Transurfing in 78 Days. A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality. Вадим Зеланд

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Transurfing in 78 Days. A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality - Вадим Зеланд Transurfing Reality

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living beings create the layer of their personal world with their actions on the one hand and their thoughts on the other. All these individual layers arrange themselves, one on top of the other, as every living being contributes to the creation of the wider reality.

      Each layer is made up of a specific set of conditions and circumstances, which produce a person’s life style. The individual conditions of each person’s life differ. They may be favourable or unfavourable, comfortable or severe, inviting or aggressive. Naturally, the environment in which a person is born bears some significance. Yet, how a person’s life develops will depend for the most part on that person’s relationship to themselves and their environment. A person’s attitude to life is largely determined by subsequent changes in lifestyle. The sector, scripts, and set designs that most correspond to the focus and quality of a person’s thoughts are those, which will ultimately be made manifest in material reality.

      Two factors play a part in the process of creating an individual layer: internal intention on one side of the mirror and outer intention on the other. People can influence objects in the material world through action; with their thoughts, they bring into physical reality things, which are not yet there.

      When a person is convinced that all the best of this world has already sold out, their shelves will remain empty. When they think that buying a high-quality item will mean standing in a huge queue and then parting with a large sum of money, then that is exactly what will happen. If a person’s expectations are pessimistic and riddled with doubt, then they will undoubtedly be justified. If a person expects to meet with an unfriendly environment, their misgivings will come true. Yet all a person has to do is embrace the innocent thought that the world has saved the best for them, and for some reason, that works as well. That is how people shape the layer of their personal world with the power of thought. For the most part though, people don’t understand how it all works.

      People try to make everything ‘exactly how I want it’ by applying the basic principle of, ‘wherever I turn, that’s where I’ll go, and wherever I put my foot on the gas, that’s where I’ll make a breakthrough’. Yet for some reason, the world does not want to yield to this principle. What is more, when a person turns in one direction, life carries them off in quite another.

      It makes you think. Given that reality behaves in such a strange manner, perhaps we should take a different approach. What if life works in accordance with completely different laws?Yet people do not want to stop and look around so they continue to push hard ahead.

      The result of this kind of ‘creativity’ is that you end up with a world layer in which ‘nothing is how I want it to be’. In fact, quite a lot turns out just ‘as I didn’t want it to’. How strange, moody and unaccommodating reality is!

      One often gets the feeling that the world is doing it out of spite. Trouble seems to be drawn to us by some inexplicable magnetic force. Our fears are realised and our worst expectations justified. We are persistently followed by the very things to which we are adverse, and so try to avoid. Why?

      The theory of Transurfing explains why it often turns out that, «You get what you didn’t want», especially if you desperately didn’t want it. Is there something you hate or fear with all your heart? Outer intention will give it to you in abundance.

      The energy of thoughts, which are born from the unity of heart and mind, transform potential into reality. In other words, the sector in the variants space that corresponds to the quality of our thought waves can be materialised, if the feelings of the heart are one with the thoughts of the mind.

      This is not the only reason our worst expectations are realised. A problem-free life is actually the norm. Everything in life should develop smoothly if you go with the variants flow and do not upset the balance. Nature does not like wasting energy and has no desire to create intrigue.

      Unfortunate circumstances and events occur as a result of excess potential, which introduces an element of distortion into the energetic environment. Dependent relationships only exacerbate the problem.

      Excess potential arises when some quality or another is attributed excessive, inflated importance. Dependent relationships are created when people begin to compare themselves, to compartmentalise and set conditions like: “If you do that, then I’ll do this”.

      Excess potential is not necessarily a problem, as long as the distorted evaluation exists relative only to itself. As soon as the artificially elevated evaluation of one object is placed in comparative relationship to another, polarisation crops up which creates a wind of balancing forces.

      Balancing forces try to neutralise the polarisation and, in the majority of cases, their impact is focused on the person creating it.

      These are examples of unconditional potential: I love you; I love myself; I hate you; I don’t like myself; I am good; you are bad. These judgements are self-sufficient. They are not based on comparison or contradistinction.

      Here are some examples of potentials built on dependent relationships: I love you provided that you love me; I love myself because I am better than the rest of you; you are bad because I am better than you; I’m good, because you are bad; I do not like myself because I’m worse than anyone else; you repulse me because you are not like me.

      There is a huge difference between the first group and the second. Value judgments based on comparison create polarisation. Balancing forces try to neutralise the heterogeneity by the collision of opposites. It is exactly the same as when the opposite poles of a magnet attract.

      This is why trouble creeps into our lives so intrusively, as if on purpose. For example, seemingly incompatible individuals unite as a married couple as if they were trying to punish one other. In any team, there will always be that one person you find particularly irritating. Murphy’s law or what we would call ‘Sod’s Law’ is the same principle.

      Polarisation distorts the energetic environment and generates vortices of balancing forces, as a result of which, reality is poorly reflected as if in a distorting mirror. People do not seem to understand that the problem has arisen because of something that is upsetting the balance, and so they decide to fight the outside world, rather than eliminating the source of polarisation.

      All it really takes is to fulfil the basic rule of Transurfing: give yourself permission to be yourself and allow others to be different. You have to let the world go completely, wherever it likes. Loosen your grip.

      The more you insist on your own desires and claims, the stronger the magnet that attracts the opposite. This is what happens, literally: you grab the world by the throat and so it fights back, trying to free itself.

      There is no point in pushing and demanding. That only exacerbates the situation even more. Instead, the rule of Transurfing requires that you consciously change your attitude towards the situation.

      The fact that Sod’s Law even exists is a bit odd, don’t you think? Why should the world behave in such a bitchy manner? Or does it all come down to speculation and prejudice? There is no getting away from it; the tendency does exist. Fortunately, the Transurfing model not only reveals the reason for this pattern, it explains how it can be avoided.

      The rule of Transurfing works flawlessly, and anyone who follows this rule will be freed from experiencing the kinds of problems that seem to appear in our lives without any particular reason. All you have to do is loosen your grip, stop ‘grabbing life by the throat’ and you will find it instantly becomes friendly and willing.

      Those who don’t ‘let go’ will carry on like a magnet, attracting the opposite. The law of bad luck is not the only thing. The moment that opposites meet, their opposition strives to intensify further.

      The well-known law of the unity

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