GEOGRAPHY & PLAYS (Collection of Stories, Poems and Plays). Gertrude Stein

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GEOGRAPHY & PLAYS (Collection of Stories, Poems and Plays) - Gertrude Stein

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size. There is no use disputing as memory is a reminder.

      Not to pay for a conversation, not to pay anything for any conversation, not to throw away paying, not to pass paying, not to pay anything this is not being a victim. What is victory, victory is that which eschewing liberation and a girdle and gratitude and resignation and a choice display and more flavor shows a strange reluctance to have a maritime connection. This is victory.

      A license, what is a license, what is a license.

      An angry coat, a very angry coat shines.

      Butter is not frozen, this does not mean that there is no bravery and no mistake. This does show a conclusion.

      Difference is no excuse, grain is no excuse, even the remains of a pear is an excuse and yet is there graciousness, there is if there is generosity. There is so much fruit. This is kindly a mistake. No misunderstanding is insurmountable.

      Cage no lion, not to cage a lion is not dirty, it is not even merciless, it is not malodorous, it is not virtue.

      To surround a giraffe, what does that mean. To surround a mixture, that means something.

      Solid, what is solid, is more solid than everything, it is not doubtful because there is no necessity.

      Haughtiness, there is haughtiness when there is no tape and no billiard rooms and no need to be secured from wet. There is certainly some selected obstacles.

      The certainty of a change in the parts that speak, this uncertainty does not show as it does not fashion speech. All union is in the widow and all menace is in the band.

      Any way to bend the hat is the way to encourage vice. Virtue all virtue is resolved and some and any hat, every hat is identical. A shadow a white shadow is a mountain.

      Kindness what is kindness, kindness is the necessity of preserving of really preserving all the parts of speech and teaching, not music so much as trimming and a costume, and sincerely most sincerely shoving regions together.

      Notice a room, in noticing a room what is there to notice, the first thing to notice is the room and the windows and the door and the table and the place where there are divisions and the center of the room and the rest of the people. All this is necessary and then there is finance.

      Heavy where heaviness is and no mistake plentifully, heavy where the breeze is and no darkness plentifully, heavy where there is a voice and a noise and singling out a company, heavy where there is a sale of accents and raisins and possibly more ways of not being heavy. Certainly there is no peril and yet think, think often, is daintiness and a collar heavy is it and what is the disturbance, is there not more registration.

      So there is not coming anything. There certainly is no single space useful and betrothed and vulgar and not pretty. There is a sign in placing nothing. This changes from day to day any day. Surely no change is a blessing. All the search is in violation and yet a single search is a single search willing. It is cautious. There is riot.

      The likelihood of dipping and drawing and digesting and drinking and dirtying not dirtying smoking, the likelihood of all this makes such an order that every discussion is simultaneous. A large increase in beer, any large increase is here, some large increase is clear, no large increase is dear. A lily a very lily lily is accurate and described and surrounded and so venturesome that there is risk and writing, there is even inlaying.

      Darkness, there is no darkness in extremity and in mixing and in originating scattering religion. There is no darkness in designing.

      A group a single group proceeding show the necessity of the distribution of the same organization as there is if there is, assuming that there is, if there is reorganization.

      Flower, flower and water and even more even a gram of grain and a single little blister, very likely the chance is not perfect and the exquisite arrangement has lace, very likely there are no stains and more likely there are ruffles. In all of this there is no use in practicing medicine. Quinine any quinine is useful and more there is more, there can be more, there is an apartment.

      A sign of saving consists in spending the late morning in the morning and in urging in certainly not urging a calculation. A sign of saving is so simple if there is enough handed about, and surely no pains in piling are more shown than when everything is in dishes. This does not happen in an asylum, it does not even happen in the hay and in the double shapes that shelter cooking.

      A top a tiny little top that sits and spits and shows the courage calmly, this this is so soon an exasperation and a piece of lightning, it is so ordinarily just that occasion, it is so kindly dispiriting, it is so haughty if there is pushing. There is pushing, this is what makes it repetition.

      A long, what is a log to do when it floats, it is to do nothing as it floats but certainly it would be best that it should adjust that to itself certainly. This alone does not make an explanation.

      A degree of resorts and a shining wave all this together does not make a regulation and it does not make that irregular, it sustains mischief and an order and it even enforces the likelihood of the season and some color. So sustained is a paragraph that a sentence shows no staring and some noise. This is so simple in the size that is medium and is medium sized sentinel. There is no kilometer. That does not make a sample.

      Keep the place that is not open, close the place that has one door, shut the place that has a cellar, suffer where all suffer more, argue, and shelter the understanding orphan, and silence that is silence is not sufficient there must even be sleep.

      Puzzle is more than a speck and a soiled collar. A pound is more than oat meal and a new institution. A silence is no more than occasional. It respects understanding and salt and even a rope. It respects a news-stand and it also it very also respects desert. All the ice can descend together.

      Was there freedom, was there enchaining, was there even a height rising from higher. If there was what is a coat worth and by whom was it made when.

      A lining any lining is a trimming. More trimming is extra.

      A sort of arranging, a kindling of paying a shilling, does that mean another extravagance and more candles, no more candles. It does not show.

      A famous single candle has a chance to shine so that glaring meant that no more would be reversed by lightning. The safe lamp and the bright lamp and the dirty lamp and the long lamp were all not the lamps that were attending baptism. Why is the baptism patient, baptism is patient in the first place because there is no coarse cloth, in the second place because when there is nothing taken enough is left to give every reason. A practice which engaged more attention than the rest was that which shaved a tame stopper and did not even end that. Supposing crossing a street is necessary, supposing it is, does that show more of such occasion. It does and it does.

      A lime is in labor, a lemon is cooler, a citron is larger, a currant is redder, a strawberry is more vexed, a banana is straighter.

      A little thing is a little thing, a single point is bigger, a bigger thing is a bigger thing, an older thing is older, an older thing is an older thing, a station is a station, a station is a station and a station is a thing and stationary only that is a stationary thing.

      A blind being blind and deaf and deaf being deaf and blind and blind and deaf and a coat with a cape and more use in all than in any shape all this makes a reason for criticising the use of machinery and paper and even a pen and even a stamp and even more flags than ever.

      In the pin in the picking of a

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