Essential Novelists - Dinah Craik. August Nemo

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Essential Novelists - Dinah Craik - August Nemo Essential Novelists

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didst thee want to sit up for?” pursued my father, keen and sharp as a ferret at a field-rat’s hole, or a barrister hunting a witness in those courts of law that were never used by, though often used against, us Quakers.

      John hesitated, and again his painful, falsely-accusing blushes tried him sore. “Sir, I’ll tell you; it’s no disgrace. Though I’m such a big fellow I can’t write; and your son was good enough to try and teach me. I was afraid of forgetting the letters; so I tried to make them all over again, with a bit of chalk, on the bark-shed wall. It did nobody any harm that I know of.”

      The boy’s tone, even though it was rather quick and angry, won no reproof. At last my father said gently enough —

      “Is that all, lad?”


      Again Abel Fletcher fell into a brown study. We two lads talked softly to each other — afraid to interrupt. He smoked through a whole pipe — his great and almost his only luxury, and then again called out —

      “John Halifax.”

      “I’m here.”

      “It’s time thee went away to thy work.”

      “I’m going this minute. Good-bye, Phineas. Good day, sir. Is there anything you want done?”

      He stood before his master, cap in hand, with an honest manliness pleasant to see. Any master might have been proud of such a servant — any father of such a son. My poor father — no, he did not once look from John Halifax to me. He would not have owned for the world that half-smothered sigh, or murmured because Heaven had kept back from him — as, Heaven knows why, it often does from us all! — the one desire of the heart.

      “John Halifax, thee hast been of great service to me this night. What reward shall I give thee?”

      And instinctively his hand dived down into his pocket. John turned away.

      “Thank you — I’d rather not. It is quite enough reward that I have been useful to my master, and that he acknowledges it.”

      My father thought a minute, and then offered his hand. “Thee’rt in the right, lad. I am very much obliged to thee, and I will not forget it.”

      And John — blushing brightly once more — went away, looking as proud as an emperor, and as happy as a poor man with a bag of gold.

      “Is there nothing thou canst think of, Phineas, that would pleasure the lad?” said my father, after we had been talking some time — though not about John.

      I had thought of something — something I had long desired, but which seemed then all but an impossibility. Even now it was with some doubt and hesitation that I made the suggestion that he should spend every Sunday at our house.

      “Nonsense! — thee know’st nought of Norton Bury lads. He would not care. He had rather lounge about all First-day at street corners with his acquaintance.”

      “John has none, father. He knows nobody — cares for nobody — but me. Do let him come.”

      “We’ll see about it.”

      My father never broke or retracted his word. So after that John Halifax came to us every Sunday; and for one day of the week, at least, was received in his master’s household as our equal and my friend.

      Chapter 5


      Summers and winters slipped by lazily enough, as the years seemed always to crawl round at Norton Bury. How things went in the outside world I little knew or cared. My father lived his life, mechanical and steady as clock-work, and we two, John Halifax and Phineas Fletcher, lived our lives — the one so active and busy, the other so useless and dull. Neither of us counted the days, nor looked backwards or forwards.

      One June morning I woke to the consciousness that I was twenty years old, and that John Halifax was — a man: the difference between us being precisely as I have expressed it.

      Our birthdays fell within a week of each other, and it was in remembering his — the one which advanced him to the dignity of eighteen — that I called to mind my own. I say, “advanced him to the dignity”— but in truth that is an idle speech; for any dignity which the maturity of eighteen may be supposed to confer he had already in possession. Manhood had come to him, both in character and demeanour, not as it comes to most young lads, an eagerly-desired and presumptuously-asserted claim, but as a rightful inheritance, to be received humbly, and worn simply and naturally. So naturally, that I never seemed to think of him as anything but a boy, until this one June Sunday, when, as before stated, I myself became twenty years old.

      I was talking over that last fact, in a rather dreamy mood, as he and I sat in our long-familiar summer seat, the clematis arbour by the garden wall.

      “It seems very strange, John, but so it is — I am actually twenty.”

      “Well, and what of that?”

      I sat looking down into the river, which flowed on, as my years were flowing, monotonous, dark, and slow — as they must flow on for ever. John asked me what I was thinking of.

      “Of myself: what a fine specimen of the noble genus homo I am.”

      I spoke bitterly, but John knew how to meet that mood. Very patient he was with it and with every ill mood of mine. And I was grateful, with that deep gratitude we feel to those who bear with us, and forgive us, and laugh at us, and correct us — all alike for love.

      “Self-investigation is good on birthdays. Phineas, here goes for a catalogue of your qualities, internal and external.”

      “John, don’t be foolish.”

      “I will, if I like; though perhaps not quite so foolish as some other people; so listen:—‘Imprimis,’ as saith Shakspeare — Imprimis, height, full five feet four; a stature historically appertaining to great men, including Alexander of Macedon and the First Consul.”

      “Oh, oh!” said I, reproachfully; for this was our chief bone of contention — I hating, he rather admiring, the great ogre of the day, Napoleon Bonaparte.

      “Imprimis, of a slight, delicate person, but not lame as once was.”

      “No, thank God!”

      “Thin, rather-”

      “Very — a mere skeleton!”

      “Face elongated and pale-”

      “Sallow, John, decidedly sallow.”

      “Be it so, sallow. Big eyes, much given to observation, which means hard staring. Take them off me, Phineas, or I’ll not lie on the grass a minute longer. Thank you. To return: Imprimis and finis (I’m grand at Latin now, you see)— long hair, which, since the powder tax, has resumed its original blackness, and is — any young damsel would say,

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