Essential Novelists - Maria Edgeworth. Maria Edgeworth

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Essential Novelists - Maria Edgeworth - Maria  Edgeworth Essential Novelists

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9. — Advice.


      THE NEXT MORNING MR. Hervey called on Dr. X— — and begged that he would accompany him to Lady Delacour’s.

      “To be introduced to your tragic muse?” said the doctor.

      “Yes,” said Mr. Hervey: “I must have your opinion of her before I devote myself.”

      “My opinion! but of whom? — Of Lady Delacour?”

      “No; but of a young lady whom you will see with her.”

      “Is she handsome?”


      “And young?”

      “And young.”

      “And graceful?”

      “The most graceful person you ever beheld.”

      “Young, beautiful, graceful; then the deuce take me,” said Dr. X— — “if I give you my opinion of her: for the odds are, that she has a thousand faults, at least, to balance these perfections.”

      “A thousand faults! a charitable allowance,” said Clarence, smiling.

      “There now,” said Dr. X——

      ‘Touch him, and no minister’s so sore.’

      To punish you for wincing at my first setting out, I promise you, that if the lady have a million of faults, each of them high as huge Olympus, I will see them as with the eye of a flatterer — not of a friend.”

      “I defy you to be so good or so bad as your word, doctor,” said Hervey. “You have too much wit to make a good flatterer.”

      “And perhaps you think too much to make a good friend,” said Dr. X——.

      “Not so,” said Clarence: “I would at any time rather be cut by a sharp knife than by a blunt one. But, my dear doctor, I hope you will not be prejudiced against Belinda, merely because she is with Lady Delacour; for to my certain knowledge, she in not under her ladyship’s influence. She judges and acts for herself, of which I have had an instance.”

      “Very possibly!” interrupted Dr. X——. “But before we go any farther, will you please to tell me of what Belinda you are talking?”

      “Belinda Portman. I forgot that I had not told you.”

      “Miss Portman, a niece of Mrs. Stanhope’s?”

      “Yes, but do not be prejudiced against her on that account,” said Clarence, eagerly, “though I was at first myself.”

      “Then you will excuse my following your example instead of your precepts.”

      “No,” said Clarence, “for my precepts are far better than my example.”

      Lady Delacour received Dr. X—— most courteously, and thanked Mr. Hervey for introducing to her a gentleman with whom she had long desired to converse. Dr. X—— had a great literary reputation, and she saw that he was a perfectly well-bred man; consequently she was ambitious of winning his admiration. She perceived also that he had considerable influence with Clarence Hervey, and this was a sufficient reason to make her wish for his good opinion. Belinda was particularly pleased with his manners and conversation; she saw that he paid her much attention, and she was desirous that he should think favourably of her; but she had the good sense and good taste to avoid a display of her abilities and accomplishments. A sensible man, who has any knowledge of the world and talents for conversation, can easily draw out the knowledge of those with whom he converses. Dr. X—— possessed this power in a superior degree?

      “Well,” cried Clarence, when their visit was over, “what is your opinion of Lady Delacour?”

      “I am ‘blasted with excess of light,’” said the doctor.

      “Her ladyship is certainly very brilliant,” said Clarence, “but I hope that Miss Portman did not overpower you.”

      “No — I turned my eyes from Lady Delacour upon Miss Portman, as a painter turns his eyes upon mild green, to rest them, when they have been dazzled by glaring colours.

      ‘She yields her charms of mind with sweet delay.’”

      “I was afraid,” said Hervey, “that you might think her manners too reserved and cold: they are certainly become more so than they used to be. But so much the better; by and by we shall find beautiful flowers spring up from beneath the snow.’”

      “A very poetical hope,” said Dr. X——; “but in judging of the human character, we must not entirely trust to analogies and allusions taken from the vegetable creation.”

      “What!” cried Clarence Hervey, looking eagerly in the doctor’s eyes, “what do you mean? I am afraid you do not approve of Belinda.”

      “Your fears are almost as precipitate as your hopes, my good sir: but to put you out of pain, I will tell you, that I approve of all I have seen of this young lady, but that it is absolutely out of my power to form a decisive judgment of a woman’s temper and character in the course of a single morning visit. Women, you know, as well as men, often speak with one species of enthusiasm, and act with another. I must see your Belinda act, I must study her, before I can give you my final judgment. Lady Delacour has honoured me with her commands to go to her as often as possible. For your sake, my dear Hervey, I shall obey her ladyship most punctually, that I may have frequent opportunities of seeing your Miss Portman.”

      Clarence expressed his gratitude with much energy, for this instance of the doctor’s friendship. Belinda, who had been entertained by Dr. X——‘s conversation during this first visit, was more and more delighted with his company as she became more acquainted with his understanding and character. She felt that he unfolded her powers, and that with the greatest politeness and address he raised her confidence in herself, without ever descending to flattery. By degrees she learned to look upon him as a friend; she imparted to him with great ingenuousness her opinions on various subjects, and she was both amused and instructed by his observations on the characters and manners of the company who frequented Lady Delacour’s assemblies. She did not judge of the doctor’s sincerity merely by the kindness he showed her, but by his conduct towards others.

      One night, at a select party at Lady Delacour’s, a Spanish gentleman was amusing the company with some anecdotes, to prove the extraordinary passion which some of his countrymen formerly showed for the game of chess. He mentioned families, in which unfinished games, bequeathed by will, had descended from father to son, and where victory was doubtful for upwards of a century.

      Mr. Hervey observed, that gaining a battle was, at that time, so common to the court of Spain, that a victory at chess seemed to confer more éclat; for that an abbé, by losing adroitly a game at chess to the Spanish minister, obtained a cardinal’s hat.

      The foreigner was flattered by the manner in which Hervey introduced this slight circumstance, and he directed to him his conversation,

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