All Sorts and Conditions of Men. Walter Besant

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All Sorts and Conditions of Men - Walter Besant

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for occupation, the situation was as desirable as that of Tirzah the Beautiful; the rent was extremely low, considering the many advantages; all the nobility and gentry of the place, he declared, would flock around a dressmaker situated in Stepney Green itself; there were rooms for show-rooms, with plenty of other rooms and everything which would be required; finally, as if this were an additional recommendation, the house belonged to himself.

      "I am ready," he said, with a winning smile, "to make a sacrifice of my own interests in order to oblige a young lady, and I will take a lower rent from you than I would from anybody else."

      She went with him to "view" the house. One looks at a picture, a horse, an estate, a book, but one "views" a house. Subtle and beautiful distinction, which shows the poetry latent in the heart of every house agent! It was Bunker's own. Surely that was not the reason why it was let at double the rent of the next house, which belonged to Angela herself, nor why the tenant had to undertake all the repairs, paper, and painting, external and internal, nor why the rent began from that very day, instead of the half-quarter or the next quarter-day. Bunker himself assured Miss Kennedy that he had searched the whole neighborhood for a suitable place, but could find none so good as his own house. As for the houses of the Messenger property, they were liable, he said, to the demands of a lawyer's firm, which had no mercy on a tenant, while, as for himself, he was full of compassion, and always ready to listen to reason. He wanted no other recommendation than a year's rent paid in advance, and would undertake to execute, at the tenant's cost, the whole of the painting, papering, whitewashing, roofing, pipes, chimneys, and general work himself; "whereas, young lady," he added, "if you had taken one of those Messenger houses, you cannot tell in what hands you would have found yourself, nor what charges you would have had to pay."

      He shook his fat head, and rattled his keys in his pocket. So strong is the tendency of the human mind to believe what is said, in spite of all experience to the contrary, that his victim smiled and thanked him, knowing very well that the next minute she would be angry with herself for so easily becoming a dupe to a clumsy rogue.

      She thanked him for his consideration, she said, yet she was uneasily conscious that he was overreaching her in some way, and she hesitated.

      "On the Green," he said. "What a position! Looking out on the garden! With such rooms! And so cheap!"

      "I don't know," she replied; "I must consult some one."

      "As to that," he said, "there may be another tenant; I can't keep offers open. Take it, miss, or leave it. There!"

      While she still hesitated, he added one more recommendation.

      "An old house it is, but solid, and will stand forever. Why, old Mr. Messenger was born here."

      "Was he?" she cried, "was my—was Mr. Messenger actually born here?"

      She hesitated no longer. She took the house at his own price; she accepted his terms, extortionate and grasping as they were.

      When the bargain was completed—when she had promised to sign the agreement for a twelvemonth, pay a year in advance, and appoint the disinterested one her executor of repairs, she returned to Bormalack's. In the doorway, a cigarette in his mouth, lounged the idle apprentice.

      "I saw you," he said, "with the benevolent Bunker. You have fallen a prey to my uncle?"

      "I have taken a house from him."

      "The two phrases are convertible. Those who take his houses are his victims. I hope no great mischief is done."

      "Not much, I think."

      The young man threw away his cigarette.

      "Seriously, Miss Kennedy," he said, "my good uncle will possess himself of all the money he can get out of you. Have a care."

      "He can do me no harm, thank you all the same. I wanted a house soon, and he has found me one. What does it matter if I pay a little more than I ought?"

      "What does it matter?" Harry was not versed in details of trade, but he knew enough to feel that this kind of talk was unpractical. "What does it matter? My dear young lady, if you go into business, you must look after the sixpences."

      Miss Kennedy looked embarrassed. She had betrayed herself, she thought. "I know—I know. But he talked me over."

      "I have heard," said the practical man, looking profoundly wise, "that he who would save money must even consider that there is a difference between a guinea and a sovereign; and that he shouldn't pay a cabman more than twice his fare, and that it is wrong to pay half-a-guinea for Heidsieck Monopole when he can get Pommery and Greno at seven-and-sixpence."

      Then he, too, paused abruptly, because he felt as if he had betrayed himself. What have cabinet-makers to do with Pommery and Greno? Fortunately, Angela did not hear the latter part of the speech. She was reflecting on the ease with which a crafty man—say Bunker—may compass his ends with the simple—say herself.

      "I do not pretend," he said, "to know all the ropes, but I should not have allowed you to be taken in quite so readily by this good uncle. Do you know——" His eyes, when they were serious, which was not often, were really good. Angela perceived they were serious now: "Do you know that the name of the uncle who was indirectly, so to speak, connected with the Robin Redbreasts was originally Bunker? He changed it after the children were dead, and he came into the property."

      "I wish you had been with me," she said simply. "But I suppose I must take my chance, as other girls do."

      "Most other girls have got men to advise them. Have you no one?"

      "I might have"—she was thinking of her lawyers, who were paid to advise her if required. "But I will find out things for myself."

      "And at what a price! Are your pockets lined with gold, Miss Kennedy?" They certainly were, but he did not know it.

      "I will try to be careful. Thank you."

      "As regards going with you, I am always at your command. I will be your servant, if you will accept me as such."

      This was going a step further than seemed altogether safe. Angela was hardly prepared to receive a cabinet-maker, however polite and refined he might seem, as a lover.

      "I believe," she said, "that in our class of life it is customary for young people to 'keep company,' is it not?"

      "It is not uncommon," he replied, with much earnestness. "The custom has even been imitated by the higher classes."

      "What I mean is this, that I am not going to keep company with any one; but, if you please to help me, if I ask your advice, I shall be grateful."

      "Your gratitude," he said with a smile, "ought to make any man happy!"

      "Your compliments," she retorted, "will certainly kill my gratitude; and now, Mr. Goslett, don't you really think that you should try to do some work? Is it right to lounge away the days among the streets? Are your pockets, I may ask, lined with gold?"

      "I am looking for work. I am hunting everywhere for work. My uncle is going to find me a workshop. Then I shall request the patronage of the nobility and gentry of Stepney, Whitechapel, and the Mile End Road. H. G. respectfully solicits a trial." He laughed as if there could be no doubt at all about the future, and as if a few years of looking around were of no importance. Then he bowed

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