The Divine Comedy (Illustrated Edition). Dante Alighieri

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The Divine Comedy (Illustrated Edition) - Dante Alighieri

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men restrains, and in that while

      His bark one builds anew, another stops

      The ribs of his, that hath made many a voyage;

      One hammers at the prow, one at the poop;

      This shapeth oars, that other cables twirls,

      The mizen one repairs and main-sail rent

      So not by force of fire but art divine

      Boil’d here a glutinous thick mass, that round

      Lim’d all the shore beneath. I that beheld,

      But therein nought distinguish’d, save the surge,

      Rais’d by the boiling, in one mighty swell

      Heave, and by turns subsiding and fall. While there

      I fix’d my ken below, “Mark! mark!” my guide

      Exclaiming, drew me towards him from the place,

      Wherein I stood. I turn’d myself as one,

      Impatient to behold that which beheld

      He needs must shun, whom sudden fear unmans,

      That he his flight delays not for the view.

      Behind me I discern’d a devil black,

      That running, up advanc’d along the rock.

      Ah! what fierce cruelty his look bespake!

      In act how bitter did he seem, with wings

      Buoyant outstretch’d and feet of nimblest tread!

      His shoulder proudly eminent and sharp

      Was with a sinner charg’d; by either haunch

      He held him, the foot’s sinew griping fast.

      “Ye of our bridge!” he cried, “keen-talon’d fiends!

      Lo! one of Santa Zita’s elders! Him

      Whelm ye beneath, while I return for more.

      That land hath store of such. All men are there,

      Except Bonturo, barterers: of ’no’

      For lucre there an ’aye’ is quickly made.”

      Him dashing down, o’er the rough rock he turn’d,

      Nor ever after thief a mastiff loos’d

      Sped with like eager haste. That other sank

      And forthwith writing to the surface rose.

      But those dark demons, shrouded by the bridge,

      Cried “Here the hallow’d visage saves not: here

      Is other swimming than in Serchio’s wave.

      Wherefore if thou desire we rend thee not,

      Take heed thou mount not o’er the pitch.” This said,

      They grappled him with more than hundred hooks,

      And shouted: “Cover’d thou must sport thee here;

      So, if thou canst, in secret mayst thou filch.”

      E’en thus the cook bestirs him, with his grooms,

      To thrust the flesh into the caldron down

      With flesh-hooks, that it float not on the top.

      Me then my guide bespake: “Lest they descry,

      That thou art here, behind a craggy rock

      Bend low and screen thee; and whate’er of force

      Be offer’d me, or insult, fear thou not:

      For I am well advis’d, who have been erst

      In the like fray.” Beyond the bridge’s head

      Therewith he pass’d, and reaching the sixth pier,

      Behov’d him then a forehead terror-proof.

      With storm and fury, as when dogs rush forth

      Upon the poor man’s back, who suddenly

      From whence he standeth makes his suit; so rush’d

      Those from beneath the arch, and against him

      Their weapons all they pointed. He aloud:

      “Be none of you outrageous: ere your time

      Dare seize me, come forth from amongst you one,

      Who having heard my words, decide he then

      If he shall tear these limbs.” They shouted loud,

      “Go, Malacoda!” Whereat one advanc’d,

      The others standing firm, and as he came,

      “What may this turn avail him?” he exclaim’d.

      “Believ’st thou, Malacoda! I had come

      Thus far from all your skirmishing secure,”

      My teacher answered, “without will divine

      And destiny propitious? Pass we then

      For so Heaven’s pleasure is, that I should lead

      Another through this savage wilderness.”

      Forthwith so fell his pride, that he let drop

      The instrument of torture at his feet,

      And to the rest exclaim’d: “We have no power

      To strike him.” Then to me my guide: “O thou!

      Who on the bridge among the crags dost sit

      Low crouching, safely now to me return.”

      I rose, and towards him moved with speed: the fiends

      Meantime all forward drew: me terror seiz’d


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