21 Greatest Spy Thrillers in One Premium Edition (Mystery & Espionage Series). E. Phillips Oppenheim

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21 Greatest Spy Thrillers in One Premium Edition (Mystery & Espionage Series) - E. Phillips  Oppenheim

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seems larger and your voice harder. I don’t seem to be so near to you as I’d wished, to say what’s in my heart.”

      “I have had a rough time Middleton,” Dominey reminded him. “No wonder I have changed! Never mind, speak to me just as man to man.”

      “It was I who first met you, Squire,” the old man went on, “when you tottered home that night across the park, with your arm hanging helplessly by your side, and the blood streaming down your face and clothes, and the red light in your eyes—murderous fire, they called it. I heard her ladyship go into hysterics. I saw her laugh and sob like a maniac, and, God help us! that’s what she’s been ever since.”

      The two men were silent. Middleton had raised his voice, speaking with fierce excitement. It was obvious that he had only paused for breath. He had more to say.

      “I was by your side, Squire,” he went on, “when her ladyship caught up the knife and ran at you, and, as you well know, it was I, seizing her from behind, that saved a double tragedy that night, and it was I who went for the doctor the next morning, when she’d stolen into your room in the night and missed your throat by a bare inch. I heard her call to you, heard her threat. It was a madwoman’s threat, Squire, but her ladyship is a madwoman at this moment, and with a knife in her hand you’ll never be safe in this house.”

      “We must see,” Dominey said quietly, “that she is not allowed to get possession of any weapon.”

      “Aye! Make sure of that,” Middleton scoffed, “with Mother Unthank by her side! Her ladyship’s mad because of the horror of that night, but Mother Unthank is mad with hate, and there isn’t a week passes,” the old man went on, his voice dropping lower and his eyes burning, “that Roger Unthank’s spirit don’t come and howl for your blood beneath their window. If you stay here this night, Squire, come over and sleep in the little room they’ve got ready for you on the other side of the house.”

      Mr. Mangan had lost his smooth, after-dinner appearance. His face was rumpled, and his coffee was growing cold. This was a very different thing from the vague letters and rumours which had reached him from time to time and which he had put out of his mind with all the contempt of the materialist.

      “It is very good of you to warn me, Middleton,” Dominey said, “but I can lock my door, can I not?”

      “Lock the door of the oak room!” was the scornful reply. “And what good would that do? You know well enough that the wall’s double on three sides, and there are more secret entrances than even I know of. The oak room’s not for you this night, Squire. It’s hoping to get you there that’s keeping them quiet.”

      “Tell us what you mean, Middleton,” the lawyer asked, with ill-assumed indifference, “when you spoke of the howling of Roger Unthank’s spirit?”

      The old man turned patiently around.

      “Just that, sir,” he replied. “It’s round the house most weeks. Except for me odd nights, and Mrs. Unthank, there’s been scarcely a servant would sleep in the Hall for years. Some of the maids they do come up from the village, but back they go before nightfall, and until morning there isn’t a living soul would cross the path—no, not for a hundred pounds.”

      “A howl, you call it?” Mr. Mangan observed.

      “That’s mostly like a dog that’s hurt itself,” Middleton explained equably, “like a dog, that is, with a touch of human in its throat, as we’ve all heard in our time, sir. You’ll hear it yourself, sir, maybe to-night or to- morrow night.”

      “You’ve heard it then, Middleton?” his master asked.

      “Why, surely, sir,” the old man replied in surprise. “Most weeks for the last ten years.”

      “Haven’t you ever got up and gone out to see what it was?”

      The old man shook his head.

      “But I knew right well what that was, sir,” he said, “and I’m not one for looking on spirits. Spirits there are that walk this world, as we well know, and the spirit of Roger Unthank walks from between the Black Wood and those windows, come every week of the year. But I’m not for looking at him. There’s evil comes of that. I turn over in my bed, and I stop my ears, but I’ve never yet raised a blind.”

      “Tell me, Middleton,” Dominey asked, “is Lady Dominey terrified at these—er—visitations?”

      “That I can’t rightly say, sir. Her ladyship’s always sweet and gentle, with kind words on her lips for every one, but there’s the terror there in her eyes that was lit that night when you staggered into the hall, Squire, and I’ve never seen it properly quenched yet, so to speak. She carries fear with her, but whether it’s the fear of seeing you again, or the fear of Roger Unthank’s spirit, I could not tell.”

      Dominey seemed suddenly to become possessed of a strange desire to thrust the whole subject away. He dismissed the old man kindly but a little abruptly, accompanying him to the corridor which led to the servants’ quarters and talking all the time about the pheasants. When he returned, he found that his guest had emptied his second glass of brandy and was surreptitiously mopping his forehead.

      “That,” the latter remarked, “is the class of old retainer who lives too long. If I were a Dominey of the Middle Ages, I think a stone around his neck and the deepest well would be the sensible way of dealing with him. He made me feel positively uncomfortable.”

      “I noticed it,” Dominey remarked, with a faint smile. “I’m not going to pretend that it was a pleasant conversation myself.”

      “I’ve heard some ghost stories,” Mangan went on, “but a spook that comes and howls once a week for ten years takes some beating.”

      Dominey poured himself out a glass of brandy with a steady hand.

      “You’ve been neglecting things here, Mangan,” he complained. “You ought to have come down and exorcised that ghost. We shall have those smart maidservants of yours off to-morrow, I suppose, unless you and I can get a little ghost-laying in first.”

      Mr. Mangan began to feel more comfortable. The brandy and the warmth of the burning logs were creeping into his system.

      “By the by, Sir Everard,” he enquired, a little later on, “where are you going to sleep to-night?”

      Dominey stretched himself out composedly.

      “There is obviously only one place for me,” he replied. “I can’t disappoint any one. I shall sleep in the oak room.”


       Table of Contents

      For the first few tangled moments of nightmare, slowly developing into a live horror, Dominey fancied himself back in Africa, with the hand of an enemy upon his throat. Then a rush of awakened memories—the silence of the great house, the mysterious rustling of the heavy hangings around the black oak four-poster on which he lay, the faint pricking of something deadly at his throat—these things rolled back the curtain of unreality, brought him acute and painful consciousness of a situation almost appalling. He opened his eyes, and although a brave and callous man he lay still, paralysed with the fear

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