Health News and Responsibility. Lesa Hatley Major

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Health News and Responsibility - Lesa Hatley Major Mass Communication and Journalism

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5.2 2009 5 (2) 6.5 2008 3 (2) 3.9 2007 6 (2) 7.8 2006 3 (3) 3.9 2005 1 1.3 2004 1 1.3 2002 3 (2) 3.9 1999 1 1.3 1998 1 1.3 1997 (1) 1.3 Total 77 (45) 100%

      ←45 | 46→←46 | 47→

      Over 77% of published research on thematic and episodic frames in health news has been conducted in the United States with 60 journal articles. Canada was second with five articles (6.5%) and China was third with three articles (3.9%). (See Table 4.3 complete list). Health topics that received attention in Canada include: health policy, heart disease, cancer, mad cow disease and infertility. Published research conducted in China dealt with SARS, Human Papillomavirus and mental health. Only 5% of the research is conducted by two or more countries with four published articles. China was named in two studies with Ghana and South Africa one each.

Country Frequency Percent
Australia 1 1.3
Canada 5 (3) 6.5
China 3 (2) 3.9
Ireland 1 1.3
Netherlands (1) 1.3
New Zealand 1 1.3
Romania (1) 1.3
Singapore (1) 1.3
South Korea (1) 1.3
Sweden (2) 2.6
United States 60 (34) 77.9
Total 77 (45) 100%

      Obesity dominated research investigating thematic and episodic framing in news stories with 15 published articles (19.5%) followed by 12 articles examining health policy (15.6%). Mental health, violence and tobacco follow with five articles a piece (6.5%). (See Table 4.4).

Topic Frequency Percent
Accidents (1) 1.3
ADHD (1) 1.3
Alcohol 3 (1) 3.9
Autism 3 (1) 3.9
Cancer (2) 2.6
Diabetes 2 (1) 2.6
Ebola (1) 1.3
Environmental Health 1 1.3
Heart Disease 1 (1) 1.3
Health Policy 12 (9) 15.6
Health Reporting 1 1.3
HIV /AIDS 1 1.3
HPV (1) 1.3
Infertility 1 1.3
Influenza (1) 1.3

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