all Lesley take liking to anabiosis? – Carlson exclaimed. Lesley smiled.

      – I was not mistaken. Means, the uncle already was. I am Arthur Lesley. Mine the uncle, Eduard Lesley, professor of astronomy, told me a regrettable message about what wants to subject itself to experience of anabiosis…

      – And I believed that you wish to be influenced by this useful experience! Think, you will become one of the most fashionable people in London! – Carlson fished around.

      But this time fish did not peck.

      – I do not need so extravagant ways of popularity – with modest pride the young man spoke.

      – In that case you are afraid for the uncle? Absolutely in vain! His life is not exposed the slightest danger!

      – Really? – with great interest Arthur Lesley inquired.

      – You can be quiet!

      – Any danger! – quietly Lesley spoke, and to Carlson was heard that even more quietly Lesley added: It «is a pity». – And whether it is impossible to dissuade the uncle from this experience? He tubercular, and at weakness of his health hardly he is fit for experience. You risk

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