Automation of Water Resource Recovery Facilities. Water Environment Federation

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Automation of Water Resource Recovery Facilities - Water Environment Federation

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id="ulink_0954a617-a5de-5883-a9f7-f45efe02db64">4.1.1 Object-Based Schematics

      Object-oriented software automatically reports conflicting flow, unconnected lines, or other inconsistencies. It can also check for valid data input and inconsistencies between P&IDs based on an engineer’s or user’s standards or project specifications.

      The software is modular and has an extensive symbol library based on ANSI standards. As a user develops the P&ID, each symbol automatically inherits data from related components. For example, if the design engineer changes the size of a process line, the valves and other components on the line are automatically resized to match. It also generates detailed process-line, valve, instrument, and equipment lists automatically, improving accuracy and dramatically shortening overall design time.

      The software can connect with external ODBC-compliant data sources, so frontend process design information and other valuable data are accessible as PFDs and P&IDs are being created.

      The software can import and directly edit .dwg files (e.g., Microstation and Auto-CAD files). It also can use block and cell libraries from other CAD programs and use them to create new drawings.

      The software’s standard symbol libraries reduce the time needed to create new symbols. Its symbol placement tools help users lay out diagrams faster.

      Drawing-review and auto-zoom features enable users to quickly locate specific components or lines anywhere in the entire set of project drawings.

      Software features for placing and manipulating components enable users to draw and edit P&IDs more rapidly. For example, the software automatically repairs line breaks when in-line components are moved or deleted. Component grouping enhances placement of commonly used components and provides more global control of symbol attributes. A group of components can be defined for various business or project purposes. For example, in the drawing, instrument engineers might want to give instrument lines and symbols a group name for a specific use (i.e., “odor control group”). In this instance, the group name exists only in the drawing for notational purposes and does not have anything to do with the tagging functionality and its stored values. The software’s predefined grouping collections of components or assemblies provide the user the ability to assign logical collections of components for convenient group manipulations.

      An intelligent P&ID software program eliminates the tedious task of making related lists (e.g., line lists, equipment lists, instrument lists, I/O lists, panel lists, and so on) because it automatically generates them as the P&ID is drawn. The lists can be formatted and printed in any OBDC-compliant spreadsheet or database program, such as Microsoft Access. Users can create custom lists by selecting and highlighting components of the software’s master list of piping lines, valves, instruments, instrument loops, and equipment in the P&ID.

      Documenting a design’s complete history in a comprehensive log or journal enables users or project managers to understand the need for various design changes. The log or journal tracks each change, including what changed, when (date and time), who made it, and why. For example, changes to P&ID drawings can also be tracked as “revision 0”, “revision 1”, and so on, highlighting changes made for each drawing revision during the design and implementation process.

      During construction, intelligent P&ID software can track which components have been purchased, ordered, delivered, installed, and tested. It also can highlight the construction status of P&ID components as reflected by project-scheduling software. After startup, intelligent P&ID software can highlight equipment to be serviced according to the maintenance tracking software. The software can also enable WRRF personnel to optimize the use of existing assets while vastly improving access to and use of critical facility information.

      Essentially, intelligent P&ID software can order or group information in any logical sequence for various uses. It can be linked to project schedule and procurement databases and spreadsheets, facility models, and other data via a standard ODBC interface.

      Nonprocess systems are also included in facility automation design using the same techniques developed for facility treatment processes. One such example is WRRF heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) control systems. These systems, which have become more complex, are essential to many facility operations. Digester heating, for example, may require hot water for heat exchangers. Facility electrical and control rooms need a climate-controlled environment. Boilers fueled by digester gas that use natural gas or other fuels as backup need an HVAC system that coordinates well with the digester gas-handling system. Because such HVAC control systems use the same instruments, PLCs, DCSs, communication systems, and control panels as the treatment process I&C system, consulting engineers have begun using the same design tools for both systems.

      Using P&IDs for all control systems, regardless of application, simplifies overall WRRF design. With the exception of system-specific requirements, design engineers can typically use the same specifications for both systems. As such, fewer types of hardware and software are needed. In addition, project documentation is easier to review and maintain (Gillman, 2010).

      Gillman, G. F. (2010) Boiler Control System Engineering, 2nd ed.; (2010) International Society for Measurement and Control: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

      Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (1983) Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control/Shared Display Instrumentation, Logic and Computer Systems, ISA-5.3-1983; Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

      International Society of Automation (1992) Instrumentation Symbols and Identification; ISA-5.1-1984 (R1992); International Society of Automation: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

      Kelm, A. (2002) Using a Project Management Methodology for a Control System Project. Proceedings of the International Society for Measurement and Control Expo 2002; Chicago, Illinois, Oct 21–24; Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

      Knapp, R. (1999) Computer-Based Engineering with Integrated Systems. A New Approach in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering. Proceedings INTERKAMA 1999; Dusseldorf, Germany, Oct 18–23.

      Meier, F. A.; Meier, C. A. (2011) Instrumentation and Control System Documentation, 2nd ed.; International Society of Automation: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

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