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and elsewhere. For recreation there was the straight vista of the Canal, the blazing sands, the procession of shipping, and the white hospitals where the English soldiers lay. He strove to set down in black and white and colour all that Providence sent him, and when that supply was ended sought about for fresh material. It was a fascinating employment, but it ran away with his money, and he had drawn in advance the hundred and twenty pounds to which he was entitled yearly. "Now I shall have to work and starve!" thought he, and was addressing himself to this new fate when a mysterious telegram arrived from Torpenhow in England, which said, "Come back, quick; you have caught on. Come."

      A large smile overspread his face. "So soon! that's a good hearing," said he to himself. "There will be an orgy tonight. I'll stand or fall by my luck. Faith, it's time it came!" He deposited half of his funds in the hands of his well-known friends Monsieur and Madame Binat, and ordered himself a Zanzibar dance of the finest. Monsieur Binat was shaking with drink, but Madame smiles sympathetically—"Monsieur needs a chair, of course, and of course Monsieur will sketch; Monsieur amuses himself strangely."

      Binat raised a blue-white face from a cot in the inner room. "I understand," he quavered. "We all know Monsieur. Monsieur is an artist, as I have been." Dick nodded. "In the end," said Binat, with gravity, "Monsieur will descend alive into hell, as I have descended." And he laughed.

      "You must come to the dance, too," said Dick; "I shall want you."

      "For my face? I knew it would be so. For my face? My God! and for my degradation so tremendous! I will not. Take him away. He is a devil. Or at least do thou, Celeste, demand of him more." The excellent Binat began to kick and scream.

      "All things are for sale in Port Said," said Madame. "If my husband comes it will be so much more. Eh, how you call 'alf a sovereign."

      The money was paid, and the mad dance was held at night in a walled courtyard at the back of Madame Binat's house. The lady herself, in faded mauve silk always about to slide from her yellow shoulders, played the piano, and to the tin-pot music of a Western waltz the naked Zanzibari girls danced furiously by the light of kerosene lamps. Binat sat upon a chair and stared with eyes that saw nothing, till the whirl of the dance and the clang of the rattling piano stole into the drink that took the place of blood in his veins, and his face glistened. Dick took him by the chin brutally and turned that face to the light. Madame Binat looked over her shoulder and smiled with many teeth. Dick leaned against the wall and sketched for an hour, till the kerosene lamps began to smell, and the girls threw themselves panting on the hard-beaten ground. Then he shut his book with a snap and moved away, Binat plucking feebly at his elbow. "Show me," he whimpered. "I too was once an artist, even I!" Dick showed him the rough sketch. "Am I that?" he screamed. "Will you take that away with you and show all the world that it is I,—Binat?" He moaned and wept.

      "Monsieur has paid for all," said Madame. "To the pleasure of seeing Monsieur again."

      The courtyard gate shut, and Dick hurried up the sandy street to the nearest gambling-hell, where he was well known. "If the luck holds, it's an omen; if I lose, I must stay here." He placed his money picturesquely about the board, hardly daring to look at what he did. The luck held.

      Three turns of the wheel left him richer by twenty pounds, and he went down to the shipping to make friends with the captain of a decayed cargo-steamer, who landed him in London with fewer pounds in his pocket than he cared to think about.

      A thin gray fog hung over the city, and the streets were very cold; for summer was in England.

      "It's a cheerful wilderness, and it hasn't the knack of altering much," Dick thought, as he tramped from the Docks westward. "Now, what must I do?"

      The packed houses gave no answer. Dick looked down the long lightless streets and at the appalling rush of traffic. "Oh, you rabbit-hutches!" said he, addressing a row of highly respectable semi-detached residences. "Do you know what you've got to do later on? You have to supply me with men-servants and maid-servants,"—here he smacked his lips,—"and the peculiar treasure of kings. Meantime I'll clothes and boots, and presently I will return and trample on you." He stepped forward energetically; he saw that one of his shoes was burst at the side. As he stooped to make investigations, a man jostled him into the gutter. "All right," he said. "That's another nick in the score. I'll jostle you later on."

      Good clothes and boots are not cheap, and Dick left his last shop with the certainty that he would be respectably arrayed for a time, but with only fifty shillings in his pocket. He returned to streets by the Docks, and lodged himself in one room, where the sheets on the bed were almost audibly marked in case of theft, and where nobody seemed to go to bed at all. When his clothes arrived he sought the Central Southern Syndicate for Torpenhow's address, and got it, with the intimation that there was still some money waiting for him.

      "How much?" said Dick, as one who habitually dealt in millions.

      "Between thirty and forty pounds. If it would be any convenience to you, of course we could let you have it at once; but we usually settle accounts monthly."

      "If I show that I want anything now, I'm lost," he said to himself. "All I need I'll take later on." Then, aloud, "It's hardly worth while; and I'm going to the country for a month, too. Wait till I come back, and I'll see about it."

      "But we trust, Mr. Heldar, that you do not intend to sever your

       connection with us?"

       Dick's business in life was the study of faces, and he watched the speaker

       keenly. "That man means something," he said. "I'll do no business till

       I've seen Torpenhow. There's a big deal coming." So he departed, making

       no promises, to his one little room by the Docks. And that day was

       the seventh of the month, and that month, he reckoned with awful

       distinctness, had thirty-one days in it! It is not easy for a man of

       catholic tastes and healthy appetites to exist for twenty-four days on

       fifty shillings. Nor is it cheering to begin the experiment alone in

       all the loneliness of London. Dick paid seven shillings a week for his

       lodging, which left him rather less than a shilling a day for food and

       drink. Naturally, his first purchase was of the materials of his craft;

       he had been without them too long. Half a day's investigations and

       comparison brought him to the conclusion that sausages and mashed

       potatoes, twopence a plate, were the best food. Now, sausages once or

       twice a week for breakfast are not unpleasant. As lunch, even, with

       mashed potatoes, they become monotonous. At dinner they are impertinent.

       At the end of three days Dick loathed sausages, and, going, forth,

       pawned his watch to revel on sheep's head, which is not as cheap as it

       looks, owing to the bones and the gravy. Then he returned to sausages

       and mashed potatoes. Then he confined himself entirely to mashed

       potatoes for a day, and was unhappy because of pain in his inside. Then


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