THE CHARM OF THE OLD WORLD ROMANCES – Premium 10 Book Collection. Robert Barr

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THE CHARM OF THE OLD WORLD ROMANCES – Premium 10 Book Collection - Robert  Barr

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it costs to do this purifying, and then, when you get your facts and figures, I will arrange them for you in the best order. Meanwhile, as you suggest, I will learn what manufactories there are in the States. Nothing can be done except that until you come back, and, if I were you, I should leave at once.'

      'I am quite ready. I don't want to lose any further time.'

      So John Kenyon departed, and was soon on his way to the North, with a list of china manufactories in his note-book.

      That afternoon Wentworth got the letters off by the American mail, and he felt that they were doing business as rapidly as could be expected. Next morning there was a letter for John Kenyon addressed to the care of Wentworth, and by a later mail there came a letter to Wentworth himself from John, who had reached his first district and had had an interview already with the manager of the works. He found the mineral was all he had expected, and they would be glad to take a certain quantity each year at a specified rate. This letter Wentworth filed away with a smile of satisfaction, and then he began again to wonder why Adam Brand, representing such a well-known manufactory, should have written a deliberate falsehood. Before he had time to fathom this mystery, the office-boy announced that a gentleman wished to see him, and handed Wentworth a card which bore the name of William Longworth. Wentworth arched his eyebrows as he looked at it.

      'Ask the gentleman to step in, please,' he said; and the gentleman stepped in.

      'How are you, Mr. Wentworth? I suppose you remember me, although I did not see much of you on board the steamer.'

      'I remember you perfectly,' replied Wentworth. 'Won't you sit down?'

      'Thank you. I did not know where to find Mr. Kenyon, and so, being aware that both of you were interested in this mica-mine, I called to see you with reference to it.'

      'Indeed! I understood Mr. Kenyon to say that he had called upon you, and that you had decided to have nothing to do with it.'

      'I hardly think he was justified in saying anything quite so definite. I got from him such particulars as he cared to give. He is not a very communicative man at the best, but he told me something about it, and I have been thinking over his proposal. I have now concluded to help you in this matter, if you care to have my aid. Perhaps, however, things have got to such a stage that you do not wish any assistance?'

      'On the contrary, we have done very little. Mr. Kenyon is just now among the china manufactories in the North, finding out what demand there will be in England for this mineral.'

      'Ah, I see. Have you had reports from him yet?'

      'Nothing further than a letter this morning, which is very satisfactory.'

      'There is no question, then, about the mineral being useful in the china trade?'

      'No question whatever.'

      'Well, I am glad of that. Now, Mr. Kenyon spoke to me on the steamer of going in share and share alike; that is, you taking a third, he taking a third, and I taking a third. We did not go very minutely into particulars, but I suppose we each share the expense in the same way—the preliminary expenses, I mean?'

      'Yes,' said Wentworth; 'that would be the arrangement, I imagine.'

      'Well, have you the authority to deal with me in the matter, or would it be better for me to wait until Kenyon comes back?'

      'We can settle everything here and now.'

      'Very good. Would you have any objection to my seeing the papers that relate to the mine? I should like to get the figures of the output as nearly as possible, and any other particulars you may have that would enable me to estimate the value of the property. Also I should like to see a copy of the option, or the original document by which you hold the mine.'

      'Certainly; I shall be very pleased to give you all the information in my power.' Wentworth turned to his desk and wrote for a few moments, then blotted the paper he had been writing, and handed it to Longworth. 'You have no objection, before this is done, to signing this document, have you?'

      Longworth adjusted his one eyeglass and looked at the paper, which read: 'I hereby agree to do my best to form a limited liability company for the purpose of taking over the Ottawa Mica-mine. I agree to pay my share of the expenses, and to accept one-third of the profits.'

      'No, I don't object to sign this, though I think it should be a little more definite. I think it should state that the liability I incur is to be one-third of the whole preliminary expenses, the other two-thirds to be paid by Kenyon and yourself; and that, in return, I am to get one-third of the profits, the other two-thirds going to yourself and Kenyon. I think it should also state the amount of the capital of the new company; two hundred thousand pounds was suggested, if I remember rightly.'

      'Very well,' answered Wentworth; 'I will rewrite that in accordance with your wishes.'

      This he did, and Longworth, again adjusting his eyeglass, read it.

      'Now,' he said, 'as we are so formal about the matter, perhaps it would be as well for you to give me a note which I can keep, setting forth these same particulars.'

      'Undoubtedly,' said Wentworth, 'I shall do that. Probably it would be better for you to write the document to suit your own views, and I will sign it.'

      'Oh no, not at all. Write whatever is embodied there, so that you will have one paper and I the other.'

      This was done.

      'Now then,' said Longworth, 'when does your option run out?'

      Wentworth named the date.

      'Who is the owner of the mine?'

      'It is owned by the Austrian Mining Company, headquarters at Vienna, and the option is signed by a Mr. Von Brent, of Ottawa, who is manager of the mine and one of the owners.'

      'You are perfectly certain that he has every right to sell the mine?'

      'Yes; Mr. Kenyon's lawyer saw to that while he was in Ottawa.'

      'And you are sure, also, that your option is a thoroughly legal instrument?'

      'We are sure of that.'

      'Has it been examined by a London solicitor?'

      'It has been submitted to a Canadian lawyer. The bargain was made in Canada, and it will have to be carried out in Canada, under the laws of Canada.'

      'Still, don't you think it would be just as well to get the opinion of an English lawyer on it?'

      'I think that would be an unnecessary expense. However, if you wish to have that done, we will do it.'

      'Yes; I think we shall need to have the opinion of a good lawyer upon it before we submit it to the stockholders.'

      'Very well, I will have it done. Is there anyone whom you wish to give an opinion on it?'

      'Oh, it is a matter of indifference to me; your own solicitor would do as well as anyone else. Perhaps, however, it will be better to have a legal adviser for the Mica Mining Company, Limited—we shall have to have one as we go on—and it might be as well to submit the document to whomever we are going to place in that position. It will not increase the legal expenses at all, or at least by only a very trifling amount. Have you

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