Heroines Of Fiction. William Dean Howells

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Heroines Of Fiction - William Dean Howells

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who is introduced to her protector. La Motte, under conditions of such a very extraordinary character as those portrayed in the opening chapter of the romance. In his flight from the King's officers La Motte loses the road, and is attracted by the light from a lonely house on the borders of the forest. Entering to inquire his way, "between the pauses of the wind he thought he distinguished the sobs and moaning of a female," and was presently confronted by a man " leading, or rather, forcibly dragging along a beautiful girl who appeared to be about eighteen. Her features were bathed in tears, and she seemed to suffer the utmost distress. The man . . . advanced towards La Motte, who had before observed other persons in the passage, and pointed a pistol at his breast. 'You are wholly in our power,' he cried. 'No assistance can reach you; if you wish to save your life swear that you will convey this girl where I may never see her more. . . . Answer quickly; you have no time to lose.' He . . . hurried her towards La Motte, whom surprise kept silent. She sunk at his feet, and with supplicating eyes that streamed with tears implored him to have pity on her. . . . Her features, which were delicately beautiful, had gained from distress a captivating sweetness, she had

      ' —An eye

      As when the blue sky trembles through a cloud

      Of purest white.'

      A habit of gray camlet, with short slashed sleeves, showed but did not adorn her figure; it was thrown open at the bosom, upon which part of her hair had fallen in disorder, while the light veil, hastily thrown on, had in her confusion been suffered to fall back. . . Such elegance and apparent refinement, contrasted with the desolation of the house, and the savage manners of its inhabitants, seemed to him like a romance of imagination rather than an occurrence of real life."

      It well might seem so; but the horror (the eighteenth- century horror) of this incident is better calculated to fortify the reader against the events which ensue than the scenes of soft tranquility which open the dark drama of " The Mysteries of Udolpho." We first see Emily St. Aubert in the tender care of a dying mother and an idyllic father, who also dies before the story is far advanced. They are all people of sensibility, residing upon an ancestral estate in Gascony, surrounded by an operatic peasantry, who "in this gay climate were often seen on an evening, when the day's labor was done, dancing in groups on the margin of the river. . . . Under the ample shade of a spreading palm-tree ... St. Aubert loved to read and converse with Madam St. Aubert, or to play with his children, resigning himself to the influence of those sweet affections which are ever attendant on simplicity and nature. ... In person Emily resembled her mother, having the same elegant symmetry of form, the same delicacy of features, and the same blue eyes, full of tender sweetness. . . . St. Aubert cultivated her understanding with the most scrupulous care. He gave her a general view of the sciences, and an exact acquaintance with every part of elegant literature. He taught her Latin and English, chiefly that she might understand the sublimity of their best poets."

      When deprived untimely of these tender parents, at once so academically and so pastorally pleasing, Emily becomes the ward of a worldly and vulgarly ambitious sister of her father, and goes to live with her at Toulouse. Here she meets again the young Valancourt whom she has already met on a journey with her father and given her heart. Her aunt is dazzled by the brilliancy of the match, and the lovers are about to be united, when the aunt marries an Italian, much younger than herself, and at the bidding of her husband, the lurid Count Montoni, breaks off Emily's marriage. Montoni wishes to get possession of the niece's property as well as the aunt's; he travels suddenly into Italy with them, and after a sojourn amidst the pleasant corruptions of Venice, he carries them off to his castle of Udolpho in the Apennines, where the mysteries which give name to the story develop themselves, and Emily remains the prey of terror until Valancourt duly appears and effects her rescue.

      The mysteries when you come to them are never quite so blood-curdling as they promise while you are working up to them; but it cannot be denied that Mrs. Radcliffe was mistress of the art of suspense in her effects. She knew how to paint a lonely landscape, and how to suggest the solitude and gloomy majesty of a fortress in the mountain forests. She understood how to touch the nerves, to blanch the cheek, to bid the hair rise and the pulse falter. In a fashion she could make the types she used do the office of characters; she almost persuades you that Montoni lives, and quite that his wife does. If she is not so convincing in the case of Emily, still with a youthful reader on her side she has little trouble in enlisting all the necessary sympathy, all the needed hopes and fears in her behalf. Who, indeed, can withhold an appropriate shudder, when in that vast silent chamber where the girl is put to sleep, away from all the other inhabitants of the castle, she hears the sliding of the rusty bolts on the outside of her door, which has no fastening within? Whose back can resist the cold chills that the midnight music of the unseen lute, moving mystically about the halls and corridors of the castle, invites to run down it? What heart is proof against the supreme terrors of the veiled picture?

      "Emily passed on till she came to a chamber hung with pictures, and took the light to examine that of a soldier . . . resembling Montoni. She shuddered and turned from it; passing the light over several other pictures, she came to one concealed by a veil of black silk. The singularity of the circumstance struck her, and she stopped before it, wishing to remove the veil, and examine what could be thus carefully concealed, but somewhat wanting courage. 'Holy Virgin! What can this mean?' exclaimed Annette. 'This is surely the picture they told me of at Venice.' Emily, turning round, saw Annette's countenance grow pale. 'And what have you heard of this picture to terrify you so, my good girl?' said she. 'Nothing, ma'amselle; I have heard nothing; only I have heard there is something very dreadful belonging to it.'" It is not strange that those hints, and that tragical story of a former lady of the castle, who suddenly vanished and was never heard of more, should fix themselves in Emily's fancy, or that the next day, when exploring the castle near her room, she should think of the veiled picture, and " resolve to examine it. As she passed through the chambers that led to this, she found herself somewhat agitated; its connection with the late lady of the castle, together with the circumstance of the veil, throwing a mystery over the object that excited a faint degree of terror. But a terror of this nature, as it occupies and expands the mind, and elevates it to high expectation, is purely sublime, and leads us, by a kind of fascination, to seek even the object from which we appear to shrink. Emily passed on with faltering steps, and having paused a moment at the door before she attempted to open it, she then hastily entered the chamber, and went towards the picture, which appeared to be enclosed in a frame of uncommon size, that hung in a dark part of the room. She paused again, and then with a timid hand lifted the veil, but instantly let it fall—perceiving that what it had concealed was no picture; and before she could leave the chamber dropped senseless upon the floor."

      What was behind the veil?

      In a famous conversation between Catharine Morland and Isabella Thorp in " Northanger Abbey," Catharine says she has been reading " Udolpho " ever since she woke and is "got to the black veil." "Are you, indeed?" cries Isabella. "Oh, I would not tell you what is behind the black veil for the world! Are you not wild to know?" "Oh yes, quite; what can it be? But do not tell me; I would not be told on any account. I know it must be a skeleton; I am sure it is Laurentina's skeleton."

      This conjecture of Catharine's is so much more effective than the fact that I prefer to leave it; but if any reader is impatient of it, he may satisfy his curiosity by turning to the last chapters of the romance, where all the "Mysteries of Udolpho" are conscientiously explained.


      IT is not only in her conscientious explanation of the "Mysteries of Udolpho" that Mrs. Radcliffe pays tribute to the realistic ideal of her time. Her romances are as chaste in motive and as modest in material as Jane Austen's novels, and far decenter than most novels of any age. They might be blamed for their blending of sublimity and absurdity, but there is no specious mixture of good and bad in them to confound the conscience by

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