THE DIVINE COMEDY: Inferno, Purgatorio & Paradiso (3 Classic Translations in One Edition). Dante Alighieri

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THE DIVINE COMEDY: Inferno, Purgatorio & Paradiso (3 Classic Translations in One Edition) - Dante Alighieri

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Whose bright eye all surveys, she of thy life

       The future tenour will to thee unfold."

       Forthwith he to the left hand turn'd his feet:

       We left the wall, and tow'rds the middle space

       Went by a path, that to a valley strikes;

       Which e'en thus high exhal'd its noisome steam.

       UPON the utmost verge of a high bank,

       By craggy rocks environ'd round, we came,

       Where woes beneath more cruel yet were stow'd:

       And here to shun the horrible excess

       Of fetid exhalation, upward cast

       From the profound abyss, behind the lid

       Of a great monument we stood retir'd,

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       Whereon this scroll I mark'd: "I have in charge

       Pope Anastasius, whom Photinus drew

       From the right path.—Ere our descent behooves

       We make delay, that somewhat first the sense,

       To the dire breath accustom'd, afterward

       Regard it not." My master thus; to whom

       Answering I spake: "Some compensation find

       That the time past not wholly lost." He then:

       "Lo! how my thoughts e'en to thy wishes tend!

       My son! within these rocks," he thus began,

       "Are three close circles in gradation plac'd,

       As these which now thou leav'st. Each one is full

       Of spirits accurs'd; but that the sight alone

       Hereafter may suffice thee, listen how

       And for what cause in durance they abide.

       "Of all malicious act abhorr'd in heaven,

       The end is injury; and all such end

       Either by force or fraud works other's woe

       But fraud, because of man peculiar evil,

       To God is more displeasing; and beneath

       The fraudulent are therefore doom'd to' endure

       Severer pang. The violent occupy

       All the first circle; and because to force

       Three persons are obnoxious, in three rounds

       Hach within other sep'rate is it fram'd.

       To God, his neighbour, and himself, by man

       Force may be offer'd; to himself I say

       And his possessions, as thou soon shalt hear

       At full. Death, violent death, and painful wounds

       Upon his neighbour he inflicts; and wastes

       By devastation, pillage, and the flames,

       His substance. Slayers, and each one that smites

       In malice, plund'rers, and all robbers, hence

       The torment undergo of the first round

       In different herds. Man can do violence

       To himself and his own blessings: and for this

       He in the second round must aye deplore

       With unavailing penitence his crime,

       Whoe'er deprives himself of life and light,

       In reckless lavishment his talent wastes,

       And sorrows there where he should dwell in joy.

       To God may force be offer'd, in the heart

       Denying and blaspheming his high power,

       And nature with her kindly law contemning.

       And thence the inmost round marks with its seal

       Sodom and Cahors, and all such as speak

       Contemptuously' of the Godhead in their hearts.

       "Fraud, that in every conscience leaves a sting,

       May be by man employ'd on one, whose trust

       He wins, or on another who withholds

       Strict confidence. Seems as the latter way

       Broke but the bond of love which Nature makes.

       Whence in the second circle have their nest

       Dissimulation, witchcraft, flatteries,

       Theft, falsehood, simony, all who seduce

       To lust, or set their honesty at pawn,

       With such vile scum as these. The other way

       Forgets both Nature's general love, and that

       Which thereto added afterwards gives birth

       To special faith. Whence in the lesser circle,

       Point of the universe, dread seat of Dis,

       The traitor is eternally consum'd."

       I thus: "Instructor, clearly thy discourse

       Proceeds, distinguishing the hideous chasm

       And its inhabitants with skill exact.

       But tell me this: they of the dull, fat pool,

       Whom the rain beats, or whom the tempest drives,

       Or who with tongues so fierce conflicting meet,

       Wherefore within the city fire-illum'd

       Are not these punish'd, if God's wrath be on them?

       And if it be not, wherefore in such guise

       Are they condemned?" He answer thus return'd:

       "Wherefore in dotage wanders thus thy mind,

       Not so accustom'd?

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