THE MYSTERIES OF VIOLET STRANGE - Complete Whodunit Series in One Edition. Анна Грин

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THE MYSTERIES OF VIOLET STRANGE - Complete Whodunit Series in One Edition - Анна Грин

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the girl, entrapped and suddenly desperate. “I wore Alicia’s slippers and I took the jewels, because it was time that an end should come to your mutual dissimulation. The love I once felt for her she has herself deliberately killed. I had a lover—she took him. I had faith in life, in honour, and in friendship. She destroyed all. A thief—she has dared to aspire to him! And you condoned her fault. You, with your craven restoration of her booty, thought the matter cleared and her a fit mate for a man of highest honour.”

      “Miss West,”—no one had ever heard that tone in Mr. Driscoll’s voice before, “before you say another word calculated to mislead these ladies, let me say that this hand never returned any one’s booty or had anything to do with the restoration of any abstracted article. You have been caught in a net, Miss West, from which you cannot escape by slandering my innocent daughter.”

      “Innocent!” All the tragedy latent in this peculiar girl’s nature blazed forth in the word. “Alicia, face me. Are you innocent? Who took the Dempsey corals, and that diamond from the Tiffany tray?”

      “It is not necessary for Alicia to answer,” the father interposed with not unnatural heat. “Miss West stands self-convicted.”

      “How about Lady Paget’s scarf? I was not there that night.”

      “You are a woman of wiles. That could be managed by one bent on an elaborate scheme of revenge.”

      “And so could the abstraction of Mrs. Barnum’s five-hundred-dollar handkerchief by one who sat in the next box,” chimed in Miss Hughson, edging away from the friend to whose honour she would have pinned her faith an hour before. “I remember now seeing her lean over the railing to adjust the old lady’s shawl.”

      With a start, Caroline West turned a tragic gaze upon the speaker.

      “You think me guilty of all because of what I did last night?”

      “Why shouldn’t I?”

      “And you, Anna?”

      “Alicia has my sympathy,” murmured Miss Benedict.

      Yet the wild girl persisted.

      “But I have told you my provocation. You cannot believe that I am guilty of her sin; not if you look at her as I am looking now.”

      But their glances hardly followed her pointing finger. Her friends—the comrades of her youth, the Inseparables with their secret oath—one and all held themselves aloof, struck by the perfidy they were only just beginning to take in. Smitten with despair, for these girls were her life, she gave one wild leap and sank on her knees before Alicia.

      “O speak!” she began. “Forgive me, and—”

      A tremble seized her throat; she ceased to speak and let fall her partially uplifted hands. The cheery sound of men’s voices had drifted in from the terrace, and the figure of Captain Holliday could be seen passing by. The shudder which shook Caroline West communicated itself to Alicia Driscoll, and the former rising quickly, the two women surveyed each other, possibly for the first time, with open soul and a complete understanding.

      “Caroline!” murmured the one.

      “Alicia!” pleaded the other.

      “Caroline, trust me,” said Alicia Driscoll in that moving voice of hers, which more than her beauty caught and retained all hearts. “You have served me ill, but it was not all undeserved. Girls,” she went on, eyeing both them and her father with the wistfulness of a breaking heart, “neither Caroline nor myself are worthy of Captain Holliday’s love. Caroline has told you her fault, but mine is perhaps a worse one. The ring—the scarf—the diamond pins—I took them all—took them if I did not retain them. A curse has been over my life—the curse of a longing I could not combat. But love was working a change in me. Since I have known Captain Holliday—but that’s all over. I was mad to think I could be happy with such memories in my life. I shall never marry now—or touch jewels again—my own or another’s. Father, father, you won’t go back on your girl! I couldn’t see Caroline suffer for what I have done. You will pardon me and help—help—”

      Her voice choked. She flung herself into her father’s arms; his head bent over hers, and for an instant not a soul in the room moved. Then Miss Hughson gave a spring and caught her by the hand. “We are inseparable,” said she, and kissed the hand, murmuring, “Now is our time to show it.”

      Then other lips fell upon those cold and trembling fingers, which seemed to warm under these embraces. And then a tear. It came from the hard eye of Caroline, and remained a sacred secret between the two.

      “You have your pendant?”

      Mr. Driscoll’s suffering eye shone down on Violet Strange’s uplifted face as she advanced to say good-bye preparatory to departure.

      “Yes,” she acknowledged, “but hardly, I fear, your gratitude.”

      And the answer astonished her.

      “I am not sure that the real Alicia will not make her father happier than the unreal one has ever done.”

      “And Captain Holliday?”

      “He may come to feel the same.”

      “Then I do not quit in disgrace?”

      “You depart with my thanks.”

      When a certain personage was told of the success of Miss Strange’s latest manoeuvre, he remarked: “The little one progresses. We shall have to give her a case of prime importance next.”

       The Second Bullet

       Table of Contents

      “You must see her.”

      “No. No.”

      “She’s a most unhappy woman. Husband and child both taken from her in a moment; and now, all means of living as well, unless some happy thought of yours—some inspiration of your genius—shows us a way of re-establishing her claims to the policy voided by this cry of suicide.”

      But the small wise head of Violet Strange continued its slow shake of decided refusal.

      “I’m sorry,” she protested, “but it’s quite out of my province. I’m too young to meddle with so serious a matter.”

      “Not when you can save a bereaved woman the only possible compensation left her by untoward fate?”

      “Let the police try their hand at that.”

      “They have had no success with the case.”

      “Or you?”

      “Nor I either.”

      “And you expect—”

      “Yes, Miss Strange. I expect you to find the missing bullet which will settle the fact that murder and not suicide ended George Hammond’s

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