Ashtanga Yoga - The Intermediate Series. Gregor Maehle

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Ashtanga Yoga - The Intermediate Series - Gregor Maehle

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birth or knowledge. Again one hundred times greater than that ecstasy is the state of one who has studied the scriptures and is free from desires. One hundred times greater than that, however, is the ecstasy of one who has realized the state of consciousness identified by Patanjali as “seedless samadhi.”

      This highest level of ecstasy is the result of multiplying by one hundred six times, which means that — according to Yajnavalkya, who, historically speaking, was one of the greatest authorities on the matter — samadhi confers one trillion times the ecstasy that an ideal human life could possibly provide. Indian texts sometimes exaggerate the states that they describe, a tendency called stuti (praise, advertising, glorification). However, Yajnavalkya doesn’t appear to share this tendency, and judging from the recorded dialogues and texts he left behind, there is no doubt that he knew and researched each of the ecstatic states mentioned.

      Samadhi is the limb through which the mind and subconscious are deconditioned — and this is a process that takes time. The conditioning (vasana) that we undergo during our lives creates fears, desires, expectations, prejudices, and so on, and these prevent us from seeing reality as such because they are superimposed on what we see. Once all this dross of the ages is removed, for the first time one can see the world and the self as they really are.

      Once the mind has achieved this quality of stainlessness it becomes capable of creating reality. This is due to the fact that at this level of concentration what is in the mind becomes so real that it will manifest as reality. This explains the various powers of the yogis, siddhas, and rishis that Patanjali describes in the third chapter of the Yoga Sutra.

      The yogi, however, applies this newfound power not to hocus-pocus but to the raising of kundalini, which produces divine revelation. It is here that ethics become fundamental. If you are not firmly grounded in the first and second limbs, you may at this point fall for the dark side. It is for this reason that yoga insists on Ishvara pranidhana, a personal devoted relationship to one of the aspects or manifestations of the Supreme Being, whichever one it may be. This close intimate devotion is what will save you when the dark night of your soul arises or when the Prince of Darkness appears on your doorstep to tempt you. Devotion to the Supreme Being will keep you firmly focused on developing the highest within yourself.

      It is possible to have a glimpse of this light in the form of a spontaneous temporary mystical experience and come out the other end unchanged. If you have not read the ancient texts or prepared yourself in ways that allow you to put the experience in context, you can come out of such a mystical experience even more confused than before, wanting to repeat the experience by pursuing sex, power, wealth, and so on. This is one of the dangers of pursuing the “instant enlightenment” path. As long as the mind is not purified of its innate tendency to jump from thought to thought like a monkey from branch to branch, you likely will leave the mystical experience, dropping out of it to follow the next whim of the mind.

      Because the mind tends to attach itself to the next object that arises, it cannot without training stay focused on the subject, consciousness. The mind will go after tangible or experiential objects (wealth, power, sex, fame, and so forth), because the subject, although the giver of infinite ecstasy, is intangible. This means that the untrained mind will abandon the mystical experience, even though this is the opposite of what must happen. You need to stay in this state with your eyes wide open, your hair standing on end, and your brain on fire for at least several hours. Some texts hint at a minimum of three hours. Buddha sustained his mystical experience for a whole night; it was more than a decade before Ramana Maharshi could speak and act conventionally after his experience.

      Understanding Samadhi through Indian Spirituality

      The eternal state of infinite consciousness and deepest level of reality is called Brahman. The Brahman has two poles, Shiva and Shakti. Shiva, which we may call the male pole, is pure consciousness. Shiva stays forever uninvolved, witnessing the world from Mount Meru (Kailasha), not unlike a distant father who watches with bewilderment his wife running a household consisting of six kids, two cats, and a dog. Mount Meru is represented in the microcosm of the individual as the crown chakra. On an individual level, Shiva represents consciousness, which looks down from the crown chakra (the Mount Meru of the individual), witnessing and being aware of thought and action. We cannot reduce Lord Shiva to this metaphorical meaning, however. He is all that we can imagine him to be, all that we cannot imagine, and both together; he is also none of these and all of what is beyond.

      Lord Shiva’s consort, the goddess Shakti, has a different temperament. She creates, sustains, and reabsorbs the entire creation through her various movements. The movement of creation is her descent from consciousness into matter, a movement that is called evolution. She descends from consciousness (her union with Shiva) into intelligence (buddhi), which is represented in the body as the ajna chakra (third eye). From there she descends into the space/ether element, which is located in the throat chakra (vishuddha). From here she crystallizes through air, fire, water, and earth, which manifest in the microcosm of the individual as the heart (anahata), navel (manipuraka), lower abdomen (svadhishthana), and base (muladhara) chakras, respectively.

      When she dissolves and reabsorbs creation, Shakti is called Kundalini, and her ascent is called involution. The yogi lets Kundalini rise to the crown chakra, where the original unity of Shiva and Shakti is experienced, yielding the ecstatic state of samadhi.

      When the goddess descends she leaves a particular trail, along which we can follow her back home. She does this by using the essence (tanmatra) of the previous chakra to create the next lower one. By taking this essence and reabsorbing it into the higher one, we lift Shakti up from chakra to chakra. This process is referred to in the scriptures as bhuta shuddhi (elemental purification). It can be performed in two ways, either in meditation or in samadhi.

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