The Complete Autobiographical Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Герман Мелвилл

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The Complete Autobiographical Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne - Герман Мелвилл

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       Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Julian Hawthorne, F. P. Stearns, & G. P. Lathrop

      The Complete Autobiographical Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne

      Diaries, Letters, Reminiscences and Extensive Biographies

      Published by


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      2017 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-272-3551-3

      Table of Contents


       Browne’s Folly (a letter for the Essex Institute)

       Love Letters (To Miss Sophia Peabody): Volume I

       Love Letters (To Miss Sophia Peabody): Volume II

       Letter to the Editor of the Literary Review


       American Notebooks (Volume I & II)

       English Notebooks (Volume I & II)

       French and Italian Notebooks (Volume I & II)

       Biographies and Reminiscences of Hawthorne:

       The Life and Genius of Hawthorne by Frank Preston Stearns

       Hawthorne and His Circle by Julian Hawthorne

       Memories of Hawthorne by Rose Hawthorne Lathrop

       Hawthorne and His Moses by Herman Melville

       ‘Fifty Years of Hawthorne’: Four Americans by Henry A. Beers

       George Eliot, Hawthorne, Goethe, Heine: My Literary Passions by William Dean Howell

       Life of Great Authors by Hattie Tyng Griswold

       Yesterday With Authors by James T. Field

       Hawthorne and Brook Farm by George William Curtis

       Biographical sketch by George Parsons Lathrop


       Table of Contents

      Browne’s Folly (a letter for the Essex Institute)

       Table of Contents

      The Wayside, August,.

      MY DEAR COUSIN: — I should be very glad to write a story, as you request, for the benefit of the Essex Institute, or for any other purpose that might be deemed desirable by my native townspeople. But it is now many years since the epoch of the “Twice-Told Tales,” and the “Mosses from an Old Manse”; and my mind seems to have lost the plan and measure of those little narratives, in which it was once so unprofitably fertile. I can write no story, therefore; but (rather than be entirely wanting to the occasion) I will endeavor to describe a spot near Salem, on which it was once my purpose to locate such a dreamy fiction as you now demand of me.

      It is no other than that conspicuous hill (I really know not whether it lies in Salem, Danvers, or Beverly) which used in my younger days to be known by the name of “Brown’s Folly.” This eminence is a long ridge rising out of the level country around, like a whale’s back out of a calm sea, with the head and tail beneath the surface. Along its base ran a green and seldom-trodden lane, with which I was very familiar in my boyhood; and there was a little brook, which I remember to have dammed up till its overflow made a mimic ocean. When I last looked for this tiny streamlet, which was still rippling freshly through my memory, I found it strangely shrunken; a mere ditch indeed, and almost a dry one. But the green lane was still there, precisely as I remembered it; two wheeltracks, and the beaten path of the horses’ feet, and grassy strips between; the whole overshadowed by tall locust-trees, and the prevalent barberry-bushes, which are rooted so fondly into the recollections of every Essex man.

      From this lane there is a steep ascent up the side of the hill, the ridge of which affords two views of very wide extent and variety. On one side is the ocean, and Salem and Beverly on its shores; on the other a rural scene, almost perfectly level, so that each man’s metes and bounds can be traced out as on a map. The beholder takes in at a glance the estates on which different families have long been situated, and the houses where they have dwelt, and cherished their various interests, intermarrying, agreeing together, or quarrelling, going to live, annexing little bits of real estate, acting out their petty parts in life, and sleeping quietly under the sod at last. A man’s individual affairs look not so very important, when we can climb high enough to get the idea of a complicated neighborhood.

      But what made the hill particularly interesting to me, were the traces of an old and long-vanished edifice, midway on the curving ridge, and at its highest point. A pre-revolutionary magnate, the representative of a famous old Salem family, had here built himself a pleasure house, on a scale of magnificence, which, combined with its airy site and difficult approach, obtained for it and for the entire hill on which

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