GEOGRAPHY & PLAYS (Collection of Stories, Poems and Plays). Gertrude Stein

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GEOGRAPHY & PLAYS (Collection of Stories, Poems and Plays) - Gertrude Stein

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are not wanting that these, these who are doing anything completely again are the ones who are doing everything completely again. These are ones completely doing anything again. These are ones doing completely doing anything again.

      These were not always doing that thing completely doing everything again. These were then completely satisfying, these were then ones not doing everything completely again. These were then more than completely satisfying, they were then completely being that thing completely being ones certainly going on being ones completely satisfying, entirely completely satisfying anything. These were then not ones completely doing anything again. These are ones completely doing anything again. Completely doing anything again is something to satisfy any one. These are ones completely doing anything again. This is satisfying to every one. Some are not satisfied that these are doing that thing completely doing anything again.

      Some in doing anything are learning to do that thing. Some in doing anything are doing that thing. Some in doing anything are going on doing that thing. Some in doing anything are doing that thing again. Some in doing anything are beginning doing that thing. These being ones doing anything are ones doing that thing and are ones then not learning doing that thing, not beginning doing that thing, not going on doing that thing, not remembering doing that thing, not doing that thing again, they are ones completely fully doing that thing, they are completely fully doing that thing at any time that they are doing anything that is that thing, at any time they are doing anything. These then are ones completely fully doing something, are completely fully always completely fully having something being done by them. These then are ones being ones having anything completely fully being done by them, are ones always having something being completely fully done by them.

      Some are certainly not believing this thing, not believing any such thing, some certainly never have been believing any such thing, some who have been who are completely knowing, certainly are not believing that all of them are ones completely doing, are ones having been ones completely doing something, anything, everything. Some are certainly not believing any such thing. Some have been ones completely loving that these are being existing, some are ones who have been ones almost completely living in being one completely loving that these are ones who are being existing. These then those who were almost completely living in being ones loving that these are ones being existing come then to be ones not loving that these are ones being existing come to be ones not regretting that these are ones being existing but are ones being almost entirely annoyed by such a thing by these being ones being existing and these then are almost completely living in this thing living in being entirely annoyed that these are being existing.

      Some know very well that these are being existing, some know entirely that these have been existing. Some of both these kinds of them are completely living in that thing, in these being existing, in these having been existing. Very many know that these have been existing. Very many know that these are existing.

      These, these being existing are ones who have been existing are ones who are existing. These are ones who could be ones completely living in the thing that they have been existing. These are ones living in having been existing, these are ones living in being existing. These are ones completely living in having been existing and they are then completely living in being existing. They are ones completely liking this thing completely liking having been existing and completely living in that thing and are completely living in being existing and completely liking this thing. These are ones that are completely exciting in having been ones being living, are completely excited in this thing and are completely excited, excitement is completely in them in their being one being existing. These are ones completely existing in having been existing and are completely existing in being existing. These then can be ones that any one can be certain are ones that are completely being having been and being and this is something that certainly can be quite disgusting to some completely not liking that thing, can be something completely displeasing to some completely not liking that thing.

      These are ones liking being living. These are ones quite liking being living. These are ones quite needing being living. These are ones quite needing this thing quite needing being living. These are ones liking being living. They are ones going on doing this thing going on liking being living. These are ones quite liking doing this thing again and again liking being living. They are needing this thing needing being living. They are quite liking being living. They are liking being living.

      They are liking this thing, liking being living and they are doing this thing they are being living and they are then not doing anything to be liking the thing to be liking being living.

      They are, all of them, being living, they are doing enough of this thing so that any other one will be doing that thing, so that there will be enough of them quite enough of them doing this thing, being living. There are always enough of them doing this thing, being living. There are always enough of them doing this thing enough so that there will be enough of them doing this thing, doing being living. They are liking this thing liking being living so that they can any of them be ones being this thing being one liking being living. They are ones liking being living, they are ones being such ones, all of them being such ones any of them are being such ones, each of them are being such ones, any of them are doing that thing are liking being living.

      Any one is such a one and is warmly that thing, is completely warmly one being living, one liking that thing. These are ones warmly being that thing, quite warmly, entirely warmly being that thing and certainly any other thing is a thing that can be too exciting, too wearing, too destroying. These then are ones warmly liking, entirely warmly liking being living and are being living and doing enough to have it that there are enough of them certainly enough of them being living.

      These then are ones almost needing being ones being living. They certainly are ones completely doing anything, they certainly are ones completely bringing any teaching to any needing any teaching to be themselves doing quite enough living to be always going to be enough of them to be warmly liking being living.

      A Sweet Tail


       Table of Contents


      Hold in the coat. Hold back ladders and a creation and nearly sudden extra coppery ages with colors and a clean voice gyp hoarse. Hold in that curl with a good man. Hold in cheese. Hold in cheese. Hold in cheese.

      A cool brake, a cool brake not a success not a re-sound a re-sound and a little pan with a yell oh yes so yet change, famous, a green a green colored oak, a handsome excursion, a really handsome log, a regulation to exchange oars, a regulation or more press more precise cold pieces, more yet in the teeth within the teeth. This is the sun in. This is the lamb of the lantern with chalk. With chalk a shadow shall be a sneeze in a tooth in a tin tooth, a turned past, a turned little corset, a little tuck in a pink look and with a pin in, a pin in.

      Win lake, eat splashes dig salt change benches.

      Win lake eat splashes dig salt change benches.

      Can in.

      Come a little cheese. Come a little cheese and same same tall sun with a little thing to team, team now and a bass a whole some gurgle, little tin, little tin soak, soak why Sunday, supreme measure.

      No nice burst, no nice burst sourly. Suppose a butter glass is clean and there is a bow suppose it lest the bounding ocean and a medium sized bloat in the cunning little servant handkerchief is in between.

      Cuts when cuts when ten, lie on this, singling wrist tending, singling the pin.

      Lie on this, show sup the boon that nick the basting thread thinly and night night

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