Geography of Rebels Trilogy. Maria Gabriela Llansol

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Geography of Rebels Trilogy - Maria Gabriela Llansol

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de Peñalosa did not know what awaited her. The text had just been completed and had fallen at the feet of Saint John of the Cross. A drift of pigs advanced into the clearing, the bodies of the naked young women had taken on a precise luminosity. Where there was no longer any need for speech, Nietzsche agonized. Moved, Ana de Peñalosa touched a pig brought him home

      to the place where she had slept

      if she could be rhythm

      she would leave home,

      with the house,


      Tonight, the pig ate F. Nietzsche, contradicting “pearls should not be cast before swine.”

      When he understood it was time to return, he raised his snout from Ana de Peñalosa’s lap,

      over which he meditated

      and asked

      where to?

      Nietzsche leaned over the river that ran incessantly with a vibrant appearance.

      THERE, she answered him. If you dare.

      where? repeated Nietzsche

      acquainted with rivers, shadows, choirs, texts, courtyards, names, the geographical and genealogical particularities inhabiting Ana de Peñalosa’s house

      THERE, repeated the writing that had been imprinted on the water with the back of a horse,

      the paws of a bear,

      large scales,

      the smell of a pig,

      and a delicious beating of oars

      She moved all the books, notebooks, and papers to the right. She had never felt so quietly alone, it was strange that that strange Ana de Peñalosa had the monk Eckhart — the Pig — in her room. Not a compilation of the Sermons

       Quasi stella matutina in medio

       nebulae et quasi luna plena in

       diebus suis lucet et quasi sol

       refulgens, sic iste refulsit

      not the Book of Consolation,

      nor the Treatises,

      but bear, woman, blood, rose

      if I concentrate on a fragment of time

      not today, or tomorrow

      but if I concentrate on a fragment of time,


      that fragment will reveal all time.

      Place 23 —

      This was how Ana de Peñalosa read this writing and she could only see it through lace, viscera of her body; she had awoken at dawn; at that dawn’s first light she had had the following dream:

       it was dawn, I left an immense unknown place with Sister Inés and

       a very young daughter of mine, dressed in black (her face also hidden by a veil covered with precious stones. The two of us will lead the girl to a place) Sister Inés wept and said: This world is ending.

       I tried to console her, saying certainly a new world is beginning.

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