Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy and Physiology for Healthcare Professionals. Jassin M. Jouria

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Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy and Physiology for Healthcare Professionals - Jassin M. Jouria

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      Cells are incredibly complex; responsible for hundreds of functions in the human body. Cells are the foundation of any structure in the body and vary in size, shape, and function. Each performs a specific job in the human body.

      Cytology provides a fascinating glimpse into the smallest units of life; without which there would be no life. Cells provide the foundation of all living things, from simple amoebas to people, animals, and plants. It is estimated that the human body contains multiple trillions of cells, all with predestined functions and activities that sustain life for decades.

      Case Study Conclusion

      After discussing the results with Erica, he scheduled a procedure to remove the melanoma. He then recommended that she undergo annual skin examinations on a yearly basis and be proactive with her own monthly skin examinations. He also showed her how to perform a self-lymph node exam, recommended for patients with stage IA cutaneous melanoma, which was Dr. Sanderson’s determination. He also recommended she undergo physical examinations with special focus on her skin and lymph nodes every three to 12 months for the next five years and then on an annual basis as indicated. Routine imaging was not recommended.

      He stressed to her the importance of these follow-ups to identify any recurrence early on, as patients diagnosed with any stage of melanoma have an up to 8% risk over lifetime of developing a secondary primary melanoma.


      1.What does selective permeability imply in regard to the plasma membrane?

      A.It serves as an impassable protective barrier.

      B.It allows movement of only lipids.

      C.It allows certain substances to enter or leave the cell while preventing others from doing so.

      D.It’s a membrane that is not composed of a phospholipid bilayer.

      Answer: C. The cell membrane is permeable, which enables certain substances to enter or exit, depending on function.

      Learning Objective: 1

      2.Which organelle is responsible for the formation of the mitotic spindle and is also involved in mitosis as well as regulation of the cell cycle?





      Answer: B. Centrosomes are involved in several vital functions of the many organelles in the cell found inside the cellular matrix. The centrosomal matrix organizes development of the mitotic spindle and microtubule generation in cell division.

      Learning Objective: 2

      3.Which type of transport is the most common and how does it work?

      A.Active. Active transport processes cannot cross the cellular membrane.

      B.Passive. Passive transport implies a process where molecules move from areas of high molecule concentration to areas of lower concentrations.

      C.Active. Describing a unique process where one-half of a protein molecule is embedded into the inside of a molecule and the other half protrudes to the outside of the cell membrane.

      D.Passive. Describes a situation where ion molecules move from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration.

      Answer: C. Active transport is the most common form of transport and defines the movement of molecules across the cell membrane facilitated by the energy supplied by ATP. This energy is needed for transportation.

      Learning Objective: 3

      4.Which type of cancers are most commonly diagnosed in younger people than older people?



      C.Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

      d.Bone cancer

      Answer: C. Carcinomas such as skin cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer are more prevalently diagnosed in younger individuals than older. In some cases, these types of cancers may be a result of lifestyle (smoking, diet, drug use, overexposure to sunlight, environmental factors, etc.)

      Learning Objective: 5


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