Classics fantasy – 6. A. Belyaev

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Classics fantasy – 6 - A. Belyaev

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“Muscovites” so differ from each other both on addition, and on a suit a little that it is difficult to distinguish a floor. As if to me to ask Ea? If they speak Esperanto, then… it is necessary to remember. In Esperanto there are a lot of Latin roots. Man, husband in Latin vir (вир). Let’s try.

      – Vee Viro? (You man?)

      Эа burst out laughing, negatively rocked the head and playfully ran out from the room. Who could think! Absolutely boy!

      Having had supper a tablet, I came to the platform. It was cool. On the dark blue sky six crossing huge light strips which were behind the horizon spread. Precisely easy gold dome-shaped arch covered the earth. It was amazingly beautiful show. Only huge heavy-duty searchlights could create these fiery rivers. When an eye got used to light a little, I saw that on the gold rivers the gold ships – the long, cigar-shaped aircrafts which are scurrying about as shuttles, with amazing speed float.

      Having admired this show, I paid attention to some subject reminding a big silk bag. This bag was strengthened on quite high pole, and from it the rope went down on the platform. Several such bags hung also in other places at the region of the platform. Out of curiosity I pulled a rope. Suddenly, before I managed to let go it, pulled me up. The bag rose, with noise revealed in a huge parachute and was thrown overboard the air platform. I grew cold with horror. Fortunately, I noticed something like a trapeze nearby. I took seat on it and departed to a chasm.

      Chapter 3


      It was the shortest night in my life – it filled with the most extraordinary impressions so quickly flew by.

      Having unexpectedly broken on a parachute from the platform of air observatory, I got used to the position of the pilot necessarily soon and with interest looked down.

      As I fell, quickly grew warm. The breeze carried me aside, towards the Kremlin. Near it I saw a grove of cypresses among which there was a fine marble fountain lit with the ascended moon. These cypresses growing in the open air near the Kremlin walls, struck me. But I immediately forgot about them, attracted with a new show. The parachute transferred me through the Kremlin wall, from Borovitsky gate, and I fell… on the square covered with snow. Staring in disbelief, I took snow a hand. It was the real cold snow, but it did not thaw from the surrounding warm air, even from my hot hand. What for improbable things are created here?

      I looked around. There was an extraordinary silence. The moon gilded domes of churches and lit blue sparks of diamonds on the roofs of ancient towers powdered with snow. In one of them, in a small window, with mica instead of glasses, the yellowish spark shone. But on streets it was visible nobody. At the Red porch stood two bearded stremyanny in the warm caftans edged by fur and in fur peaked caps. Leaning on berdysh, they dozed. Trying not to wake them again not to undergo arrest, I carefully bypassed them on the creaking snow and started wandering to the center of the Kremlin, trying to resolve a riddle: in what century I live? My reflections were unexpectedly interrupted with Ale which literally fell from the moon – so quickly it fell on the wings.

      – You gave me much a lot of trouble – he told, with reproach looking at me. – You wanted to run?

      I was confused and began to assure that everything left incidentally, because of my careless curiosity.

      After Ale went down on a double aviette of Ea.

      – Well – Ale hasty answered. – You sit down rather, we fly. At least, you visited our museum.

      – So it was the museum!

      I did not manage to recover as I was installed to the small round room of my air prison already again.

      Ale, Ea and I took seat in wicker chairs at a round table. Ale frowned and as though expected something. Very melodious musical chord was heard – as if skillful easy fingers ran on harp strings. The chord sounded and stood.

      – Ten hours. Midnight. It was punched by clock radios – told Ale, addressing me. Having laid a hand to a mouth, it asked someone a question in the laconic language. Then nodded – obviously, on the received answer.

      “How he hears?” – I thought, looking on Ale.

      I noticed in his ear, the small black subject, size about a pea is slightly lower than an acoustical opening. It also was probably the hearing aid.

      Unusual silence and concern of my satellites brought me to a nervous state. I took out a box of cigarettes and lit. Ale was lop-sided on smoke and turned away. Эа sat closer to me. Suddenly she strongly began to cough, turned pale and leaned back on a chair back. Then quickly rose and, being unsteady, left the room.

      – Stop to smoke – told Ale and, having approached a wall, turned some rychazhok. Air instantly was refreshed. I extinguished a cigarette and carefully laid it in a box.

      The door opened. Li, the assistant to the astronomer Tong entered. It gave to Ale a portrait and, having told something, left. Ale nodded and began to look alternately at the brought portrait and at me.

      “Compares – I thought. – From criminal investigation department, likely, sent. Was not enough only that I was similar to some criminal!”

      But words of Ale calmed me.

      – Yes nothing similar – he told, giving me a card. – It is just received on radio from America.

      I was struck by artistry of performance. The best photographer of Moscow would envy such work. But the portrait forced me to smile. On it the person whose suit reminded knitted children’s “combination” from wool was represented. Similarity was supplemented by a cap, knitted from the same matter. The neck of the unknown was wrapped by a scarf to the chin. Quite big head without beard and moustaches and even eyebrows reminded the child’s head with a senile look. Only in slightly blinked eyes serious mind and rapacity of a small animal shone.

      – What does all this mean? – I asked Ale, having ended survey of a portrait.

      – So Americans look – told Ale and took a portrait. – And here’s the thing. We received data that to us the spy is sent. At this moment you appeared…

      – And you solved?.

      Ale shrugged shoulders:

      – Quite clear precaution. There come disturbing times. Possibly, again it is necessary to create Council. This word is familiar to you?

      – Certainly. And you do not have it?

      – Many years in it there was no need.

      – And now?

      – And now it became necessary again. Apparently, you really the person from the remote past. Over time we will explain this riddle. For now I can give you some explanations.

      – I admit, I do not understand much and very much I want to hear your explanations, but whether it is impossible to postpone them till tomorrow? I was tired to death, and… the dream overcomes me…

      I yawned from ear to ear. Ale with curiosity looked at me.

      – Really

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