Psychosocial Care for People with Diabetes. Deborah Young-Hyman

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Psychosocial Care for People with Diabetes - Deborah Young-Hyman

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14. Special Issues in Children and Adolescents

       Tim Wysocki, PhD Barbara J. Anderson, PhD

       15. Lifespan Development Issues for Adults

       Paula M. Trief, PhD

       16. Diabetes-Related Functional Impairment and Disability

       Felicia Hill-Briggs, PhD

       List of Contributors

      We would like to thank several people involved in the planning and development of this work who are not named authors. These include current and former American Diabetes Association (ADA) officers and staff, particularly Nathaniel Clark, as well as those behind the scenes who supported revisions to the ADA standards of care to include psychosocial issues and those at the ADA who facilitated the approval and financing of this volume. We also want to acknowledge several behavioral diabetes experts who contributed to this effort, including Robert Anderson, William Polonsky, and Paul Ciechanowski.

      We would be remiss in not giving special thanks to Barbara Anderson and Richard Rubin for their tireless and longstanding leadership in the field of behavioral diabetes research and treatment, including editing a key publication in this arena (Anderson 2002). Finally, we offer our sincerest thanks to our editor at ADA, Victor Van Beuren. Without his assistance, encouragement, and support, this volume would never have seen the light of day.

      Mark Peyrot

      Deborah Young-Hyman

      September 1, 2012


      Anderson BJ, Rubin RR: Practical Psychology for Diabetes Clinicians: How to Deal With the Key Behavioral Issues Faced by Patients and Health Care Teams. 2nd ed. Alexandria, VA, American Diabetes Association, 2002

      It is well recognized that diabetes is a chronic illness managed in a collaborative fashion between health care providers, patients, and patients’ families; that diabetes and routine diabetes care affect virtually all aspects of the patient’s daily life (including his or her emotional life); and that life events, in turn, influence his or her ability to manage diabetes. Diabetes does not have psychosocial issues; at a fundamental level diabetes is a psychosocial issue, or rather a set of psychosocial issues. Medical management of diabetes is inextricably intertwined with these psychosocial issues, and it can be daunting for the clinician to undertake responsibility for addressing them simultaneously. Yet addressing both sets of issues is imperative if either is to be addressed successfully. Psychosocial issues range widely, including such disparate elements as management of depression and other psychological disorders or conditions; how to work effectively with low literacy patients; helping patients develop effective, long-lasting self-management plans by considering patients’ priorities, goals, resources, attitudes, and knowledge about diabetes; and how disease management fits into a patient’s or family’s lifestyle.

      To date there has been little in the way of guidelines to help clinicians address critical psychosocial issues. Although psychosocial issues are included in the American Diabetes Association’s annually published Clinical Practice Recommendations, they are only briefly mentioned, primarily in terms of their association with medical management. Evaluations are recommended and clinicians are advised to refer their patients to behavioral specialists “as indicated.” However, outcomes of diabetes care include patient psychosocial well-being, not just medical outcomes, and the interrelationship between the two makes a resource book essential.

      The body of literature on diabetes-related psychosocial issues has become quite substantial. Studies have documented the relationship between diabetes outcomes and psychosocial factors. A multifactorial approach suggests that these relationships are dynamic and reciprocal. Psychosocial Care for People with Diabetes presents recommendations for dealing with psychosocial factors as a part of routine care as well as assessment and referral for diabetes-specific psychosocial problems requiring the intervention of specialists. This volume addresses the major psychosocial issues facing the clinician and patient in the context of living with and managing diabetes, including factors such as the life stage of the patient, socio-cultural context and resources (technical, financial, and interpersonal), the patient-provider relationship, and responsibility for implementing diabetes self-management as well as behavior change strategies. Chapters address the specifics of and the interface between components of treatment (such as insulin pump use, continuous glucose monitoring, medical nutrition therapy, and physical activity), patient and provider adherence to recommended care, age-specific life-course issues, psychological adjustment to and sequelae of illness, as well as special population needs. Critical periods for psychological risk are addressed, as well as issue-specific recommendations for assessment and treatment. Clinical recommendations are based on published literature and expert opinion.

      This volume is organized into four main sections: Behavioral Health, Self-Management, Implementation of Treatment Technology, and Life Course Issues. While there are many connections and overlaps among the topics covered in these sections, it was necessary to impose a somewhat artificial division of the material into separate sections and chapters. Behavioral Health, covering conditions that are thought of as being the special purview of behavioral specialists, may be a major reason for clinicians to seek guidance from this volume. Similarly, while behaviors through which patients self-manage their diabetes are the essential component of diabetes management, it is generally accepted that behavioral specialists have an important role to play in assisting clinicians deal with issues of behavior change and maintenance; thus, a section on Self-Management is included. There is a separate section on Implementation of Treatment Technology, as the focus shifts to considering the role of behavioral and psychosocial factors in the use of technologic aids in diabetes care. Finally, the last section, Life Course Issues, returns to consideration of fundamental life processes in which diabetes and its care are embedded.

      Chapters in the section on Behavioral Health include the conditions of depression (Chapter 1) and disordered eating behavior (Chapter 2), which can be considered psychological disorders. Compared to healthy populations, patients with diabetes have been shown to have higher prevalence of these conditions, at both subclinical and diagnostic levels. These symptoms, conditions, or diagnoses (depending on severity) illustrate the interaction between patient adjustment to illness and underlying physiologic processes of the disease(s). Recent research has begun to establish reciprocal relationships between the onset of these disorders and diabetes (see Chapter 1 on depression and Chapter 2 on disordered eating behavior). Thus, attention to the presence of depression and disordered eating behavior is essential to the successful management of the disease. While hypoglycemia is not a purely behavioral health issue, Chapter 3 demonstrates that its occurrence, course, and consequences are inextricably linked to behavior. Severe hypoglycemia and glucose toxicity (hyperglycemia) have been associated with cognitive function in individuals with diabetes

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