Fairy Tales & Fantasy: George MacDonald Collection (With Complete Original Illustrations). George MacDonald

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Fairy Tales & Fantasy: George MacDonald Collection (With Complete Original Illustrations) - George MacDonald

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knows nothing about it. I left her fast asleep—at least I think so. I hope my grandmother won't let her get into trouble, for it wasn't her fault at all, as my grandmother very well knows."

      "But how did you find your way to me?" persisted Curdie.

      "I told you already," answered Irene;—"by keeping my finger upon my grandmother's thread, as I am doing now."

      "You don't mean you've got the thread there?"

      "Of course I do. I have told you so ten times already. I have hardly—except when I was removing the stones—taken my finger off it. There!" she added, guiding Curdie's hand to the thread, "you feel it yourself—don't you?"

      "I feel nothing at all," replied Curdie.

      "Then what can be the matter with your finger? I feel it perfectly. To be sure it is very thin, and in the sunlight looks just like the thread of a spider, though there are many of them twisted together to make it—but for all that I can't think why you shouldn't feel it as well as I do."

      Curdie was too polite to say he did not believe there was any thread there at all. What he did say was—

      "Well, I can make nothing of it."

      "I can though, and you must be glad of that, for it will do for both of us."

      "We're not out yet," said Curdie.

      "We soon shall be," returned Irene confidently.

      And now the thread went downward, and led Irene's hand to a hole in the floor of the cavern, whence came a sound of running water which they had been hearing for some time.

      "It goes into the ground now, Curdie," she said, stopping.

      He had been listening to another sound, which his practised ear had caught long ago, and which also had been growing louder. It was the noise the goblin miners made at their work, and they seemed to be at no great distance now. Irene heard it the moment she stopped.

      "What is that noise?" she asked. "Do you know, Curdie?"

      "Yes. It is the goblins digging and burrowing," he answered.

      "And don't you know for what purpose they do it?"

      "No; I haven't the least idea. Would you like to see them?" he asked, wishing to have another try after their secret.

      "If my thread took me there, I shouldn't much mind; but I don't want to see them, and I can't leave my thread. It leads me down into the hole, and we had better go at once."

      "Very well. Shall I go in first?" said Curdie.

      "No; better not. You can't feel the thread," she answered, stepping down through a narrow break in the floor of the cavern. "Oh!" she cried, "I am in the water. It is running strong—but it is not deep, and there is just room to walk. Make haste, Curdie."

      He tried, but the hole was too small for him to get in.

      "Go on a little bit," he said, shouldering his pickaxe.

      In a few moments he had cleared a large opening and followed her. They went on, down and down with the running water, Curdie getting more and more afraid it was leading them to some terrible gulf in the heart of the mountain. In one or two places he had to break away the rock to make room before even Irene could get through—at least without hurting herself. But at length they spied a glimmer of light, and in a minute more, they were almost blinded by the full sunlight into which they emerged. It was some little time before the princess could see well enough to discover that they stood in her own garden, close by the seat on which she and her king-papa had sat that afternoon. They had come out by the channel of the little stream. She danced and clapped her hands with delight.

      "Now, Curdie!" she cried, "won't you believe what I told you about my grandmother and her thread?"

      For she had felt all the time that Curdie was not believing what she had told him.

      "There!—don't you see it shining on before us?" she added.

      "I don't see anything," persisted Curdie.

      "Then you must believe without seeing," said the princess; "for you can't deny it has brought me out of the mountain."

      "I can't deny we are out of the mountain, and I should be very ungrateful indeed to deny that you had brought me out of it."

      "I couldn't have done it but for the thread," persisted Irene.

      "That's the part I don't understand."

      "Well, come along, and Lootie will get you something to eat. I am sure you must want it very much."

      "Indeed I do. But my father and mother will be so anxious about me, I must make haste—first up the mountain to tell my mother, and then down into the mine again to acquaint my father."

      "Very well, Curdie; but you can't get out without coming this way, and I will take you through the house, for that is nearest."

      They met no one by the way, for indeed, as before, the people were here and there and everywhere searching for the princess. When they got in, Irene found that the thread, as she had half expected, went up the old staircase, and a new thought struck her. She turned to Curdie and said—

      "My grandmother wants me. Do come up with me, and see her. Then you will know that I have been telling you the truth. Do come—to please me, Curdie. I can't bear you should think I say what is not true."

      "I never doubted you believed what you said," returned Curdie. "I only thought you had some fancy in your head that was not correct."

      "But do come, dear Curdie."

      The little miner could not withstand this appeal, and though he felt shy in what seemed to him such a huge grand house, he yielded, and followed her up the stair.



       Table of Contents

      UP the stair then they went, and the next and the next, and through the long rows of empty rooms, and up the little tower stairs, Irene growing happier and happier as she ascended. There was no answer when she knocked at length at the door of the workroom, nor could she hear any sound of the spinning-wheel, and once more her heart sank within her—but only for one moment, as she turned and knocked at the other door.

      "Come in," answered the sweet voice of her grandmother, and Irene opened the door and entered, followed by Curdie.

      "You darling!" cried the lady, who was seated by a fire of red roses mingled with white—"I've been waiting for you, and indeed getting a little anxious about you, and beginning to think whether I had not better go and fetch you myself."

      As she spoke she took the little princess in her arms and placed her upon her lap. She was dressed in white now, and looking if possible more lovely than ever.

      "I've brought Curdie, grandmother. He wouldn't

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