My city 3: records Emmanuel. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 3: records Emmanuel - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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an interest:

      – You are confident in it?

      Emmanuel claimed:

      – Absolutely.

      But we will return to Claudia Ivanovna and to Vasily. What do they do? Yes perhaps anything. Having brought all goods in a tent, Vasya and Claudia Ivanovna opened a stall tent window, and having looked at the watch on which was already one minute to twelve, having looked at the sky, at a yellow siyayushcheyu with joyful light – the moon, Claudia Ivanovna told Vasily:

      – Now on a path at Patriarchal ponds guests will appear.

      And here, from far away, as if, the person appeared from nowhere. It was high growth, in a dress coat. On the head of it there was a cylinder, and he held a klyukha in the right hand, and in the right eye at it the monocle was visible. About such speak; "kalancha". However, many people used this term. Both in the ancient time, and now. We about the tall person say: "It! The Kalangcha went". About the little person we say: "Dwarf". Each of us is forced to suffer offensive nicknames. But unless the person is guilty only that he grew up in the Uncles Stepa size or its genes did not give it growth, and he became "Dwarf" or as we sometimes say: "It the Liliputian went". Offensively. It is a pity that we attribute to people those titles which they do not deserve. Well and that such is – they are great growth or not? Maybe they in something surpass us – normal by growth of people. But they will never tell it to us. Will not tell because we are not able to communicate with such as they. They are forced to live in the world, and only books their constants and loyal friends. Especially it as is not sad to concern people of small growth. Those which it is more than meter and it is less of that. I know such people. They live one. They have nobody, except same as they. Sometimes looking at them, I feel ill at ease to become. They are one. One, in this mad very madly huge world. The world where everything submits to the rules. In the world where tall persons – masters of this world govern. It is a pity that they do not notice little people. People who were dissolved as superfluous in this big and mad world of future technologies and progress. They disappeared – as superfluous. With such as they it is so difficult. Better to forget about them. To forget and to remember never. But they are, and from them not to get to anywhere. Little people – they it is never blown from a shadow. They it is not blown because others will not even notice them. Will pass by, and … as? They are absent. They are not in madness of life. It is a pity that all quite so, so, and differently. Can having seen at itself a log in an eye, we will cease to see sticks at others. It is a pity, can among little people, perhaps there are living in poverty professors and academicians. It is a pity, we never learn it. But we will return on Patriarchal ponds. What occurs there?

      The tall person went on the laid-out stone blocks to a path. It went easy looking around. It was cheerful more than ever. About such say that these people were born with obvious desire "to live". Yes how not to want – to live? Whatever you may say, life this the most expensive, of course after family that is given us by nature. Agree, a miracle the birth the child's woman. Of course from a medical point the sight is clear how all this occurs. But from the philosophical point of view – the life given by the woman nothing else as a miracle. There is even such expression: "wonderful birth of new life". As we appreciate this life. Ourselves kill ourselves. Terribly. And that it is even more terrible, we do not understand that ourselves destroy ourselves.

      But we departed from history. Having described in detail who such – the person in the cylinder, I will leave philosophical reflection, and I will pass to further history. The person in the cylinder went looking around. Who could tell about it something? Perhaps anybody. Let he will tell about himself: – I am a doctor. Practiced in the eighteenth eyelids in France. Moved to Russia by the invitation of His Most Reverend Eminence Knyazya of Razbultylkov. Great there was a prince. So flogged the lackeys when drinks too, and God forbid in cards to be lost, do not wait for mercy. To speak in any case, here, for example Troyekurov of "Pushkin". Yes that was much more indulgent than this. Then I fell in love with its daughter, and that learned. The wedding with a certain Bogachyov was prepared for it. At that money was – it is unknown how many. And Razbultylkov was a bankrupt. Here also the party turned up. Rather he the daughter sold – that for the rascal. Well I also suggested it to run. And he is a devil, her daddy found out it. The daughter under the lock, and me to a column and to flog. And all interiors to me also beat off. I had an internal bleeding, and I died. His daughter, having found out my death, committed suicide. It was drowned. – it finished the story.

      Here second guest, that is guest. Young slender dark-haired woman. The woman appeared from nowhere. As if from air. From gone down on the earth down a cloud. From a fuzz of a heavenly smooth surface. Easy feather of purity of her soul. However, this purity was saddened hanging on her neck to a rope. To a rope which attached a stone. Stone of her sin. But it was not heavy it. It though hung on her neck, it was a burden on it not, and in joy. Here decreased it is told about that; that there is a life miracle. However, it is it is unlikely possible to judge this woman for what she made. What sined. As they say – a deadly sin. Who this woman? Her name is Katerina Razbultylkova. That woman who was wanted to be married not at her will wanted to marry, and that wanted in marriage for another: for the tall person in the cylinder. Yes probably was not on the cards. Katerina most likely could not live with such father and after her darling, by order of her father hammered and, she did not sustain it. The cruel father it left one. One with his demons, with its nightmares. Knowing that even if she will run away from it, that having found her will make with her everything that will wish, that it easily could give it on an entertainment to men, and then expel her from the estate, and in this case its destiny would be predetermined, she decided to commit such suicide. Last time сходив in church, and исповедовавшись, it went to the small river, threw with a stone a neck, and was drowned. Having learned about her death, her father simply threw: – There to it and the road – the whore. – Here such history of Katerina. Who is guilty of the incident? It is possible to reflect on it infinitely. Who will tell that it was made by the tall person in the cylinder. If he does not try to run away with Katerina, then there can be she survived it there was a cruel father? All life after he became a widow/widower – he drank. Saws blackly. Then still badly knew a disease – delirium tremens. Aberration. Accompanied with full madness. To speak in any case. Madness is a way of self-expression of the person capable of inadequate acts, sometimes passing into schizophrenia. And schizophrenia is a splitting of brain cages, and issuing information of what actually does not exist. There can be all what we were told by the person in the cylinder about was actually, and only the consequence made infuriated Razbultylkova. It neistovat in the indignation, and having killed very much flogged the doctor so that that died. Then it transferred the anger to Katerina – the daughter. And that made that she made. In any case nobody can tell for certain: who is guilty of the incident? In my opinion only she is guilty one – a bottle, and more nobody.

      But we will leave the past, and we will pass to the present. The woman went on a path at Patriarchal ponds. It went slowly as if floated over a path. Here she saw the tall person in the cylinder. He went on a path and looking at the sky of the full moon and flickering stars waved a club and cheerfully whistled something. It is obvious how it was already written to a wound it had excellent high spirits. But here he stopped, and began to peer in dark light, quiet and so pacifying a human look – the sky. It reminded it rest and silence. Silence and sweet love which he felt once on service of His Most Reverend Eminence Knyazya Razbultylkova to his daughter Katerina Razbultylkova. What those were fine times! They were together. Together in night. Whereas and now the full moon shone. Brightly got dark stars. Then, their last night it seemed to them that the whole world before them clearly. Here it is the world of serene beauty love. World of rest and sincere balance. Here it is the world. World of full beauty and temptations. He looked at the sky and to it it became for some reason sad. Sadly because he sees this beauty so seldom now. Only two times a year or four. Who knows how often we see this beauty of the real nature. The nature – life. One moment released to us on it. Agree, every second looking at something, we see it differently. Nothing happens identical. Even simple second. Not to catch it. The moment, is also not present it. And all over again. We look for this lost second, and it

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