Berserk: The Shocking Life and Death of Edwin Valero. Don Stradley

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Berserk: The Shocking Life and Death of Edwin Valero - Don Stradley Hamilcar Noir

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      Part I

      Birth of a Nightmare

      Few things are sadder than the truly monstrous.

      —Nathanael West, The Day of the Locust.

      During the early morning hours of Sunday, April 18, 2010, in the lobby of a hotel in Valencia, Carabobo, one of the best fighters Venezuela had ever produced spoke quietly with his wife. He was a celebrity in his country, a fiercely patriotic man, a proud father of two. Though the couple presented a relaxed picture, the poor woman was probably shaking with worry. Edwin Valero, twenty-eight, had for weeks seemed hell-bent on killing her.

      The hotel staff may have sensed that Valero's circuitry wasn't quite right, and hadn't been for a long time. The feelings of paranoia that had jabbed at him in recent times were now wading in with more withering volleys: the suspicion that his wife was having an affair; the fear that people meant to do him harm; and the fear that police, gangsters, even his own mother were conspiring against him.

      “He loved to be in the ring,” said Rudy Hernandez, a trainer who knew Valero in earlier days. “I told him, ‘The difference between you and a lot of other fighters here is that you love being in the ring. That's why you're going to be a superstar. Keep working as hard as you do, and you'll be the next superstar of boxing.’”

      He'd come at opponents like an evil spirit. He was a bizarre vision of a fighter: he'd charge in with his hands low, his eyes ablaze with cold fire. Sometimes he'd yell or hiss when he threw punches. To be in the ring with him must have been nightmarish. “There is something inside me that I have to unleash on someone,” Valero once said. “Perhaps it's anger, hatred I feel at having been denied a childhood.”

      Gales of paranoia whipped through his mind now. Increasingly distrustful and depressed, Valero had spent the weeks after his latest victory arguing with family members and embarrassing himself in public. He believed criminals from Venezuela's underworld were following him. He confessed to a doctor that he was a drug addict. He told his manager that events in his childhood haunted him.

      He was in a morbid tailspin. A psychologist said Valero's problems stemmed from an old head injury and extended drug use. The word “psychotropic” appeared repeatedly in medical reports.

      Just two months earlier he'd scored an impressive tenth-round stoppage of Antonio DeMarco, a solid fighter who some had predicted would stand up to Valero. In the early rounds, DeMarco boxed well. Yet Valero grew stronger with each passing round, roaring forward like the living bulldozer in Theodore Sturgeon's old science fiction tale, Killdozer. DeMarco's corner, realizing their man was done, stopped the fight after the ninth. It was the greatest victory of Valero's career, but after this bout his strange behavior reached a scary crescendo.

      As the clock reached 1:35 a.m., Edwin and Jennifer made their way to room 624. Valero had asked the staff to check under the bed to make sure no one was hiding there. He believed someone had been following him and Jennifer all night. Once he was satisfied the room was empty, he and Jennifer went inside. There's no telling what went on during the next few hours, or where his paranoia took him, but in that room something terrible happened. At 5:30 a.m. Valero appeared in the lobby. As calmly as one might order something from room service, he told the staff that he had just killed his wife.

      • • •

      He was a storyteller.

      He described his early days as if he'd been born in the Seventh Circle of Hell. People absorbed the stories and spewed them out in different ways. Some said he'd been a homeless child, starving in the street. Others said he was an industrious little kid who went door to door selling bags of garlic to housewives. You get the sense that he had some unimaginably hard times but manufactured a frightening autobiography to amuse people. He was selling uplift and desperation.

      “Ask my other children if I have been a bad father,” he said. “I left the house because of problems with his mother, but I never abandoned them, I was always aware and I helped them financially. Edwin told me one day: ‘Dad, I say all that because it gives me more fame, so they see me as the child who suffered a lot.’”

      Domingo asked Valero to stop telling those stories. Valero never stopped. Valero controlled the narrative. He was hawking poor pitiful me.

      Yet, even if he enjoyed portraying himself as the forsaken child who fought his way out of the rubble of Venezuela, other family members say Valero's childhood was indeed traumatizing for him. He cried often, even as an adult. He was stuck on the idea that he'd been deprived of a regular upbringing. “Edwin had a void that he never explained,” said his younger brother Luis. “He never said what he felt.”

      Listen to his family and friends. You might find yourself believing he never touched drugs until the months before he killed Jennifer. Listen to them. You might even believe he didn't kill her. You might end up believing the stories about kidnappers and thugs and government conspiracies.

      The trainers and sparring partners who knew Valero won't buy that he had major mental malfunctions. A psychologist

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